Monday, October 27, 2008

A "Martha Moment"...

Hi Guys! Remember Me??? LOL!
I've suffered a serious case of blogger withdrawal while away and missed everyone!
My computer is still down, ....been too busy to try and fix it. But I realized today, that I could post and blog from Ashley's laptop! :) ...Don't know why I didn't think of that before.
Anyhow, I have an abundance of material backlogged, so I have tons to share! Now I just have to figure out where to start, LOL........
How about with a "Martha~inspired" project!
Remember a few Christmas' ago, when Martha "glittered" inexpensive dime store birds and they looked amazing, like a million bucks??? ....okay, maybe a half a million! :)
They were super cute!
I gathered feathered birds from the dollar store and glitter in all colors, the finest that Wal-mart had to offer. (I'm limited on craft materials in our small town.) Unfortunately, my birds turned out really gaudy and cheap looking, due in large to the "school~project" quality glitter.
Wal-mart now offers a new line of Martha Stewart Glitter in many glorious colors!
I am in glitter~bling heaven!!!
My first (good) Glitter~Project....
Step 1: Glue the "tops" back on the acorns....

Step 2: Coat the acorn with Elmer's Glue, and sprinkle on a little glitter.

Now for a container....
Found a glass canister in the pantry, hot~glued a Dollar Tree Candle Holder to the bottom....

Step 3: Filled the container with a mixture of glittered and "natural" acorns....

I think Martha would be much more impressed with the acorns than my sad attempt at the Christmas birds! LOL!
(Maybe I will try the feathered friends again with the new glitter!)

It may take me several days to get caught up with everyone's blog! "Talk" to you all soon! :)


Robin Beck said...

Hi Rhonda-I'm glad your back! Debbie over at Ribbonwood cottage glittered a cat the other day and a jar today-They both turned out really cute-And I glittered pumpkins-We both did it with Martha's glitter just like you-I really feel it's the best on the market and the quality of glitter really makes a big difference in how great or not so great our craft turns out! Love your glittered acorns! So cute! And the container you made is adorable!

mysteryhistorymom said...

Rhonda- I'm so glad you are back! I missed you! LOVE the acorns! I looked at the Martha glitter today and almost bought some. Those colors are absolutely yummy!:) Lori

Kellie said...

Wow... that is quite neat. You go, Martha... er, uh, Rhonda! LOL

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, you never cease to amaze me with all your geniousness! Now, to the scarey've been Boo-ed! Come to my site and see what you get!
Happy Halloween,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

I've missed reading your blog! What an amazing "craft"...I love the glittered acorns! I only have baby acorns right now, so I may have to go "shop" the neighborhood!

Gotta love Martha-glitter!

nikkicrumpet said...

LOOK AT YOU "RHONDA STEWART"!! What a great project. It turned out really beautiful...I love the glass/candleholder container. I am gonna go get me some glitter for sure!!!! It's good to see you back!

Grand Life said...

So glad your back. We missed you.

Missy Wertz said...

That is really pretty! Missed seeing your posts.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

You have been hiding in your crafty little corner all these days, haven't you? I knew it...just to show us all your goodies and covet your craftiness.
Wow, this song brings back memories!

Anonymous said...

Simply lovely - you did such a great job!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Hey, Girl, I missed you!

I'm impressed with your craftiness! Who cares about MS opinion?? Hee-hee!


Picket said...

Welcom back Scooter...I sure have missed you girl!....What a neat idea...they turned out great! I came by to say you have been boo-ED!!!! Come by my place and pick up your little treat for your side bar! It is so good to have to back!

Tootsie said...

this is wonderful...

by the way...BOO! stop by tomorrow and let me haunt you!

onlymehere said...

YAYYYYYYY, you're back!! I've missed you and your wisdom!! I love what you did with the acorns and the container. I also spied some of those pumpkins and tassels in the background of the pictures!! Once again, welcome back. You were missed!! Cindy

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Brilliant! That has SO MUCH eye-appeal! Thanks for a brand new idea. : )

The Berry's Patch said...

