Add a few curls and put lipstick on the bus driver above, and call him...ME!
Ashley's school has been involved in end-of-season Basketball Tournament since Tuesday.
{Do you ever feel like you meet yourself coming...or is it going? lol!}
Anyhow, Ashley has been cheering, and over the last four days, I have seen a lot more of the yellow lines on the road, than on the basketball court! I am officially, THE RIDE, since so many of the parents work outside of the home. But I am thankful to be able to "cart the girls around," and enjoy being a small part of their little world! Oh, the stuff I hear! lol! I can {legally} carry seven in the Suburban, including myself, ....sure hope there isn't a weight limit! Those girls and their STUFF! {lol!}
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I haven't had a chance to get around and visit everyone in blogland, but I'm coming....I promise! {"smiles"}
"My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever."
~Psalms 73:26
Sounds so busy!! My son is just starting baseball and I found out today that he will games almost every Wed and Sat into June plus a practice every Thursday! At least the fields are really close and the sun should be shining most of the time. :)
Be VERY careful! This phase of your life prepares you for the Relief From Driving Phase which is right next to they-never-call;-they-never-write Phase. These are Dangerous Times.
Now this brings back memories. Kim cheered in jr high school and high school,until she became a senior and decided to "retire". Terrie played basketball.
Have fun and safe traveling.
Sometimes I feel like the bus even with the grand-children. But, it's a joy to be needed and a part of their lives.
Hi Rhonda...these are the days of memory making...I know you are loving every tiring minute! ;-) Bo
You're such a good mother. I know they must adore you.
I've been so busy at work that I haven't been able to visit much, but I have missed you.
You are a good mom! I'm sure the girls appreciate your efforts as do the partents of the girls. Ashley is bless with a very caring mother! I hope you get a little respit soon. ☺
take care,
Good Morning Miz Rhonda,
I'm certain those other parents must think you a Godsend for being their "bus" driver. I can just imagine what sorts of silliness you get to overhear from 6 teenaged girls *smiles*
Morning, Sweetest! Oh, now you keep all you're hearing in a little brain folder and blog about it!! This would be a hoot to hear what teenaged gals are saying today, especially since my baby girl is 34 years old!! lol
Be a sweetie and I'm sure you're an excellent driver!! Just like in 'Rain Man'. lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
How wonderful that you are able to get them to their games, and probably really fun too. At almost 10 it is quite amusing to listen to my daughter and her friends....I can only imagine when she becomes a teen...♥
Hi Rhonda... You must have nerves of steel to drive all of those energetic, talkative teens around... LOL ... I know that you love doing it, though, and the bonus is that you get to know where Ashley is, and who she's with! A Blessing!
Just LOVED seeing her Homecoming photos! Her dress was stunning... and she 'n Josh looked fantastic! How quickly they grow up, though ~sigh~ ... I'll be praying for safety in all of the travelling y'all are doing...
God bless...
~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~
I love being the driver too bz you do hear things that you wouldn't hear otherwise! The girls make me laugh. Now that Kellianne has her lisence I'll be missing out on more and more of that. Hang in there....summer's coming!!
I love being the driver too bz you do hear things that you wouldn't hear otherwise! The girls make me laugh. Now that Kellianne has her lisence I'll be missing out on more and more of that. Hang in there....summer's coming!!
I almost forgot. Yes, we went dress shopping yesterday with Jill and her mom to Salt Lake. She thinks she found the one. Sadly Kaje' got sick and we missed the last shop and of course that's where she found the dress, but she showed me it on the internet. Her mom wants her to wait two weeks and then we'll go back and if she still totally loves it they're going to buy it! I'm so glad that Jill asked us to go with her. Brianna had to work and so she missed this trip. I won't be posting any pictures until after their big day though bz I don't want anyone to see her in it until she's my DIL legally!! I wouldn't spoil it for her since some family reads my blog too.
These are such important times and fun times where memories are made. I LOVED being the driver to learn all I could and be involved! LOL
They sure make you laugh!I am glad to see you back and enjoyed the scripture.
SO glad to see you're back! I kept checking, but nothing. Now I come back to two posts! LOL! Glad you see you, Rhonda! :-)
It's a lot of work...but it's so great that you can be the mom that is available! I'm sure Ashley appreciates it and loves having her mom there for her and her friends!
Hey Rhonda! How have you been? Love the new look on your blog! Sorry I haven't visited you in the past couple of months, I was in Brazil and I just got back to the US. Hope you're doing just great! Have a nice week! Hugs, Vanessa
I hear that!!!! I have been up, showered and at a hockey rink with two little girls and a hockey playing boy two days in a row for 7AM!!!!
it is bad when you are waiting for a school night so you can sleep in until 7:15!!!
that was me with the meme....I don't know where it went! It disappeared the other day and I don't know why...maybe I hit the wrong button!
Oh, I can just imagine what you hear! I remember when, as the driver, somewhere during the trip, I became invisible, and teens said things in front of me that I'm sure they would never have said had they remembered I was listening! Enjoy it while you can. They are grown and gone before we know it. laurie
Morning Scooter!!!! Girl I have missed visiting you...it is so good to have the computer back alive again! lol
Wow I have missed so much...Girl I hope you keep blogging...I know exactly what you mean...my family is always my world and I have a busy life everyday (good thing I don't have a job..I wouldn't have time to work! lol) I just don't have the time nor do I care to blog everyday...but I do love the fact that it is MY blog and I can share when I want to plus stay in touch with so many wonderful friends just like you!
Ashley & Josh were beautiful in those pics (oh sorry Josh...Handsome!) They do grow up so fast girl...we go thru some trying times with our kids..but in the end we turn around and there stands these beautiful...amazing grown men & women that make us so proud to stand up and scream in a crowd...."YEP! That's my baby!!!!" lol Have a great week sweetie...live Scooter...just live in all His glory & fullness...you have always been a light to me.
Hi Rhonda,
Sounds like fun to me! Nothing is more energizing than being with a group of teenagers. Enjoy this stage of your life!
I am still laughing at the "add curls and lipstick" !!!
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