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I've Been Tagged...
Kymber, at A New Day Dawning, tagged me to share 6 random things about myself. I decided to share a few personal Christmas facts. The rules of the tag were to challenge others to participate. Since this is such a busy time of the year, I won't extend it to any certain bloggers! But if you would like to join in, please do!

1. Oh where to start....I don't re-gift. Oh yes, I have gotten gifts through the years, that I replied upon receiving with a huge toothy grin, "I just LOOOVE it!" Giving a dramatic performance worthy of an Academy Award. We've all gotten them, and although I try to give thoughtful and person-appropriate gifts, I'm sure that I have given some that weren't "loved," as well! But, I just have a thing about re-gifting, seems so unappreciative, so I donate them to a charity-run thrift store instead! :)
2. Speaking of unappreciated gifts, my dad is very hard to buy for. One of the first gifts I ever bought him on my own, was a pair of bedroom shoes. He never wore bedroom shoes, but I always assumed it was just because he didn't have any. So, I bought him a blue corduroy. On Christmas morning, he seemed to like them, but as the months rolled along, he never took them out of the box. Out of meanness, ...yea, that streak comes out occasionally, I wrapped them back up and gave them to him again the next Christmas. I did this 3 years in a row, until I finally let it go!

3. My favorite childhood Christmas gift was a dollhouse complete with furniture. I had no idea that I was getting one that year, until I woke up at 2 in the morning to scope out my gifts. I played with it awhile before crawling back into bed, and then the next morning, pretended to be so excited, which I was, and surprised....another well-earned Academy Award! :) I decorated and redecorated...and tweaked that dollhouse for many years! I loved it!
4. I found out I was pregnant with my first child, Ashley, a couple of days after Christmas. I was very sick, and by New Year's Day, I realized it was NOT the flu.

5. David was destined to be a Christmas baby. Well, expected on the 16th, close enough! But he was born early. Between Kevin and I, we have 7 family members that were born in December. (Not all living.) My great-grandmother and a cousin were born ON Christmas Day. As a child, I felt quite sorry for them, because they got Christmas and Birthday gifts in one; nothing to look forward to the rest of the year.
6. I love to shop! And I am very good at it! My level of skill comes from diligent and dedicated practice! But I do most of my Christmas shopping online! Who can beat shopping without brushing one's hair, ...or teeth, in PJ's, Free Shipping, and No Crowds...what's not to love! :)
And with that, I leave you with the cartoon below! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! ~hug, Rhonda :)

