Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pink Saturday ~ Leavin' On a Jet Plane....

...Penelope, ...Patti,
"Wake up, girls! Time to head SOUTH for the winter! "

...a pretty pink girl needs her Beauty Sleep!

"Nope, Daylight's a wasting! The end of summer was 13 days ago...."

Just a Quick bath before we hit the road...

....a Rub-a dub, Just relaxing in the tub.."

Sing it again, Sam,

One more song...

We must bid our friends adieu before we go....

Alas, Not enough time for Penelope to bid farewell to her hot and hunky white egret in shining armor...

A "dear john" letter will have to suffice!

"Oh, how sweet, a yummy lunch packed for the trip,

or did someone wrap it in a road map???"

"Sheeewwel, it's just the comics, to help pass the time in travel!"

" little room. We'll have to catch a ride and take the plane instead!"

"Woo~hoo, feel the wind beneath my wings,

...Big Wheels Keep on Rolling!"

"Well girls,

It's been real, and it's been fun,

but it ain't been real fun!"

Just Kidding!

...Miss you like crazy, I promise!


Hope you are enjoying this crisp Autumn Saturday!

Visit Beverly, at How Sweet The Sound, for more PINK fun! ~Rhonda :)


Anonymous said...


Bye-Bye Pink Ladies... I can tell how much Rhonda is going to miss you, both... Hey! I have an idea! Why don't y'all come back to see her for Halloween?! I'm sure she'd be deeeee~lighted, wouldn't you, Rhonda?! ~grins~

Of course, there's always Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc. ... Have a safe trip! God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


onlymehere said...

And you said you had no new ideas and nothing to post!! This was too dang funny and I found myself singing all the songs in my head that they were quoting!! Love it. LOL! Dang did you notice that? Nearly every sentence ends with an exclamation point, I so have to work on that. LOL! (Sorry couldn't resist one last time).

Heidi said...

Hi Rhonda, I cannot believe this crazy, darling & delightful post of yours!!!!! :) You have such a great imagination my friend! I loved it!....I can;t think of a better "Pink Saturday" post! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!....Heidi XO

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Lovely PINK flamingos!

~ Gabriela ~

Suzann said...

THAT was cute!

Amelia said...

What a vivid imagination you have...and you just carried all of us readers along with your funny story.

Have a great God filled weekend.


Jessica said...

This was darling! Happy Pink Saturday!

Hugs~ J

Nancy Rosalina said...

Very Cute Rhonda! Happy Pink Saturday! Have a great Weekend! Nancy

bj said...

cute cute cute !! and i LOVE pink flamingos!! :O)
love, bj

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda! Hilarious! I'm so glad your girls had that time together and enjoyed your trip. But most of all that it was safe, and now the rest, and getting back into the norm. Enjoy You're weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey, MY pink flamingo says he's gonna stay here with us and winter in Missouri!!! ;)

Cute, cute, cute post!!!!! You are wonderful.


Deb said...

You girls, oops!

SmilingSally said...

I'm glad you gave me a warning that she's on her way to my house. Please come visit for my Pink Saturday offering, and then click on the book in my sidebar for a book giveaway!

One Shabby Old House said...

That was a cute cute post. I loved it. Have a safe trip home!

Kim said...

What a fun and creative idea.

Thanks for sharing such fun photos for Pink Saturday!


mysteryhistorymom said...

Rhonda- You are cracking me up! SO cute!:) Lori

Anonymous said...

Oh Rhonda! This was so much fun. I long to go on an adventure with the flamingos. And, I am loving her shade of lipstick. Poor, poor John!

Happy Pink Saturday.

Glennis said...

What a fun post!! And I hope you have a nice trip home!

Happy Pink Saturday.

Kris said...

Happy Pink Saturday. Enjoyed the fun post.


Victoria Lynn said...

I was laughing so hard my daughter had to come and see what it was all about...then she was laughing too hard because she LOVES pink flamingos. We have some in our yard and they all have names. Thanks for making our day!
Victoria Lynn

Missy Wertz said...

Funny!!! Happy Pink Saturday!

Virginia said...

