Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fall Vignettes, another Flea Market Find, & a Give~away...

After seeing so many beautiful Fall vignettes and projects over blogland, I was very anxious myself to start decorating for my favorite season! I still have a few more projects to complete, which means more spray~painting to do! :)

Remember the urn in this vignette? I found it at the Goodwill and intended on spray~painting it black or dark brown, but didn't think it would have enough contrast against the mahogany table.

My son asked me Saturday, "Mom, why do you spray paint white things black, and black things white?" LOL!

My reply, "...because I can!" What else could I say?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, You can have something forever and not use it, but the minute you throw it away, that is when you will need it! :)

My FIL, Bill loved to decorate his home for Christmas! ...Well, let me rephrase that, he loved to sit in his recliner, and "supervise" the Christmas decorating! LOL! But, I enjoyed it because it meant so much to him. The Christmas before he died, we got these to use in the decorations, but they didn't work out, and I forgot to return them. I've never found another use for them.

I was riding down the road, thinking how these candlesticks would fit my Fall vignette perfectly, and a dread washed over me. I just knew I had sold them in a summer yard sale! (...since I never used them!) But I found them! Hallelujah! ...Here they are below.

Oh no, I accidently took my own picture....

And another little vignette.....

My Tassle Creation...

I still need to spruce the one below up a little, but it was an easy one! I bought the arrangement, complete with the lantern, at the end of the season last year at Sam's Club! I watched it for weeks, until it came down to "my price!"

Flea Market Find...

I wasn't able to make the yard sales Saturday, just the Flea Market. I was getting ready for a cook-out and it was 10:30 by the time I went to the FM. But I did find these two pictures. The lady had $10 on the SET. As I was "admiring" them, she made me an offer for $8! I didn't even ask! LOL! They are really large and I will not have to remat or reframe them! ...an added bonus! :) I'm putting them away, for the farmhouse.

Tommorrow, I will do my 100th post!!!

And in celebration, I will be hosting a Give~Away!

So, come back tomorrow for more details and pictures,

and to sign up! ...Please, spread the word! ~Rhonda :)

For More Fall Inspiration and Ideas, Visit The Inspired Room!


mysteryhistorymom said...

You have outdone yourself!! I love your sparkly pumpkin in the urn, your centerpiece, your tassel, etc. I love it ALL! Great job!:-) Lori

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Your home looks beautiful with all of your lovely touches of Fall... David's B&W comment cracked me up! You did an awesome job on your tassel... and I love those FM pictures! Great find! Hey! No fair posting a pic of yourself and then not having it enlarge! LOL, sneaky you!

Congrats on the upcoming 100th post! I will be back to toss confetti and sign up to win your give~away! YAY... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda, lovely! Deb

onlymehere said...

Everything looks so nice! Amazing what a difference spray paint can make. Funny, I don't think I've spray painted anything myself yet! Congrats on the 100th post! I'll be back tomorrow! Cindy

Kirstin said...

Your home looks beautiful and your family is gorgeous! I cannot wait to decorate my new home. I may still get to decorate for fall, but that will take a miracle. i'm for that though.

Bella Della said...

Everything looks so beautiful. I love those candle sticks. I am glad you found them. Don't you hate that feeling- when you think something is gone. What a relief! Great picture you found at the flea market and great price!

Virginia said...

Wow! You did a great job, your home looks beautiful.
Blessings, Virginia

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Beautiful fall decor! Mine is all piled on the kitchen counter waiting to be put together. Looking forward to the giveaway. Jackie

Anonymous said...

Girl, you are on the ball. All of this decorating is getting me in the mood.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! Can't wait to see what you're giving away.

Your home looks so beautiful all decked out for fall! Everything is just lovely. Thanks for sharing it all with us. -Julia :-)

Michelle said...

Youe house is looking so nice and Fall~ie?...I haven't even started...it's kinda hard to do things like that with a 2 year old...I think I will be more motivated when she stops bothering things on the end tables and counters...right now...things are a little bare :)

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Wow, it really looks like Fall has arrived at your house! SO inspiring! Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos & ideas and joining in on Fall Inspiration Week!

