Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trash to Christmas Treasures ~ One...

Today's post is dedicated to a few of my "found" Christmas treasures,
those that had a life before joining mine!

But first, let me THANK YOU, for the kind comments on my previous post! It was such a fun project! I do appreciate your comments so much!

I'll start my TRASH TO TREASURE tour where I left off yesterday, the vignette below,....
The small green glass Christmas tree was found a thrift store a couple of weeks ago.

The table usually resides downstairs, but the main Christmas tree is there now, so I moved it to the landing upstairs. Both the table (from an antique store in Mullins, SC) and the chair (from the Raleigh State Fairgrounds Flea Market), were second hand.

Found the stem of berries below at the local flea market, Saturday.

Also from the flea market, Saturday, the leopard printed Santa below.

The tassle hanging on the lamp, yet another FM find...last Saturday was a productive thrifting day! :) Just $2, and the tag attached was still attached. (Leopard Santa did also, $5.)
....Vignette atop the "Trash to Treasure" vintage radio.

Onto the Dining Room...

Remember the yard sale urn from my Fall Foyer vignette?

The urn was topped with a beaded pumpkin, and was my banner picture throughout the season. It has been repurposed for Christmas!
The pumpkin is gone, replaced by a small tree and items coordinating with the dining room Christmas tree.
Sorry for the duplicate picture, one with and one without the flash...

While we are here, I'll share a few more pictures of the dining room.

I've been a little disappointed in my pictures the past two weeks.
They look much clearer until I post them on blogger.

I'll post the other side of the dining room later, for now let's move along to the living room...

I found the Three Wise Men Screen at a Help Mission Thrift Store this summer for $5.00.

Aren't we forgiven for being gaudy at Christmas??? LOL!
Not sure if the screen is a little much! Pondering still. ;)
More pictures from the living room...

Top of the TV Armoire, below...

Please, Come back for Trash to Christmas Treasures ~ Two, next week.

In the meantime, I'll be showing some new Christmas stuff this week also! :)

For more Trash to Treasures Posts, visit Diane, at A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.

~Have a wonderful day! Rhonda :)


mysteryhistorymom said...

FAbulous and beautiful, Rhonda! You have such a gift, my friend.:) Lori

Tardevil said...

All I can say, is it's ALL GOOD! I so miss the Raleigh Flea Market at the fairgrounds! I think I need to go thrifting with you! You've got some deals!

Amelia said...

Wonderful treasures you picked up a long the way...and you such a talent for turning them into a real outstanding decorative piece.

Deb said...

Wonderful Trash to Treasure post. You have found some wonderful Christmas items!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

You found some great "trash"! Everything is so pretty.

Monogram Queen said...

I've got some little leopard boots to match your leopard santa! Love your decor (as always)

Anonymous said...


Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh Rhonda ! I just love those wise men in front of your fireplace.Where in the world did you get them ??

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Rhonda I just love everything you got...and your DR is just beautiful girl..I love going to flea markest etc..thanks for a great tour...hugs nad smiles Gloria

onlymehere said...

Okay so I'm sitting here drooling on my keyboard! Your house is so beautiful. I can't get over the trim and mouldings either! I need to do that to my front room to dress it up. Someday, someday! I don't think the fireplace screen is too much at all, I think it's just right! I love the urn and the tree in it. The leopard Santa is sooooo you too! Once again, it's gorgeous. I better go now before I blow my keyboard with all the moisture that's falling on it, LOL!! Cindy :)

Becky said...

One word! W-O-W!!!

Vanessa Greenway said...

Everything is looking wonderful!! You've done a great job decorating your home! Hugs! Vanessa

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda,

I love the three wise men in front of the fireplace!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Rhonda, I am lovin what I am seein...I love the Wisemen screen...I don't think it is too mcuh...but look at my house...I tend to do too much sometimes, but I like it! Your dining room is gorgeous!!!!!!! I know you have been working so hard with all the remodling and decorating at the same time...cleaning...Thanksgiving... girl, where do you get the energy? You should be so proud!!! Blessings, nancy

bj said...

Oh, Scooter...everything looks perfect..I am in love with the leopard skin Santa!!
love, bj

Bo said...

Hi Rhonda...what a fun trip this was...going through your gorgeous home! Off the subject, but the crown molding in your header photo is fabulous...and I say, no way is your home gawdy...the more the merrier especially at Christmas...
;-) Bo

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

It all looks so great !~ I just noticed that your buffet and mine are very similar in style :0)

duchess said...

All of it's beautiful.
I know what you mean about the pictures - I think it's blogger.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... When can you ring my doorbell?! Your home looks wonderful and I know you're thrilled to have the decorating under your belt... now you have time to bake and wrap gifts! The Leopard Santa is soooo you... what a terrific "find"... Just got done catching up on the rest of your posts and am still chuckling over the "elf" dancers... What a HOOT! Thanks, as always, for sharing... God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


Michelle said...

All of your finds are beautiful...I think poeple get rid of things because they just don't know what to do with them..I love finding things like these!

Kristen said...

I love the wise men. Just noticed we are in the same area. I need to go to the Flea Market with you...when I go I don't find deals

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Love your holiday decor. . . but especially that Leopard print Santa. That is so cute and different. My youngest would adore it. She's in love with leopard print.



Unknown said...

All of your thrifty finds look wonderful in your home.

I have a hard time getting a decent picture too...can't decide what looks better with the flash or without so sometimes I post both. LOL

Thanks for joining in!


Dawn said...

Everything looks so beautiful! I can honestly say I have never seen a leopard print Santa before!!! I like the wise men in front of your fire place. You've done a lovely job decorating. The photo of your stem of berries looks like it could be a framed print! So pretty!

take care,

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Rhonda!

Up for air, and I love what you did in your home! Just beautiful! Those are some great finds, too! Wish you were here to help me finish my decorating.


Sheila :-)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Rhonda!

Up for air, and I love what you did in your home! Just beautiful! Those are some great finds, too! Wish you were here to help me finish my decorating.


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! I'm trying to catch up visiting in between trying to decorate (neither is very successful!!!lol) Love love your mantel pics and all your dining room pics too! Simple elegance is a phrase I use a lot for Janie and now your pics as well!!! Glad you are done and can now have fun and relax!!! I'll be back - Sincerely, Jeannette

A Hint of Home said...

All your decor is very pretty. You found some great trash at bargain prices.

nikkicrumpet said...

I think the screen is adorable. The whole mantel area looks really nice. I especially love the wreath over the mirror!

Gone said...

WOW....everything looks so pretty, Rhonda!!! I love it all! Isn't it fun collecting 2nd hand things?

Justabeachkat said...

Love your leopard print Santa! Can he come to my house? (pouting lips here) I just did my post today featuring all my Santas that I put out this year. Come see. I'm sure your Santa would love to be here too. LOL

Loved seeing all your goodies.

Christmas hugs for you!

Neabear said...

Fun post as always everytime I happen to visit you. Thank you for visiting me again.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Your decorations are gorgeous!! Isn't it fun to go "over the top" at Christmastime!! I'm so glad to see lots of decor, some people are scaling down this year, not me! I think we need it more than ever this year!


Yellow Rose Arbor said...

P.S. - I love the Three Wise Men screen!

Your banner is very pretty too!


Deb said...

Everythings sooooooooo beautiful! You have done a beautiful job with it all.! Deb