Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beauty In the Eyes of the Beholder & A Fun Swap for the Kids...

Since I had a hair appointment Saturday (post below), I was only able to go right around the corner to one Moving Sale. The lady had a college-age daughter, so Ashley decided she would go along with me in hopes of finding a few pocketbooks, and such!
I got up at 6:35 and normally would have been out of the house by 6:45. Doesn't take a lot of primping for yard sale'ing! :)
Unless...you are Ashley, who straightened her hair, put on full face make-up, .....well, let's just say it was 7:25 by the time she was ready! I was losing my mind! LOL! I just knew everything would be gone or picked over. Unfortunately, the only thing Ashley got was a Spanish-English Dictionary. She guarded my stash pile the rest of the time! :)

Here's what I found....
The Liz Claiborne bag in the first picture, is in brand-new condition.
The butter warming dish is old and still works, (picture below.) The two press board tables also included the round glass toppers. The tureen will compliment my Grandma B.'s china perfectly.
I was so excited to find the brass candelabra, below. I have two already and think they will be beautiful on the dining room table for Christmas!

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I was so excited to get the metal washstand below. The lady's initial plans were to paint it black and adorn it with monogram towels, but it was one of those projects she never got around to! I have some of those! :) But, thanks to Blogland, I do now complete more! (... so that I can share them! LOL!)

Kevin couldn't quite get my vision with this piece!

Milk Glass...My affection for Milk Glass was rekindled after seeing all the great pieces Heather, at Hopscotch and Hydrangeas found on her outings, to add to her collection.
So, if you are wondering how much all of this cost....$50.00. A little more than I usually spend on a Saturday morning. But, for the two tables, washstand, and all the other items, I was pleased.

I wanted to pass this tidbit along....

I picked up the candle below at A.C. Moore for $1.00. It smells absolutely wonderful! It is small, but last a really long time! You might want to try one! I promise you will not be disappointed!

I love Candy Corn, but you know what I like even better??? ....INDIAN CORN! Check out the glorious chocolate on the ends! This was my great Wal-mart find for the day! :)


A Children's Swap

If you are looking to participate in a swap, Swapdex is a great place to go and see what is available. I found a neat one that the children could participate in, and they are really excited!

One Good Book Swap

Hosted by Jill, at The Adventures of a Little Nature Lover and Her Mom. Or you can contact Jill at jillytacy@yahoo.com

You are to create a package including one children's book and at least 3 things related to that book, with one item being handmade. If you are interested, hurry on over, the deadline is September 18th, and the shipping deadline October 18.


I will see you tomorrow for E.W.W! ~Rhonda :)


Dawn said...

You did very well on your yard sale shopping spree! I like the purse. I can't wait to see what you do with the washstand. It looks very interesting. I'm glad you found the glassware that you did. You have lots of goodies.

I do not like candy corn at all. (Hard to believe there is a candy I don't like) I do love how it looks. It's so fallish. I'm glad you found the chocolate version.

take care,

preppymama said...

WOW what a score! The wash stand is amazing. Can't wait to see what you are going to do with it. I also LOVE milk glass.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Guess I have been behind on visiting over here. Great yard sale finds, and the fall decorations are wonderful. Love the pumpkin topiaries. Cute idea for the candy dish. Looked for some of that paint at a Big Lots the other day, and they had none, but we are getting one here soon. Can't wait. By the way I have sat and listened to your song twice. I have heard it many times before, but it just spoke to me in a special way tonight. Jackie

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Rhonda, I received my treasures on Saturday...I love them!!!!! Thank you so much...you really had a generous giveaway! Oh, the tassel is beautiful! Love the magazine. Looooove the metal pumpkin, he's already hanging on my front door! I did a post all about it...so come on over and check it out. I will be showing them again in my fall post! I can not express how thankful I am!!! You are such a blessing to me! Nancy

Nancy Rosalina said...

Girl, I was so excited about my treasures...I forgot to tell you, I love your finds!!! I can't wait to see what you do with all that! Thanks for the info on the candle...I will be getting some of those...You just can't have too many fall candles! Blessings, nancy

Nance said...

Hi Rhonda,
Wow, that must have been a good moving sale! I'm sure you'll do wonders on the washstand, can't wait to see it completed.


teresa said...

I can't wait to see the finished wash stand! Love candy corn too. You have to try them with peanuts. Tastes like a Payday!


Amelia said...

Hey Gal, you landed some wonderful "finds" at the yard sale....I really like the blue/white tureen.

Yes, it is more than you would probably spend - but oh what bargains.

Looking forward to see how you "fix" them to go along with the rest of your decor.

Tootsie said...

they so do NOT have sales like that here! I need to go sailing with you

nikkicrumpet said...

YIKES...I can see so much potential for that wash stand...you're gonna have some serious fun with that!

Unknown said...

You had some great finds! What fun!

OK - I will be looking for that Indian corn tomorrow! Yum!!

That book swap sounds neat.

"See" you tomorrow!! :)

mysteryhistorymom said...