Happy Nesting!

Vanessa Greenway said...

Rhonda! Wonderful Fall Vignettes! It got me inspired to decorate my home for fall. Congrats on your 100th post! Hugs! Vanessa

The Berry's Patch said...

I'm getting so much inspiration here. Cute fall decorations!!!!

Blogger said...

Oohhhhhhhh, I love the urns, the raffia, the nests, the pumpkins, the found candlesticks and the brown wiry ones, too...Just love it all!!!! :)

I bet we'd have fun shopping together :)


Amelia said...

Fall is absolutely the best time for decorations...because they can go up the firt of Sept and stay until the first of December...that is three whole months...by that time I am ready for a change anyway.

Your vignettes look great...makes me want to get out in the shed and get out my fall stuff...but right now the temperature is in the 90's and somehow that does not feel fallish enough.



Hi Rhonda :)
Would you please come to my house and help me make it as beautiful as yours??!! I love your fall decorations and did you make that sweet pumpkin tassel!! Also love that, and covet it(bad deb)
See you tomorrow.
Warmly, Deb :)

Mrs. B said...

Hi Rhonda! Your fall displays are beautiful! I love that urn! And you made that tassel yourself? It's fabulous! Hope you had a great holiday weekend!

Teresa said...

I also like how you decorated the urn. Fabulous. I think I need to do a little more around my home :}
Thanks for sharing.

trish said...

Just love all the fall colors in your decor! Your tassel is precious! You did a super job!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Sue said...


love your fall decorations--will you share with me how to make the tassel---


Dawn said...

Your fall decorations are beautiful!!! I'll bet your house is gorgeous with all the goodies that you have put out. I have just a few fall decorations, but lots of Halloween....I think it's the kid in me LOL!

Congratulations on your 100th post. I started my blog in February of 2006 and it has taken me this long to get to 300!!! I took lots of time off last year.

I'll be sure to stop by tomorrow to see what your give away will be!

take care,

nikkicrumpet said...

Great fall displays. I think the urn is really pretty white...it shows off the details that would have been lost in black. You do a really classy job with the vignettes! I guess I better get my butt in gear and at least do some fall decorating! Have a great evening.

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Rhonda, seeing all your Fall decor is making me think it's time to get mine out!!!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your table lamp in the top photos. LOVE IT, LOVE IT. Did you purchase it recently, and if so, may I be so bold to ask where you purchased it from?



Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
All the fall decor looks great. And congratulations on your 100th post!

Darlene said...

I LOVE all of your Fall vignettes! They are so cute and you did great on your tassel...I just LOVE tassels!!

Anonymous said...

Evening, Rhonda! Wow, you've been a busy gal! I love your urn the way it is and it really does show off your pumpkin! I like all the fallness and that little tassel is precious! I'm thinking about making one. I think I can do it!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Nichole said...

Your fall decor is so pretty. Nice job on the tassel!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Rhonda,
Now I'm really longing for Fall (and the much cooler weather!). Love the tassel, it's darling.

Marie said...

It all looks so pretty! Not that I'm surprised. :o) I'm trying very, very hard to not decorate for fall until... FALL (ha ha) but so many of you are making me weak. Happy 99th post today! lol

Rue said...

Good morning Rhonda :)

Your fall decor looks beautiful! I'm like your FIL in that I usually just decorate big for Christmas, but all these posts are making me want to run out and buy pumpkins ;)

I love the white urn!


Monogram Queen said...

Just BEAUTIFUL! You definitely have a knack woman.
I need to get my paltry decor out hehe.......

Unknown said...

Such lovely, cozy fall scenes! And I like your flea market finds. You are so good at decorating. That does not come easily for me. Too bad you're not closer - you could come decorate my house!!

I am so excited for you - your 100th post - yay!!

Kim's Treasures said...

Hi Rhonda! Everything is so beautiful! You do an amazing job with your homes!
Hope your day is going great!

C'est moi Claudette said...

I might be too late but would love to join in on the fun.
Love your white pumpkins and all your lovely treasures.
The bike is my fav.
Claudie from Canada
Have a great week