Tuesday, February 17, 2009

{So, Where Do I Go From Here?}

After a "life-imposed" blogging break, I have been forced to reevaluate blogging, and what it means to me. And most importantly, do I want to continue?

Where have I been? My break began with a four day stay in bed with a headcold/virus. It has been years since anything has gotten me down in such a way. Then, it was catch up on laundry and household chores. Shortly after, Kevin's computer at work crashed! Our home laptop traveled to work with him each day until he purchased a new one and was able to reload his files and programs. ...and, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

During my break, I have thought long and hard as to what I want from my blog. ...what do I desire to achieve? In retrospect, my initial mistake may have been the lack of a theme for my blog when I began. Almost ONE year later, I still don't know what that theme is. ...so much for reflection! {smiles} I find it difficult to host a blog representative of a single purpose or theme. {FOCUS, not one of my strong suits!} Which prevents me from fitting into any one group. Leaving me to wonder, just where do I fit in? Would I love to be one of the wonderful blogs that has huge followings, offering a vast wealth of knowledge, ...on anything? ...certainly, in my dreams! {Who wouldn't want to be that popular! smiles!} But I know that will never happen. I am just not that good a decorator, or that witty a writer, or profoundly intelligent and interesting. That's okay, right now I am thankful for those that do read my blog and share my life. After this post, there may be considerable less! {LOL}

Life in our home can be quite hectic at times, which leads me to the constraints of time required for successful blogging. Let's face it, my family would much rather have clean clothes put away in their rooms, and meals on the table in a timely fashion, than read my posts and see countless pictures, that at times have prevented me from fulfilling my responsibilities. Trying to keep up with blogging, on top of everything else was becoming stressful and more of a burden than outlet. Sometimes I do, ...but more often than not, have enough time to keep up with theme days, and stage and download countless pictures, although these are fun events and great avenues to meeting other bloggers. I have the utmost respect for bloggers who can successfully juggle a great blog and life. I unfortunately fall short.

So, I have decided for the time being to continue blogging, but to "return to my roots." The "roots" of what my blog was intended to be in the beginning, a record of my family and my life. I suppose that will have to be "theme enough." I have been very blessed to be able to stay at home with my children as a homemaker. I want my blog to be a fun and reflective avenue for recording memories of our ordinary everyday life. After all, I won't always be this young and remember all those sweet, {and not so sweet} moments of our daily lives! {smiles!}

Thanks for allowing me to ramble! I feel like breaking out it song.....
"I can see clearly now, the rain has gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way,
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind,
It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)Sun-Shiny day. ,..."
~Clarity, it's a good thing! :)


onlymehere said...

I, for one, am glad that you chose to continue blogging. My blog doesn't have a theme either, it's just a bit of this and that. Sometimes I blog about my life, other times it's a record of the quilts I've done so that I can go back when I redo a pattern and look at the pictures of what I've done and maybe do something a little differently. In the beginnning I was disappointed in how few people actually read my blog but now it doesn't bother me bz my blog is just that, "my" blog. I' grateful for the blogging friends I have made but I don't often join in on the theme days bz like you, there is a time constraint. I look at blogs on my break at work or while waiting for files to download (on the other computer) so maybe I have more time to look than I think. After work I'm only on maybe half an hour a day and that's if I'm writing a blog. Sometimes at night I log on bz the nights get really long when your husband goes to bed at 5:00 p.m. and the kids are busy, LOL! Do what you feel is best but do it for YOU and no one else! If you one day choose not to blog I'll miss you bz I feel a connection to you somehow. Take care and most of all take care of yourself and what/who matters most to you! Cindy
P.S. Sorry it was so long but that's me I guess.

onlymehere said...

How embarrassing....make that "I'm" not "I'"!

Gigi said...

I think you have great clarity, as you know what's important to you. Hope you're feeling much better!

Anonymous said...

You know
I Love you ♥


Susan said...

I hear you!! Please keep your Wednesday posts about the Lord and your faith.

Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Miz Rhonda,
I am so sorry to hear that you were in sick and in hospital but thankful that you've recovered! And I struggle with the same issues you have just shared. I thought I was alone in this but your post has shown me that I'm not alone in struggling with my blog. You've given me a lot to reflect upon with my own blogging experience. I do hope you keep blogging but most importantly I hope you blog at a rate that is comfortable and natural for you. Thank you for being so honest and open about your struggles, like I said you've given me a lot to think about.
Bloggy Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! I've missed you and sorry to hear you've been sick. Oh, Dear One, I like your attitude! Blogging can be fun, but don't let it get you stressed out! You don't need a theme - you blog for you - your family and your interests. That's what makes your blog you! I'll bet you've been reading some of the gals who've been to that Bliss thing. They were telling about rules for bloggin. Well, those rules don't fit me. I'm just who I am and will post randomly about what I love.
I'm so glad you're not going to quit blogging. I've enjoyed getting to know you and your family and see what your precious children are up to! Just keep being you, Rhonda, and we'll all be happy!
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

SmilingSally said...