I love your new treasures! I especially love the soup tureen and the candelabra!

We joined the Kid's Book Swap, too! It would be fun to be partners!:) Lori

I don't know if I have ever tried Indian Corn before, but I will be watching for it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Great post! You'd have to wrestle with my youngest over the Indian Corn... he loves it, too!

I think you got some neat treasures at the yard sale... even with a late start, thanks to Ashley and her straight hair and full-face make-up! LOL ... I just can't understand what the problem is with Kevin not seeing the washstand the same way you do! ~chuckles~ Men!!

Thanks for all of your prayers and messages, Rhonda... it has meant the world to me. I hope your evening is going well... I'm off to read more and begin the catch-up game! God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rhonda, wow you got the best stuff. I can't wait to see the wash stand finished. Love the milk glass and you did great with the purse too.
Not bad for getting a late start.
I love the candy corn too and the Indian corn is really good. Guess I will have to pick some up now that I see how yummy yours looks.
Blessings, Celestina
la rea rose

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

I love the washstand. I can't wait to see it after you do your magic. You found some really fun treasures. I haven't been rummaging for a long time. Your post really put me in the mood.
Hugs, Terrie

Picket said...

Great finds girl and I am dying to see what you do with that metal washstand! lol My grandmother Bush always had some milkglass dishes and my sister actually collects it now! Have a great week girl!

Lisa (aka) French said...

That's it I work Friday nights until Sat 7 am going to scour the paper and see what mischief I can get into on Saturday morning;) Hunting I will go! French

onlymehere said...

I'm with Kevin on the wash stand. I can hardly wait to see what you do with it though and I know it'll be fabulous, just right now I can't envision it being anything but what it is! I have blinders on when it comes to things like this but I am getting better! I passed on all my mom's milk glass when we divided things up after she died. I told them that I'd give up choosing on all the rest of the stuff if I could have the recliner! We needed chairs so bad and I had forgotten mom had such beautiful glass pieces until I saw your milk glass. That's okay though I'm sure whoever got some pieces is still enjoying them! Great finds though and I'm serious about being excited to see what you do with the wash stand!!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Great finds! Love the tureen!


Sue said...

Great finds at the yard sale. I love the soup tureen that will work with your china. That washstand has so much potential, can't wait to see what you do with it.

Michelle said...

Wow, you found some awesome treasures! I'll bet that candle really does smell wonderful! I also love candy corn :) Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Monogram Queen said...

I love a good yardsale but unfortunately do not get to go much anymore! You did good!
LMAO at your daughter's primping. When I was a teen I would HIDE in the backseat when my Mom made me go with her, out of embarassment. How lame!
Check out the different flavors of Candy Corn at T*arget! Yumm!!!

Anonymous said...

You did good for getting out late. Love the tureen and that washstand. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Marie said...

Wonderful yard sale finds! Wow. Love that washstand! I LOOOOOOVE Indian corn too! I can't eat too many candy corn, but Indian corn? Oh man, hide the bag! :o)

SmilingSally said...

That beautiful tureen would make a great post for Blue Monday!

Heidi said...

Good Morning Rhonda, You simply cleaned up!!!! I LOVE all your finds, especially that amazing little white piece!!!...& the milk glass!!...I think I may need to start garage sale-ing again!...And thanks for letting us know about the book swap!....Happy Thursday!....Heidi XO

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...my fellow candy corn lover! I see you found some awesome finds.... Cant wait till our area gets back on their feet and starts having garage sales. Till then its just Goodwill hunting, smiles!

Bella Della said...

Ooooh- what great finds! I am drooling over that metal washstand! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

Kathi said...

Wow, you hit the jackpot. Love that basin holder. I can't wait to see what you do. Milk glass is so cool. I love that soup tourine too. yay for you, Kathi

Mrs. B said...

I think you did great for $50! That wash stand is a really neat piece. I can't wait to see the end result! I like milk glass too. Mmmm, Indian corn... yum! But I have to admit, I actually like candy corn better. And I love those little sugar pumpkins too!

Jenna Z said...

Wow, great find! And thank you so much for the linky love, I'm so glad you enjoy the SwapDex!!

Kim's Treasures said...

Great finds!!!! Can't wait to see the washstand project!

Have a wonderful day...I'm having my roots done...lol!


susan said...

i love your finds, esp the milk glass and wash stand. cant wait to see it all prettified. my daughter is your daughters partner in the swap!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! You found some great things! I just started collecting white pottery/pitchers...and that wash stand; I can see it painted black with a white large bowl sunk into it with some roses painted on the top of the curve or outside with a large pot sunk down into it or one of those baskets with the moss and flower just growing out of it! I Love that piece!!!!lol My daughter takes forever to get ready too! They don't understand the importance of "early bird gets the worm"!lol Have a great weekend - Jeannette

Life on the Edge said...

You made some awesome finds at the garage sale! I especially love that tureen and the iron washstand. You certainly got more than your $50 worth! Good eye for bargains!
