was ushered onto the Coast of NC, with blasts of cold winds!
The final days of December held temperatures of upper 60-70 degrees,
and now,
...it feels like Christmas!
The first day of the New Year brings thoughts of reflection for me. Christmas was good this year. The kids were excited about what "Santa" brought and other gifts, and I have enjoyed them being home, ....most of the time! {smiles! }
I love Christmas, but it contains a mixture of emotions for me. Some sadness entails. Many prominent memories I have of loved ones that have passed, are connected with Christmas. Bittersweet, like a cloud hovering over a good thing. When January 1st comes, that cloud is lifted, as the turning of the calendar page reveals a new year.
A new year full of new promise....

So what are your New Year's Resolutions, and have they changed or remained the same over the years? Here's hoping we all have much success, much more than dear Maxine.....

Below is a wonderful, exciting verse of promise and new beginnings, I'd like to share. "Out with the old and in with the new," when it is certainly a good thing! {smiles} ~Rhonda
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)- "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
Happy New Year to you and yours Rhonda. I know what you mean about bittersweet holidays. I think we can all relate to that. But I too love Christmas and the promise that it brings. I'm looking forward to 2009, and have resolved to LIVE each day of it and not take even one second for granted. "Talk" soon, friend.
I'm much like Maxine; I break the resolutions almost before I make them.
I enjoyed your post and can relate to it so much. I was going to do a post much like yours this morning ..but mine was hijacked by my talented daughter.
Isn't it the truth we creatures of habit and my resolutions are also the same as last year.
I am glad to have found you in this blogging extravaganza and wish you a wonderful year for 2009.
In the natural way....to get back to losing the weight I need to lose. Spiritually....I posted about that today!!!
Happy New Year to You.
It's a good thing to try to do things "outside of our little box". Having a blog was outside of my box:) and what a blessing it turned out to be.
I haven't made any resolutions in a few years......I'm really bad about breaking them FAST!!! However, I would like to TRY and take each day as it comes and enjoy each and every day to the fullest!!! Happy New Year to you and your family!!!
Happy New Year Rhonda! I don't really make any resolutions I just try to do better on things like exercise more, eat less, de-clutter, and save more money. I find if I don't make a resolution I stick to them a little better for some reason.
I look forward to blogging with you in 2009!
Great Post Rhonda! Love the new do! Happy New Year! I have enjoyed getting to know you!
Happy New Year to you! I have decided to NOT make resolutions this year that way I might actually secretly fulfill some of them (lol) French;)
Hi Rhonda, I quit making resolutions because I never keep them, LOL.Love that Maxine cartoon.Have a Happy New Year dear.
A mix of joy and sadness seems to be the norm for almost everyone at Christmas. I always have a longing for people and situations I can't have, but remember so fondly. Resolutions! I just don't even make them anymore! I always plan to lose about 30 pounds all in the month of January! I guess I'm not the most realistic at setting goals! Loved the cartoons!
Happy New Year, Rhonda. May it be filled with love and joy...Kathy
I've decided not to make resolutions this year but to set goals. Goals sound so much more achievable than resolutions to me. I was so excited to see a new post from you!!
Happy New Year, Rhonda!!!
You asked me about Annie, earlier... she got all dressed up and made an appearance at your request. ;-) Check her out. LOL!
My resolution is to try and live each day as the Lord would have me do... "This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!" :-)
Hi Rhonda~ I can so relate to the mixed feelings about the holidays. Resolutions though- I just don't make them- I know me and I won't keep them even though I should. Instead, I am going to focus on some words to live by- they are believe...contentment...faith...and intention. We'll see...
Have a great day!
Good morning, Rhonda,
I'm like Maxine, I never can follow through so I stopped making resolutions. I promised myself though to be more pro-active and utilize my strengths to help myself and others instead of wasting time on my weaknesses...a new outlook for me for 2009.
Good luck with your resolutions.
Christmas was warm in my corner of NC and New Years was COLD. I like it cold for the winter and I'm still hoping for some snow.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year Rhonda
I've given up on making resolutions because I'm sort of like Maxine...so I am like you I try to do better and have a better outlook. That in turn can help me with eating better too.
I've enjoyed reading your blog and will be back again.
come by and visit me too.
Have a lovely day
Sounds to me like you are starting 2009 with a great attitude! I look forward to reading about your adventures with your "open" mind. Maybe it will encourage me. laurie
at the beginning of the new year a storm very pity indeed. Even I was excited in receiving the gifts from Santa.
Hi Rhonda! Happy New Year! I love your post, it is sosooooo funny! Hope your holidays have been wonderful. Ours have been marvelous!
Happy New Year Rhonda. I stopped making New Year's resolutions a long time ago. I just try to be the best me that I can be. Sometimes it is not always that easy!
I feel the same way during the holidays. I always think of my father and grandmother. I used to spend all of my holidays with them, even as an adult and I miss them both terribly!!!
Good luck expanding that comfort zone!
take care,
I really didnt make any this year. I always seem to find a way to break them. I would love to just spend more family time and to quit fussing about the small stuff. