"I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas!"
I've heard that cute, jolly song, quite a few times over the last few days. I remember when it first made a "come-back." Ashley was just a little girl, and her and her dad would sing it at the top of their lungs. Just precious! :) Which made me think of my favorite childhood Christmas songs....
... from The Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas Album....
Each Christmas, my brother and I would pull the worn record from it's cardboard sleeve, and play it non-stop on the record player...or as much as our mother could tolerate it! We'd scream and sing, "ALVIN, ALVIN....ALVIN!!!!," along with the Christmas Song. The repetition of those three annoying voices we loved so well, marked a Christmas Tradition for us!

Now that I am older, with children of my own who have resurrected Alvin and his sidekicks, I can sympathize! :)

Another TRADITION of our family, was to assist a family or buy gifts for children less fortunate each Christmas. My parents were, (still are), very tight with their money. But there was always money in the budget for helping others. My mom would let us shop for the things we would give, taking us along to deliver. And to this day, the tradition carries on with my family. The old saying, "It is better to give than to receive," really applies. Giving to others in need will bless you beyond belief! We learned that GIVING is a gift in and of itself.

The song, "Give Me Your Eyes," by Brandon Heath speaks of this. (On my Playlist....) It is so easy to get caught up in gifts for my family, my children. Making sure I fulfill each item on their list. Making sure that on Christmas morning, they are happy and all their wishes have come true. Wanting it to be a wonderful and magical day for them. ....no disappointments! All the while there are so many children who may get very little or nothing for Christmas. Maybe not even wake up to a warm house, wearing warm clothes, with food for breakfast.
I am thankful to my mom, who made sure that this tradition of helping others, was a foremost important one for us. She made us feel that is was a privilege to help others and became a highlight of our Christmas. And I only hope that I can instill this in my children, that one day my future grandchildren carry on. I know that as they bless others, with just a portion of what God has blessed us with, they will be blessed as well.
I leave you with these Encouraging Words for Wednesday....
"Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter- when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. " Isaiah 58: 7-9
I love your traditions...we also sponsor families and donate to the homeless shelter and the animal shelter...just because we can...and SHOULD!
When I hear the hippo song, i can't get it out of my head. I just can't listen to it anymore...LOL!!
My kids love this song. My daughter sings it all the time.
I love that wreath on the mirror in your header - beautiful.
I've been trying to get more of the spirit this season. This morning was rough. There was a blog that really hit a cord with me and got me feeling sorry for myself. I won't bore you with details but as I went about running errands today (day off) I decided to stop by the Angel Tree and do whatever I could to help there. It really helped me to be able to do for someone else. My kids were raised doing the Mitten Tree at the library where we would hang mittens or gloves on the tree for needy kids or adults every year. We'd each take a pair in a couple of times a season and it is a warm memory for us. I just need to go outside myself to find the true spirit and I'm glad when I came home I saw your post reminding us of what matters most and that even though it wasn't a big thing I did today it is what I could do and that's what matters most. Thanks Rhonda.
My granddaughter loves the song I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. I just ordered a CD that came today with that song on it, as well as the Chipmunk song. I loved that song as a child myself!!!!
I try to give to others less fortunate as well. I used to go to the angel tree at the post office. Now our school sponsers families in need and I give back to those familes.
take care,
Cute post... that's the spirit of the season... btw, thanks for stopping by the house in the roses... so nice meeting you!
Rhonda, there is so much truth to this post! Wonderful post! Nancy
I LOVE that verse Rhonda-Thank you for this wonderful post.
I loved your post. The Chipmunks were part of our Christmas Tradition. I had a great uncle that loved the Chipmunks.
We do try to support families in need as much as we can. We do a lot though our church.
Hugs, Terrie
Hi Rhonda...Thanks for reminding me of those cute songs...I still like them...haha...also, we involve ourselves with several causes, mainly through our church... this year seems more important than ever to do so...
;-) Bo
Hi Rhonda,
I love the chipmunk song! I remember taking Connor to the movie to see it, and I think I enjoyed it as much as he did.
It is important to remember children and families less fortunate.
