Friday, March 13, 2009

{where, oh where, can my little stash be}

~Back To the Land of the Living~
I'm finally out from under the covers, and MOUNDS of tissues! And I emphasize MOUNDS....that threatened to bury me alive! :) I don't usually get sick when the rest of my family does, but this year it has hit me twice. I'm still having some congestion, but overall am feeling MUCH better! Thanks for all the sweet and uplifting "Get Well Wishes," that each of you left on my last post! They certainly brightened my day!

Since I haven't had a chance to prepare a post, I decided to venture back into my archives and share my Easter decor from last year. {Okay I fibbed, kind of, I went back to RMS and pulled them up!} Unfortunately, for the life of me, I can NOT find my "stuff." I searched in vain before I became sick and have racked my brain trying to recall where I could have stashed it! Oh me, I just refuse to buy more, but I really would love to find what I had! It was also interesting to see how much my general decor and house has changed since the remodel...

The green rabbit, above, came from Big Lots, years ago. He had "a matching friend," but that rabbit had an accident and lost one of his ears. I still have the ear and I still have the other rabbit to the set, but can never seem to "find" them at the same time, 7-8 years later, only one is displayable!
....and I wonder why I can't find the rest of my stash! {LOL!}
The vintage looking plate came from JoAnn's Fabrics last year.
I saved the arrangement above, {it's in the MIA stash}, but sadly, I broke the bowl before Christmas. My hope of Easter decor is looking dimmer by the moment, huh? {LOL!}
Below, was the vignette on the foyer table...{before the marble tile was replaced and moldings were updated during the Fall remodel.}

I LOVE the silver tray, below! It was a yard sale find and has such sweet and intricate designs.
The napkin is monogramed and the nest was found at Tuesday Mornings.
The gold metal basket was a flea market score, filled with metallic gold and green eggs.
{Excuse the glare, my photography skills have fortunately grown over the last year, too! :) }

"Where, oh where is my stash???"

The fish is no longer on the coffee table, but the fern is, awaiting these cute little rabbit picks from Pier One.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
I'll be the one covered in dust and webs, searching.....
~Rhonda :)


Four Paws and Co said...

Welcome back to the living! The pictures are wonderful, and good luck with your search! (You have my sympathies cuz I'm frequently looking for that special place that seemed so perfect when I put something away.) ☺

Darlene said...

I am so glad you are feeling much better! All your Easter things are so cute! I hope you can remember where you stashed it all!

Bo said...

Hi Rhonda...I have lost some of my stash of things's sort of like the washer swallowing socks, isn't it...LOL...I love all of the goodies you've shown...and I have the same fish bowl you do in the last photo...aren't we clever! Haha
So glad you are feeling better... a lot of people are down right now with something... ;-) Bo

imjacobsmom said...

OmGosh you had me LOL, this is so me - I can't find where I stash a thing. I actually found a bunny I was looking for last Easter when I was looking for my Christmas stuff. I actually set up an e-mail reminder for this March 1st so I would know to go back and look. Right now, I am digging for chocolate. Target, here I come! Glad to hear that your back on your feet! ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

Now listen here young lady! You are just getting over being sick and still congested! No spider webs and dust for you!!!!lol I'm always trying to organize and sometimes I get to the point where I can't find anything either! I have an awful habit of going into cleaning frenzy and donating stuff only to forget I did and then spend endless hours looking!lol Try thinking about it before you go to bed and maybe it will come to you in a dream???lol Until then enjoy your past pics! I did!!! Take care - Sincerely, Jeannette

Susan @ The Good Life! said...

I love the green rabbit! Find you stash, please!!!! Can't wait to see it!

Susan said...

Yours stash is not lost, just misplaced.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Rhonda, I am glad you are feeling better! Love your past Easter decor! I'm sure you'll find it! Say a little pray before you start looking...that's what I do and most of the time it helps...but not ALL the;) Blessings, Nancy

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Glad you are back.
Tuesday hubby got down my Easter decorations...and I put everything out...but where was my tea set? Me: You know, the one we bought at Cracker Barrel. Him: Well, where did you put it? Me: You better not have thrown it out. I have looked everywhere. Him: I didn't touch it...I don't even know what it is! Me: Well, I guess it is gone....(insert whining here) Me later: Oh, I found it! Him: Uh huh, see, told you!
You WILL find it eventually. Maybe not in time for Easter...but eventually!!