Ah, but you DO have a theme--you and your family! :-)

Bo said...

Hi Rhonda...Oh my, I'm sorry you've been so sick & I hope this means you are feeling better now. I didn't know that blogs were supposed to be anything other than what a person wanted to say or do...so I'm failing miserably if there are RULES!! Phooey on that!
I'm happy you are going to blog whenever & about whatever you choose...and I hope you don't mind if I keep peeking in for a visit!
Blessings, ;-) Bo

Darlene said...

Morning Rhonda,

I am glad you are feeling better and are going to continue to blog. I just enjoy blogging so much and meeting new "friends" that I think I would be lost without it. My blog is so random....just whatever is happening at that time. Thrifting finds, my daughter, my critters....just whatever. Anyway, I too feel that I blog about my everyday life and I LOVE it. I hope you continue to enjoy it.♥

Beth at Aunties said...


I have really missed you and I am soo sorry you have had the winter gunk so bad. Bless your heart...I wish I could have brought you some Homemade Chicken soup!
I so hear what your heart and mind is saying. I would never have had any time to blog while my children were being raised.
My sweet daughter got me started... then she closed her blog.
She writes a beautiful family journal of their life. It is closed to the public. Yet she is soo talented and I for one wanted to share what she was creating, so she once again is out in this blogging arena sharing her talents and her little unknown blog except to her friends and family who enjoy her projects. http://homesweethideaway.blogspot.com/

Her journal stays private. She doesn't feel the need to be a quote, "A Blog Slave" anymore. She posts when she WANTS and has the time to. She blogs now with clarity and still cares for her family of four little ones with the youngest 12 months.

Anything we hear from you, WHEN EVER will be beautiful music!
Please take take of what matters the most!
Love and understanding!

Unknown said...

Rhonda - I am so glad that you are OK! I was worried about you!

Sounds like you have made some good decisions. Don't let the blogging take over your life and be a burden - just do it as you feel led and what is enjoyable for you.

The theme of your blog is YOU and that's what people love about it. Blog about whatever your heart desires! :)

Have a blessed day!

duchess said...

Congrats to you for realizing this. I,too have been going through a transition period. You may/may not have read my post about being blah & I think it had a lot to do with this blogging madness that sometimes takes over our lives. Since I've started homeschooling the children, I just don't have the time to do all of the things necessary to "stay popular" so I've resorted to just going back to what I did when I first started - just putting things in that matter to me & my family and what we enjoy at the time.
Enjoy your Wednesday & I will still check in on you.

Pink Slippers said...

I struggle with the fact that my blog might not be that interesting at times. I love pink, my kids, the Lord and thrift stores. I don't really fit in any group or have a theme. My I continue to share my life and hope it can help someone else smile.

onlymehere said...

Yes, you guessed correctly! She is trying on wedding dresses. We're hoping to go down to Salt Lake this Saturday and see what we can find there. I'm just honored that she asked me to go along! They're hoping to set the date sometime in June but we'll see what life brings. Nicholas has been having a hard time finding a full-time job. He's still working part-time but he desperately needs insurance for his throat. Between that an an injury he sustained several years ago to his shoulder he's having a hard time being employable so he's just working part-time. He's getting very discouraged but we're hoping for the best. They also set their wedding date for then bz they want Travis to be able to go to the temple with them. It's a busy crazy time around here. I have a class next week on a quilt for Jill for the wedding and then the quilting will have to be put away for awhile while I catch up on less exciting things like....deep cleaning, cooking, mowing the yard, etc. LOL! Take care and thanks sooooooo very much for stopping by!

Dawn said...

Hi Rhonda. I know just how you feel. It is hard work trying to keep up with a blog, life and being sick. I've been there several times myself. I, for one, would miss you if you weren't here. I don't come to visit because of a theme you have. You seem like a very down to earth person and I enjoy reading about your life. My blog is a random collection of whatever strikes my fancy LOL!

I'm happy you haven't decided to stop.

take care,

Kim's Treasures said...

Hi Rhonda!!! I'm sooo glad you're back and feeling better! I love your blog, theme or not! Mine doesn't always follow one specific theme and it gets pushed aside for life too! I missed you!


Michelle said...

Wow...did you write this or me...I feel the same way. I was kinda hoping that it was just the February blues. I've had a hard time being creative and finding the time to write to "entertain"

I also started my blog for my family and whats going on with us. I hope I stay true to that too! I love your blog and all of the ones that I read about families...it makes you all "real" to me. I'm gonna hang around with you so be real and true to what you want! Stick with me too cause I can't post to just post and keep readers coming back...maybe my life just isn't that exciting or maybe I just don't have the time...anyway...I'm hanging in there too. My blog makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I think about my family reading it someday!