We have groups that ask for unwrapped toys and a coat for kids project that I really like. I want to get Connor involved this year especially in one or the other by letting him pick out the stuff. We also have an angel tree here in town, you pick a child and buy a few gifts for that child.
And let's don't forget those bell ringers...I always try to remember to drop something in the buckets even if I just did 15 minutes before!
What marvelous traditions, Rhonda, and it's great to see you're continuing with them! This is what puts the real meaning in Christmas.
Sheila :-)
First of all....I love your traditions. Secondly, our Walmart always had an apple tree when our girls were small. The tree was full of plastic apples with childrens names on them. Once you picked the child, you brought the apple home and placed it on your tree and provided gifts for that child. Now we have the Angel Tree at Walmart. We also provide for families thru my job.
Hi Rhonda, I've been listening to Christmas for about a month now. The local radio station we tune into at work has been broadcasting Christmas music 24/7 for the whole month of November So Alvin has been burned into my brain along with Grandma getting run over by a reindeer and Mama getting kissed by Santa Claus you'd think my house would be decorated and my cookies baked and packages wrapped. I haven't done a thing! Jacob and I are however, volunteer bellringers (not paid) for the Salvation Army. My cousin -in-law Bob organizes the whole thing for the SPFD and we collect the money in a fireman's boot! ~ Robyn
My kids and I always bought presents anonymously for a family in our area that needed them. It was funny how that was always their favorite part of the holdidays. I'm hoping they pass that tradition on when they have children. And you are nice...because I would shoot myself in the head if I had to listen to Alvin and the Chipmunks lol
I was laughing about the Chipmunks and wondering how many homes in America had that same Christmas record. I remember that same look on my mother's face as my sister and I played that record and sang along with those annoying Chipmunks.
You are so right about the blessings received when we share with others. Thank you for this posting. laurie
Hi Rhonda,
You've been tagged!!
I enjoy reading your blog so much. Your site is one of my favorite places to visit. I have tagged you to write 6 random things about yourself. Please stop by my blog for more information.
Blessings to you,
Oh, yes, Scooter...it has always been better to give for me. I love it...we have a children's home here that we give gifts to some years...other years, we donate money for baskets to go to the needy...just whatever God lays on our hearts....
Have a blessed day,
The Hippopotamus song is my favorite "fun" Christmas song!
Good message Rhonda!
Oh, Rhonda! I love your family tradition of helping others at Christmas and your scripture just tops it off.
Now to the silly songs! Alvin and the Chipmunks!! I love that song and it came out when I was a little girl! Alvin!!! okay!! lOVE IT!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Rhonda, what a wonderful post! Love all the songs etc. but mostly, I love that your wrote about making sure to bless others. You are passing that along to your children, and grandchildren, what a great legacy to leave.:)
xo Lidy
Beautiful tradition Scooter...I have always believed that way...my heart goes out to families struggling during these hard times...I love Alvin!!!! lol lol It is just s beautiful time of year and a time when we all could do our part to help others...have a great day sweetie!
Hi Rhonda! That was the most beautiful post! The scripture was divine! Happy Holidays! Deb
Great post! As a family we pick a charity every year to give a holiday gift. This year is an organization that helps people (mostly single mom's) get back on their feet with Christ as the foundation. We are attending a silent auction at the facility on the 13th. It's so much fun to give back (not only at Christmas).
Hope your holiday season is full of blessings!
Great thoughts, Rhonda..... love the traditions. Love the verse as well.
Beautifu Traidtion Rhonda and the song just brought back so may memories to me...I remember my girls being little singing all witht his..thanks hugs and smiles Gloria
Oh gosh Rhonda, I remember the Avin and the chipmunks song from when I was a little girl! And I am alot older than you are.That song has been around for a very long time ! LOL .
Hi Rhonda! I had the chipmunks album too! And I still love it!! But...Ahem.....not after listening to it 20 times *winks* I came by to say "howdy!" and to thank you for the wonderful warm welcome to blogland. And to be all lighthearted about it. I didn't expect to cry! But I did after reading the passage from Isaiah! I felt so profoundly moved and grateful for the ability to help others! Giving really is the greatest feeling! Thank you for reminding me of that. Vanna
Hi Rhonda :)
I'm guessing that most people are not too thrilled with the Chipmunks selection on my playlist LOL
Giving IS always the best gift ;)
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