I have got to show the cartoon to my husband. He loves to shop online...I believe he can relate to this!!
The frames look fantastic!!! Happy Pink Saturday! We have a fun Red post mingled with our pink post today with a giveaway.
Love the cartoon!
kari & kijsa
my favorite part (other than the info) was that almond rocha candy!
I also liked the cartoon! I think it is justine!
Loved the dollhouse story. Even as a child, we loved "nesting" didn't we? That box of goodies is soooo pretty.
Hey Rhonda,
LOVED your answers to the tag! Thanks so much for participating. So you "scoped out" your presents too huh? I did this for a few years when I was a kid until I realized it really WAS more fun to be surprised - it is hard for me even now though - to wait for the big day.
Thanks for sharing!
I think your frames are so nice!!!! I am going to try that some day.
I loved reading the facts about you. Just about alll of my immediate family (son, daughter, husbands, son in law, granddaughter, niece)have a birhtday within one months time!
That story about your father's bedroom slippers had me smiling. It sounds like something we would do in our family!!
take care,
Enjoyed your the slippers to your dad three years in a row?!!!!!!
Loved the story of the doll house and I have a daughter born on Dec 19th and poor thing...she says she can still remember going to her grandma house and grandma telling her to just pick out one of her Christmas presents for her BD..I also did Barbra BD in Jan so she could have a party and gifts..its so hard when they are little to get them to baby wil be 49 next week WOW talk about time flying by..and those one candies looked just like the Pepermint truffles from Harry and David that I just ate the whole box of..ha ha!! thanks for sharing hugs and smiles Gloria
lol I loooove that cartoon!
I never regift either. It's just an ungracious thing to do. Happy Pink Saturday.
So now I'm going to be laughing all day long at the cartoon you posted last!! I love shopping online also and buy most books and videos on line for sure! People ask me once in awhile if I work in my underwear since I work at home. Nope, I find I'm not functional unless I have had my morning shower and done my hair, etc. I do wear shorts to work but other than that I'm dressed appropriately for the day!! I enjoyed your post today and hope you have a great weekend!
Hi! I love the cartoon- on-line shopping- it's the way to go; shopping in the jammies can't be beat! I loved the story about the slippers- I have that same mean streak sometimes too. Have a great day and thanks for visitng my blog- much appreciated!
The cartoon is great! I'm still laughing and almost can't remember what else I was going to comment about! Oh yeah, I enjoyed seeing your answers to the tag. Sounds like you've given some great award winning performances. You're right, we all have to do that sometimes. I love the bedroom slipper story! laurie
Cute frames! Almond Roca really is a wonderful invention :0)
Enjoyed your answers - especially the spiteful one where you gave your Dad the slippers three years in a row.....Hope you are having a Happy PS! ~ Robyn
Ohhh Rhonda... Your posts always make me smile, laugh and otherwise feel good! I really enjoyed your Tag answers and getting to know even more "secrets" about you! I have the same "thing" in my family, regarding December Birthdays 'n Anniversaries... My Mom was born Dec. 20th, and 7 years later her sister was born on the same day! Also, my Parents were married on Dec. 17th... Loved reading about your awesome Doll House... such great memories for you... The cartoon is a HOOT... the guy in his "tightie-whities" is what takes it over the edge for me... ~Laughing~ ... Hope your weekend is off to a terrific start... God bless...
~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~
Those are fabulous frames....I LOVE them and will be checking out the tutorial! Fun facts about you in the tag. Have a wonderful weekend!
Great post! I really enjoyed reading your random personal facts. And that cartoon - hilarious!
Great PINK post. I loved the cartoon at the end.
Happy PS
I love these tags that help us get to know each other...the Christmas twist was a good idea! I agree with you...I LOVE Christmas shopping on line...I can't imagine having to go into a mall now that I learned to shop on the computer!
That cartoon is a hoot! Girl, you crack me up giving your daddy the same pair of house slippers for three years! LOL!!!
Happy Pink Saturday, Rhonda.
I love those frames. You did great!
And, I loved reading all about you.
The cartoon cracks me up. ;-)
Fantastic post!
I love your PICTURE FRAMES to cute! :) and wow! I just checked out some of the rest of your post!!! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS HOME! THAT CHRISTMAS TREE IS GORGEOUS! WOW! Love the remodel! :)
Hi Rhonda, I loved learning a little more about you. Love the frames to. The cartoon was a hoot! Nancy
This was such a fun tag to read about you Rhonda! What a laugh about the Christmas slippers...I think you are about due to wrap them up again for him this year...haha! ;-) Bo
Happy belated Pink Saturday..I love the frames and when things settle down some, I will be back to look again at the tutorial. I just hafta make some. And next..the story of the slippers was so cute.. Have a lovely and blessed week.
Those frames are precious, and I enjoyed reading your answers!
I'm here for a belated Pink Saturday, but I've been looking at all of your wonderful Christmas crafts and decorations! Your home is so lovely!
I enjoyed your meme and I'd love some of that almond roca...yum! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Rhonda, please add my friend Sweetie at Sweetie's World to your prayer roll because her husband just passed away unexpectedly this morning. Her oldest daughter Sherry was murdered one year ago around Thanksgiving. She needs our prayers at this time and I knew you were one I could count on to keep her in yours and in your prayer circle. Thanks. Cindy
Hi Rhonda,
I would love to pass the Christmas Spirit award on to you as well!!!!
I ran out of room to post more than twenty five blog names but please know that yours is one of my all time favorites! I need to figure out how to post more. I'm still learning all this stuff. I think I need a class on blogging and computers. LOL!
Have a great day! ~Melissa :)
Oops...I admit it. I have regifted. Shame on me. I do like your donating it idea very much.
Love the slippers story. Too cute! :)
Love the ribbon , button frames!
Sandra Evertson
The slipper story is soooo funny...and the cartoon ha ha ha
You're great!
Hi Rhonda ~ that cartoon is too funny...but so true! I love shopping while still in my pj's and bed head hair!
Have a great Christmas season!
Did you say Almond Roca?? yummmm...I haven't had that in sooooo I'll have to go out and buy some!!
Thanks for stopping by.
I feel sorry for people who were born on or near Christmas also.
I love that cartoon!
I try to buy appropriate giftage also. Very important to me. Not the cost, but the THOUGHT!!!
Happy Holidays Rhonda!
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