Thanks for hanging around and just for the record I love the theme and name of your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! I have been wondering where you were!!! I'm so glad you are feeling better!!! It's as if you took the words out of my mind with this post! I have found myself consummed with trying to fit in, keep up and be more interesting as I watched my house fall apart and my rear end get wider from sitting!!!lol (ok chips helped!)Also doing and buying things that I thought would please viewers; BUT I also feel that blogging is becoming a competitive sport; ESPECIALLY with that "FOLLOWERS" gadget! I see all these people who have many many followers and wonder "what am I doing wrong?" then it's I'm quitting and then its "what am I missing" and back to 'I don't have time for this!" Self-imposed stress results and you end up feeling bad! I felt a lot of relief when I started a part-time job and no longer felt the need to get something to post! Now I've decided, too, to spend less time and be selective about who I visit and comment! What I'm saying is I missed you and your posts and it never even occurred to me your "theme"! I hope you continue at your own pace whatever you decide that is BUT you'll always have ME as a visitor!! Best Wishes (and I like your new look!) - Sincerely, Jeannette

artis1111 said...

A few have just stopped bloging and I guess they had their reasons. I like seing what is going on in other peoples lifes. We are all diffrent and each have our own things in our lives. I like to share with my friends what is going on. I feel better when I am eating chicken soup if I am sick. Kathy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda...I am so sorry to hear you have not been well. It's good to see you here and hear you will continue blogging.

The 6th of March, I will begin my
3rd year blogging. I've been happily blogging away without a theme for almost 2 years. I'm thinking about doing a retrospective of the past two years, next month. I began with a picture of our back porch and a few words of welcome. That first post garnered 9
comments. Those were from friends from my MSN decorating group. I plugged along, with posts getting few more than 30 or so comments and some in teens. Last fall, when Blogger named Back Porch Musings a Blog of Note, my followers ramped up. Since then my comment numbers have grown. I haven't changed much of anything since the beginning, in 2007.

My posts have a lot of decorating, but they also include family things and our little trips. Plus other subjects if I'm hit with an idea. I like the mix.

I do two or three of the themed things...Tablescape Thursday, Metamorphosis Monday and I added Gollum's Foodie Friday event, this week. I can do those weekly, if I want to, without getting bogged down. Once in awhile I throw in Pink Saturday or one or two others, but I'm not a regular contributer. I also don't participate every week, in the above mentioned themes.

I try to just let the subject come to me, without it being contrived. The tablescapes are fun and take a little more effort, but it's something I enjoy.

Of course I am a little ol' lady and have time to do a variety of posts. I still need to do the laundry and cook meals, though. And most importantly spend time with J, our kids and g'kids. This is the reason, I rarely post more than three posts per week. Most of the time, it's two.

I come by your blog, no matter what you write about. I sometimes leave a comment and sometimes I am rushing through and read only, but be assured, I've been here.

I believe the key to successful blogging is to not allow it to control your life. I also have said from the beginning, when the Back Porch becomes a "job", I'll back off or quit blogging.

Looking forward to seeing more of you, here in the land of blog!

Amelia said...

Don't stop blogging...just write about what is happening at your home...what you cook, decorating, flowers in the yard...the makeover of the lake place.

As for myself most of the theme day posts I did not find interesting - other than Trash to Treasures...so many of the pictures were just taken from the web and had nothing to do with the writer. If I want to look at blue pictures I can do that on the web.

Just let us (your readers) know what is happening in your world and life.

Justabeachkat said...

Girl, I sooooooooo know what you mean. Not too long ago, I did a post about how blogging was taking up way too much of my time. I started backing off a bit. I still did my post every day, but didn't kill myself trying to visit every single blog I like to read. That has helped. It's hard though. I hope you continue.

I hope you're feeling better. I've been under the weather myself.


(ps...if you get chance stop by my blog tomorrow...I'm tagging you)

Tootsie said...

YOU....are the theme of your blog! I am glad you are still here and feel privelaged to read what you post! I enjoy you and your posts...I would miss you if you left us.
Who cares if your blog is not specific to one topic....as long as YOU are the author it is about you!

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda! I know exactly how you feel because I feel the same way. I had to take a break because I was letting my home go always trying to find something to post. I was neglecting a lot of things and a lot of people. Although I enjoy blogging, I'm really enjoying my family. A lot of stess was involved in trying to visit and post and do the house work and cook and plan time to spend with the grandkids, the dog. Right now I plan to visit when I can and not post for a while. But I really respect the friendships I've made here and I want to stay around. Deb

Vintage Whimsy said...

