Sunday, April 26, 2009

{life is like a garden}

I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil,
to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon
Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
Jeremiah 29:11-12 NKJV

Life is like a garden. Every day God gives us opportunities to plant seeds for the future. When we plant wisely and trust God completely, the harvest will be bountiful. you live in the present and look to the future, remember that God has an important plan for you. And while you still have time, it's up to you to believe-and act-accordingly.

The horizon leans forward,
offering you space to place new steps of change.
Maya Angelou

~Entire Excerpt Above, Taken From
"hugs, Daily Inspirations for Mom"
(Howard Books)

Thanks to all that have entered for the Blog'aversary Prize Print I am offering. There is still time to enter if you haven't.

Flowers above are more Irises from my Uncle and Aunt's Garden. The third one pictured is my personal favorite. To me, it resembles "live watercolor art." God is the most awesome artist and creator! :)

~Rhonda :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Sunday! Thanks for sharing the Bible verses and the beautiful Iris'-- enjoyed both. We just started some Iris in our garden so will most likely be a couple years before blooms like the beautiful ones pictured! Enjoyed yours though!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! Oh, the irises are just beautiful and I love the verse too!
Please enter me in your giveaway! Hope all is well with you and your little bunch!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Vee said...

Your aunt and uncle have an awesome iris garden. I love irises because the older they get the more beautiful they are. Next year's irises will be more lovely than this and on and on.

Amelia said...

Thanks for sharing...the verses and the beatiful pictures of the iris blossoms.

Have a wonderful week!

Susan said...

What beautiful iris!!!

southerninspiration said...

Those iris are so gorgeous......thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda...
Those Iris are simply Breathtaking... truly one of the loveliest flowers in a garden! This post was so inspiring...
So glad you were able to stop by for a visit... Thanks for your message, and thank you for your birthday wishes for me ~hugs~ I really appreciate it ♥ ...Hopefully things will slow down for you soon... My hello's to your sweet family... Thinking of you...
~hugs 'n prayers~

onlymehere said...

What beautiful flowers and thoughts for this Sunday evening. I so much appreciated your messages. I've had something tumbling around in my head and your post just confirms to my soul that this is the right course to take. Sometimes God answers our prayers in the most unusual manner doesn't he? I think I entered your give-away but I'll go over and enter again just to make sure! Hope life is treating you well dear friend! Cindy

Picket said...

Morning sweet Scooter! What glorious words and flowers!!!!!! You are such a blessing Scooter...always uplifting and always so encouraging,,you are a true 'light' here in blogland dear friend and I just love you to pieces!!!! I hope you have a fantastic week sweetie filled with surprised blessings!~♥~

SmilingSally said...

I love irises; my parents used to grow them, but I cannot as it's too hot here.

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

The irises are gorgeous. Ours have a few buds. It's still a little early here.

Darlene said...

Your irises are just tooooo gorgeous!!! Love those!

Domestic Designer said...

The irises are just gorgeous! The verses are beautiful as well. Thanks for stopping by! Please come back again!


Hi Rhonda,
Great post and beautiful irises!!!
They are one of my favorite flowers...but then I have a few favorites.

Picket said...

Oh you sweet Toot...I have cried all evening and then I read your comment and started just don't realize what a light you are...I love you so Scooter~♥~

Becky said...

Luv your post today Rhonda!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

The iris flowers are gorgeous.