Friday, October 10, 2008

Playing with Food....

Growing up there were three places you absolutely minded your manners and did not misbehave,, church, and the dinner table. There were a lot of rules at the dinner table, and yet, I digress! :) Oh, the shame of it all, the kids and I have been having a little fun in the kitchen....and at the dinner table!

Wednesday night, I made grilled cheese sandwiches out of a french loaf, which I give Nancy, at Southern Lady credit for, (and they were delicious!). I served them along with chicken alphabet soup. Ashley was down to the last 7 letters of her soup, and they spelled OBAMA. (Well, we fudged a little and made the H stand in for an A in a distorted manner! LOL!)

Note: NO endorsements here.... :)
David still had a bowl full of noodles, so they decided to put a plug in for the other candidate....
Lisa, at Stop and Smell the Chocolates, on Fridays, is the host of a chocolate recipe swap. Go visit her for more yummy chocolate...
Last night I made Chocolate-covered Pumpkin Pretzels. They were festive, fun to make, and so tasty!!! The pretzel molds came from Wal-mart.

Gathered the ingredients, chocolate wafers and large stick pretzels. The pretzels were found at the Dollar Tree.
Melted the chocolate in the microwave and filled the molds...
After just a short while in the refrigerator, they were ready to eat...
Aren't they cute....and taste even better than they look! :)

That's all I have for this Friday! :) Hope it is a great one for you all! ~Rhonda


onlymehere said...

Whew, you had me a little scared! I thought at the beginning that you were going to be like the people who read tea leaves in the bottom of a cup and tell the future! This was a fun post. I'll have to go visit her for chocolate recipes! Love the holiday fun with the chocolate pretzels!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

How cute ,what you did with the alphabet ! I finnished my first tassle last night.When I get time after while I will send you a pic.

onlymehere said...

No, they called last night and will be coming Tuesday now. That's okay though bz they said they'd be able to do the two bathrooms that need some work on Tuesday and I won't have to pay another service call if they can do it all in one visit. Have a great weekend. Oh, and I know who holds my future too, smiles and hugs :)!

The Berry's Patch said...

Love your chocolate pretzel molds. Those look yummy. :-)

Missy Wertz said...

That is kewl!!! And yummy! I want the pitbull myself.

Michele said...

Those pretzels look yummy!

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Thank you for linking up! Those pretzels turned out so cute! What a fun idea! And chocolate and pretzels do go so well together - yum!

I like your alphabet soup creations. I do prefer the second bowl. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetness! Oh, I love those chocolate pumpkins!! Will you save me one?
Have a wonderful weekend and be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

nikkicrumpet said...

I'm laughing at the amusement at your dinner table....too much fun! and those pretzel sticks are so dang cute! Even I can melt chocolate....well if there was any left to melt.

imjacobsmom said...

I wonder if they have those molds left at my Walmart....Robyn

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to look for some molds like that on my next trip to Walmart. They turned out too cute! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle said...

Love the JM for Prez...not looking good but hoping he will pull through...

The Pretzels look yummy...I'd love that recipe...

Have a great weekend:)

Anonymous said...

Too bad she didn't have an "N" left in her soup and it would have been nobama.


Anonymous said...

I just had to laugh outloud, at the soup!!

Love the idea of using the candy molds for the chocolate pretzels. I might have to steal that.

Happy Saturday.

Lisa (aka) French said...

What a hoot looking at the alphabet soup~~very cute! French;)

Anonymous said...

LOL... never a dull moment in your home! The alphabet soup pics were a HOOT... LOL

I wish I had a chocolate pumpkin pretzel... they look adorable!!

XOXOXO ... Pearl

Anonymous said...

Me, again!

The next batch
of chocolate
pumpkin pretzels...
I bet sprinkling some orange sugar sparkles on them would look neat!

OK... now I am going to take my test... LOL

Dawn said...

Having fun with your food is not exactly playing with it so you are safe LOL!

The grilled cheese sounds yummy. I haven't had alphabet soup since I was a kid!!!

I love the pretzels. I'll bet they were delicious!! What a great idea.

take care,

Blogger said...

Now, is that no endorsement for Obama, or not endorsement for joshing with you...I will not talk politics on my blog either, don't want to scare anyone away ;)

Love those molds and pretzels, how cute and tasty is that???

I love to make grilled cheese with Italian bread and Mozzarella Cheese and some fresh basil leaves if I have them....yummo!!!

Bella :)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Now that looks like fun!
I need to play in food more often

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Ok, OK, playing with food is fun. But I think there is more distortion in Obama than making the H an A. :) I mean like. . . who is this guy and where the heck did he come from?????? And, who are really his friends???

OK, sorry, I'll shut up now.



Monogram Queen said...

They look good i'm going to surprise the hubs & Maddie and do caramel apples one evening!

Kim's Treasures said...

Great pretzels!

Tardevil said...

Thanks for stopping my blog. It's nice to know there are so many NC bloggies! I love your photo. Our taste is very similar. I love that chocolate satin ribbon. Does it get any better than that? I saw that you took some photos in Columbus Co. Are you there or the Wilmington area? I went to High School with a girl that has a soap store in downtown Wilmington. We use to go through Columbus Co. on the way to NMB. I've heard there is a good antique store near Whiteville, but I can't think of the name of the town. It's betw/ Hwys 86 & 701. I'm sure you've taken advantage of all the thrifts along the Hwy. 17 area! I'll be down in 2 weeks for the Dickens Christmas show in Myrtle Bch...we may be going for the same stuff when I cruise the thrifts & consignments! LOL! :O)

Anonymous said...

Great work.