Hey Rhonda,

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I had that head cold stuff last month and it wiped me out for a full week! I hope you're feeling better now.

You know, sometimes I get into a rut & don't blog for weeks at a time. At first I felt sort of guilty that I wasn't blogging on a regular basis, but then it occurred to me that it was my blog and while I'm happy if anyone reads it, that in the end I was doing this for me. Sure, I like having people read my blog & leave comments and I've really enjoyed getting to know others through their blogs over the last year or so. On the other hand, I wasn't going to let my lack of blogging stress me out. If I get around to blogging once a week, fabulous(!!) but if it doesn't happen, I am not going to sweat it one bit.

And as you can clearly see by my posts on my blog, I have no real theme either. I blog about it all- my thrifty finds, my house, my husband, our travels. I just blog about whatever makes me happy at the moment!

I hope you can find a balance that works for you/your family and that you'll continue to blog when you have time. I really like reading your posts--they remind me of "home" and that's comforting!!

Take care,

Nancy Rosalina said...

Miss Rhonda, You are the theme!!! You don't need any other theme! You are a great blogger and I am glad you are not leaving! Just blog when you feel like and want to...that's what I do..some days I don't even turn on this puter! My family and my life does come first! Blogging is a hobby and only a hobby, not my life!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Miss Rhonda, You are the theme!!! You don't need any other theme! You are a great blogger and I am glad you are not leaving! Just blog when you feel like and want to...that's what I do..some days I don't even turn on this puter! My family and my life does come first! Blogging is a hobby and only a hobby, not my life!

Nancy Rosalina said...

well, I guess it needed to be said twice...lol :)


Hi Rhonda,
I missed you!!Look at how many friends would miss you if you decided to stop blogging. I agree that it takes time and I have to get that under control for myself. I have no theme...do I??? It's just about me and my little life. I enjoy your blog and love seeing what's going on with you.
Glad that you are feeling better. Looking forward to more posts from you when the mood hits you.
Deb :)

tincanlily said...

I find that I visit different blogs for different reasons. That is what I like about blogging. There are some blogs, the very popular ones, that I visit and don't even leave a comment. I was a blog reader, long before I was a blogger. At different times I have wanted to become just a reader again! I think we all can relate to taking a few days away.
I love the new colors!

Alisa Lucas-Brown said...

I want you to know that you are unique. God only made one of you and whether you see it right now or not, your blog is touching and encouraging the lives of other women. I enjoy reading your posts and I do know what you mean. It takes a lot of time. No one said you have to have an entry everyday. Try 3x per week and write about the things that are meaningful to you. If what you write about ministers to you, it will minister to others. What I mean by that is that if you feel like sharing a story or event that is important to you, then somebody out here in blogland will find importance in it as well. My hopes are that you continue and may God bless you and give you just the right things to do and say.

Tardevil said...

I've kind of been in the same rut. A few weeks back, I was seriously considering not blogging any more. I had just so much rather read & see what everyone else has to say. I guess I get in a rut sometimes. So, I've decided to post when I think of things, and the rest of the time, just get inspiration from others!

nikkicrumpet said...

I don't think a blog needs a theme. I return to blogs that make me smile and make me feel welcome...and yours has always done that for me. I know how hard it is to keep up with the whole house, family, husband, job, blog thing. I think what took the pressure off for me was realizing that I don't have to post every day. That 3 or 4 times a week was plenty. And that if I don't make it to everyone's blog every day people will forgive me. When I do finally make it on my day off...I just read back and check out several posts in one visit. It speeds things up for me and I feel less pressured. I'm glad you decided to keep blogging...I would have really missed my visits here.

Kellie said...

I for one am glad that you are going to blog about "everyday" stuff. That is what life is all about!! When we look to see how the Lord works in our lives each day it causes the rest of the "stuff" to not really matter anymore. I love seeing all of your things you have created... and they have inspired me, too... but I am sure that would be hard to "keep up" on a daily basis. Life happens, so why NOT record it? You know that is pretty much what I do always. lol I am glad you are back... glad you are feeling better. I was missing you. :)

Kellie :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I think your theme is your life and family! And that's why I enjoy it, Rhonda. I started out with what I thought would be a theme, and then ended up in other directions. But that's life. LOL! I enjoy your blog and enjoy your offereings whenever you feel like posting.


Sheila :-)

Monogram Queen said...

My blog is all over the place!

Rue said...

"I am just not that good a decorator, or that witty a writer, or profoundly intelligent and interesting. "

Dear Rhonda... THAT IS NOT A DESCRIPTION OF THE WOMAN THAT WRITES THIS BLOG! Snap out of it woman!! You are all those things and more and I come back to visit you because I want to and not because I feel obligated. You are fabulous and a beautiful person :)