Tootsie said...

glad you are feeling better....I have my "stash" but have lost the URGE to arrange it this weekend! lol
by the time I get the urge back it should be my turn for a bad cold or something! lol

Kitty Scraps said...

Hello Miz Rhonda,
I'm so happy you're feeling better! My family has it rough this time of year as things are in bloom that bother them, me, not so much! I'm blessed! I can't find my Easter stuff either! Haven't found it in several years truth be known but we'll just keep it our little secret and I'll admire your Easter pictures instead! *smiles*

Picket said...

Hey glad to hear you are feeling better....loved seeing the Easter Stuff even if it was from last year! lol Girl I am constantly hiding stuff from myself..seems like the older I get the worse I get...I put something away telling myself ...ok..I'll remember it being in here...and for the life of me I can't find it...I know the shed has swallowed it up! lol Good luck with finding your 'stash' and have a great weekend sweetie!

onlymehere said...

I'm just glad that your up and about again! Seems everyone I know is disappearing from blogland and it's getting a might lonely! Don't worry about your stash, it'll turn Halloween! At least that's how it works for me. Have a great weekend! Cindy

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

So glad you're feeling better. Last year's Easter decor looks so pretty. Hope you can find it. Looking for something is so frustrating. laurie

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! I'm so glad your feeling better and found your way outta the mounds of tissues!! :)
Oh, no, lost your Easter goodies? Well, that's reason enough to go and buy some more - most things are on sale now! Thanks for sharing all your Easterness from RMS!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Vee said...

It was fun to look back with you. I do hope that you find your treasures! You have so many!

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back, Rhonda! I love your Easter decor! Beautiful!

SmilingSally said...

Ah well, at least you found your stash of pictures!

onlymehere said...

I think I forgot to say thank you for enlightening me on the symbolism of the candles. That's a beautiful way of starting a new life/marriage. I appreciate the input!

Nance said...

Hi Rhonda!
Glad to hear you're feeling much better! I'm with you about finding stash, me and hubby both love to collect so i'll keep something in a safe place, so safe that it's hard to find it back ... ;)

i wish i have your knack of making something look so elegant!

Alisa Lucas-Brown said...

Hi Rhonda!
Glad to hear and see that you are feeling better! Loved the cartoon you posted while you were "under teh weather". Isn't it amazing how our families are so disrupted when Mom gets sick? I loved all the little touches of Spring you've added to your home. I've been getting ready for spring all week. Almost done! Yeah me! I'm ready for warmer days. I too am looking for a stash of spring decor. I'm sure my husband has put it somewhere like the attic which he knows I never do up to because I HATE SPIDERS! Good luck finding your stash! :-)

Margie said...

You have some sweet Easter decorations! I do the same thing you've done, in putting things away, I lose them, until the season is past, THEN I find them, a bit too late!

I'm glad you're feeling better, we had it this year too!

Have a lovely weekend, and I hope you find your stuff!


Hi Rhinda,
So glad that you are feeling better and I sure hope you find your "stash"...looks like some great Spring/Easter treasures.

nikkicrumpet said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better! I'm laughing that you can't find your on earth do you lose so much great stuff? How big is that house of yours??? I hope you find it does really look pretty and festive!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rhonda... welcome back to blogland... you were truly missed! I Love your Easter treasures and am sorry you cannot find them to enjoy this year... That happens in our house more times than I care to admit to... years 'n years can go by before we "find", aka "stumble", upon a missing item... LOL

I do hope that each day finds you getting stronger and feeling much better...
God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


Monogram Queen said...

Hub is the one who located a bit of St' Pat's and put it out and he probably knows where the Easter is too! Good luck on your endeavor!
I saw some precious stuff at Marshall's but refrained because I know i've got plenty. Somewhere....

Michelle said...

so glad you are feeling better!

Love your Easter decor!

Tardevil said...

Cute decor!

Unknown said...

All so cute - I do hope you find it!

Have been sick here too. I am mostly better, hubby is getting there, and my son is now 100%. Yucky stuff going around!