What a fun post!I loved it!
hope you have a nice trip home!
Blessings, Virginia

Picket said...

Hey Scooter..that was a riot!!! I loved that..girl you have got a little wacky side to you don't ya!! lol lol Have a great weekend sweetie!

Stephanie said...

You are so creative!! I enjoyed the laugh...thanks for that.

Re: your Road Block post...I was just thinking about how I should be cleaning my house instead of blogging...I laughed out loud about the toilet!!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Have a great southern escape!

Ed said...

Love your pink flamingoes - and your choice of music !!

Anonymous said...

I loved this cute post!! Happy Pink..


That was just too cute and funny:)
I hope the girls have a nice trip and you have a Happy weekend:)

Vintage Whimsy said...

HAHA! You crack me up! I looove flamingos! One of my bathrooms has lots of flamingo things in it! I think it's cute but it's probably just tacky. Oh well, I can live with tacky. lol

nikkicrumpet said...

How much fun was that!! A VERY creative pink Saturday post. It's sad to see the girls go. I sure hope they come back in the spring...or before!

Betty said...

LOL LOL Have a wonderful pink weekend!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Very, very cute :)

See you girls in the spring.



Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Well for somebody that was out of ideals for posting you sure came up with a brillant one girl !! Too cute !!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

LOL!! You are too funny!! I love this side of you, gf!! What a creative imagination.

Grandma Faith said...

Very cute, very funny. I enjoyed the saga of the pink flamingoes very much.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Happy PS! Cute post. I just got my post up late this evening ~ stop by when you get a chance!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

KatCollects said...

Fun pink post, thank you. Hope your day was a great one!

Unknown said...

That was so cute! Very creative of you.

Hope you are getting some much-needed rest and relaxation this weekend.

Anonymous said...

What fun! Happy Belated Pink Saturday! ~ Lynn

Neabear said...

This was great. Very creative! Hope you had a Happy Pink Saturday!

Stacey said...

I love love love this post! And I love pink flamingoes. As a transplanted Florida girl living in Scotland, I miss the little guys. Thanks for sharing! :-) Stacey

Lisa (aka) French said...

Your a hoot! Loved this post;) French

tincanlily said...

I really never thought about where flamingos go during the winter. They have to go south!!! Can you imagine seeing all the flamingos getting organized for their trip? We have tons of blackbirds that do just that in our yard every fall. It is creepy!!!But tons of pink flamingos, how cool would that be.
Sometimes, I think what will I post about today? I really don't have a theme to my blog. Just posts things I make. There are days when I think "Am, I really going to post another card?" But what they heck, it just for fun. That is what you made your post today, fun, and everyone loved it!

Anonymous said...

Your post made my day. Have a great trip and a wonderful new week.

Anonymous said...


Nance said...

Ha ha ha! that post is very entertaining, Rhonda!
Would you believe that we actually have a Pink Flamingo Club in our area? That's how much they are loved!


Nancy Rosalina said...

Rhonda, I am just stopping by to ask for your prayers...I am sick, can't stand being sick! Going to the doctor tomorrow. I know you will pray. Nancy

Grand Life said...

Don't be gone too long. We all love your posts.

Michelle said...

What a fun post! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Blessings :)

onlymehere said...

Thought you'd like to know that I opened the window and told the birdies that they can have lots of bird friends down at your house. Watch for them they should be there in a day or two, LOL! Maybe they can join your flamingos and keep flying on to Florida. Just give them directions and they should do fine! LOL!

Pink Slippers said...

You are a hoot. I wonder what your neighbors thought when you were outside taking the pictures--of the girls in the car. hehe! Wendy

Kathi said...

Cute Rhonda! Have fun on your trip. Kathi

Heather said...

This is the funniest thing I have read in for-e-ver! Love the pictures.....too much!!! I do hope this is just your sense of humor though and not that all that dust is effecting your head!! LOL!!!
Hope you are doing well today! Have a great week sweetie.

Michelle said...

Now...that's some creative Pink Fun...and on a Saturday too:)

Monogram Queen said...

You are so crazy girl, I love it!
Au revoir Penelope and Patti (i'm honored to share the name!)