Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pink "Labor Day" Saturday...

Welcome to Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly, from How Sweet the Sound.
Do you know what plant these beautiful blooms crown with their lush pink glory?

I brought this one in over the winter, and it was larger and prettier this year, than last!
It is one of the few plants that has flourished during our hot, humid Carolina summer!
The color is so deep, it appears fluorescent!

The Oleander behind it has done very well also, ...blooming the entire summer!

Bougainvillea make great cut flowers also. They will last for over a week!

Hope you all are enjoying your Labor Day Weekend!

We are headed to the Lake! :) ~Rhonda


Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Lovely PINK post!

~ Gabriela ~

mysteryhistorymom said...

Rhonda- What lovely flowers! Have a wonderful weekend at the lake!:-) Lori

onlymehere said...

Such deep beautiful color. I haven't seen anything like them around here! Hope your Labor Day is happy and safe also! Mine will be spent working on the computer but I'll think of all my friends out having fun! (Do you feel sorry for me now?!) LOL!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Happy Labor Day! Have fun at the lake!

Tootsie said...

have a great weekend girl. I miss you! have not been commenting much as I have had not much to say. Most of my posts are scheduled the last while. and I feel guilty for not stopping in more. take care! your flowers are spectacular

Glennis said...

Lovely bougainvillea! We have them in Southern California, too, in bloom now. They are so shockingly beautiful!!!

Happy Pink Saturday to you!

Amelia said...

So enjoyed the pink flowers...but then again I like practically any flowers.

Hope your weekend was wonderful!

Hugs from Oklahoma -where we have so much red dirt that it leaves a pink cast to many things...such as white socks.


nikkicrumpet said...

Wow...that is just the prettiest flower. I've always wished I lived somewhere that I could grow them. I never realized they worked so well as cut flowers! I hope you have a fabulous weekend too!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Oh I love that lamp shade too!!



Virginia said...

Bougainvilla, one of my favorite flowers. Yours are gorgeous.
Have a Happy Pink Saturday and a Wonderful Labor Day!
Blessings, Virginia

Anonymous said...

You picked a beauty and it looks like it's flourishing. Bougainvilla happens to be the city flower here in Camarillo, Ca.
One of the daughters of the Mexican land owner who owned all the land here (Adolfo Camarillo) chose the Bougainvilla to be the city flower. Enjoy your pink saturday and labor day weekend...

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

Beautiful flowers! Happy Pink Saturday!

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Rhonda,

Your bougainvillea's are beautiful. I always cover mine over the winter with sheets. Otherwise I have to start all over when Spring comes. I like your idea of planting them in a pot. That would give color to my porch. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda and happy Pink Saturday! Oh, your flowers are so beautiful. I've often heard the bougainvillea is called the forgotten plant because it doesn't need much care. I have meant to get one, but never have.

Oh, I'm hoping Ashley has seen her Diva picture. She is just a beautiful young lady. Tell her is is so pretty!! You had better lock her up ~ the boys will be knocking down your door! They probably already are! lol
Be a Pink sweetie,
Shelia :)

Dawn said...

What beautiful flowers Rhonda. The shade of pink is gorgeous!!!! I would love to have cut flowers like that in my home!

Enjoy your weekend at the lake. This is my last weekend before school starts. I hope to make the most of it.

Happy Pink Saturday!

take care,

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Rhonda. I have missed your smiling face on Saturday.

I adore bougainvillea. We had one growing on a trellis on one side of our home when we lived in South Florida. We had to constantly trim it to keep it from growing on to the roof.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... WOW, that is one amazing flower... love those thick Pink blossoms! I do not have a green thumb, so I really enjoy your garden photos!

I'll be thinking of you as you and your family enjoy the final weekend of Summer at your lovely Lake House! Be safe and have fun... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


SmilingSally said...

That bougainvillea is a pretty thing; watch the thorns.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
I love the bougainvillleas! I'll have to remember those next spring!

Rebecca said...
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Unknown said...

What gorgeous flowers!

Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rhonda, your flowers are just gorgeous.
Have a happy Labor Day and week ahead.
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose

Susan Hickam said...

Extrordinary pink! Love it!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Rhonda, that flower is must have a green thumb...Hope you all have a great time at the lake. Happy labor day to you and you family. Blessings, Nancy

Tricia said...

Rhonda, lovely post of the flowers...can'r spell bousoundkwwuirkvfnslcmsklvilla! Happy Pink Saturday!

Kathi said...

Oh Rhonda, That is such a lovely pink. Have a safe and happy time with your family. Hugs, Kathi

Anonymous said...

Evening, Rhonda. Just checking in ! Have a beautiful Labor Day!
BE a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

kari and kijsa said...

A beautiful pink post!
Thank you for all your prayers and blessings!
Have a wonderful Labor Day,
kari & kijsa

Anonymous said...

Hope you are haivng so much fun and rest and relaxation!!
See ya later, alligator....

Vanessa Greenway said...

They look great in that white pitcher Rhonda. Love it! Have a great holiday! xo Vanessa

Anonymous said...

Happy Labor Day! Your pink flowers are beautiful! I have to tell you I absolutely love your lamp too. Your cut flowers look lovely on your table.

Margie said...

Lovely *pink* flowers! Hope you had fun at the lake!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog! I am very excited to be here in blogland and look forward to meeting the lovely ladies out here. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Morning, Rhonda! Just checking in and hope you've had a nice holiday!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Monogram Queen said...

Pink is my fav-o-rite color!

Hope you had a fabby time at the Lake!


Your blooms are utterly stunning!