I keep seeing glitter around the blogs. I'm gettin the glitter bug. :-)

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Rhonda, I had to laugh, I have had a few glitter~accidents too. You know Martha has a 'STAFF' that does the trial craft, then she does the real thing after it has been tested, and it looks amazing. We are all testers! hahaha, I have glitter everywhere, laundry room, hubby's underwear, because I will glue something...go fold laundry...glitter something...let it dry...put clothes away! Enough said!

Unknown said...

Glad you found a way to come back! :)

Those acorns turned out just darling! Very "Martha" of you - I love it!

Em said...

I LOVE the acorns! I gathered up some while we were at our local park. Hope I don't scare you but I baked mine in the microwave when I got home because we had a horrible infestation of moths last time we brought acorns inside! I have heard that you are supposed to "cook" them first to kill the larve inside... gross I know but I learned the hard way!

Kristen said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. If you think I'm too healthy you should come by today for the easy recipes I've posted for the recipe swap.
The reason I run is so I can EAT. That's how my DH knew to make me run the 8 miles offer me a cheeseburger at the end!
I live to eat!!!
Great idea with the acorns.

SmilingSally said...

Pretty and fallish, too. Rhonda, you've been Boo-ed! Come find out what that means. :-O

ksarra said...

I think Martha would be proud! LOVE this idea. I've been looking around the house for something to use as a clear glass vase, but really wanted something with a pedestal. Your idea is perfect!!! I have wanted a "lemon drop jar" like Cindy's and this idea is exactly what I've been looking for. Love the acorns, great job.

Vintage Whimsy said...

Ooh I love the acorn project! I'm going to have to try and find some acorns so I can do this too!

I'm glad you're back!!

Kristen said...

I've been BOO-ED now you have too. Come by my blog and pick up the Halloween Link. Just link it back to me, then go BOO your friends and have them link back to you.

Marie said...

Welcome "back"! :o) I love what you did with those acorns! Too cute!!

Michelle said...

She's back...

I love that...what a great "Martha Moment" you had...

Glad you joined us again:)

duchess said...

What a great project.
Are they the real acorn tops? They're very fluffy.

BTW - you've been "Boo-ed". Stop by & pick up your treat.

Natalia said...

oh wow!

those came out fantastic!

I need to get my hands on some Martha glitter, lol.

mysteryhistorymom said...

Rhonda- I would love to create something for you! Were you interested in black buttons or beads or a combination? I will start looking for the charm today!:) Lori

Nancy Rosalina said...

Welcome back!!! I sure missed you, Rhonda! Love the Acorns, they look so beautiful! nancy

Carrie said...

Your glittered acorns look reat...I like how you have displayed them in the glass container with natural acorns.

Anonymous said...

These are too cool, and I like your acorns better than my acorns. ;-)

The tops of mine aren't like yours.

Michele said...

Hi Rhonda ~ so glad you're back! These are toooo cute! I saw that glitter the other day when I was at Wally world! Definitely better than the other stuff they have!


Margie said...

Wowwww-EEEE I LOVE those glittery acorns! They are so "sassy"! Yes, I think Martha would be proud of you!

Have a glittery day!
Margie ;)

Angie said...

I was about to send a search party out for ya! Then ya come back with an awesome acorn project....martha has got nothin on you chickie! I was glitter-ing up some birds the other funny! Great minds think alike! Glad you are back!

Dawn said...

Well you go Martha!!! Those are beautiful!! I'm impressed. It looks very pretty and very classy!!
(and no I don't mean a kindergarten class).

Nicely done.

And welcome back to Blogland!

take care,

Nance said...

Hi Rhonda,
welcome back! geez, i'd better go pick up a few acorns before the squirrels wipe them out! lol
thanks, i will surely make these.

Suzann said...

Oh My ! Who'da thunk that acorns+glitter=amazing!
I love this project and I am going to have to find some acorns and buy some glitter!!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Hey Rhonda , I was going to leave you a post a little while ago and my computer crashed. So here I am again.
I love the acorns ! I have never seen any with tops like that. What kind are they , do you know? Very pretty in your great ideal containers. I haven't tried any like that.

Darlene said...

I LOVE those glittered acorns!!! They turned out GREAT!

Kim's Treasures said...

Welcome back Rhonda! I love your acorns!!!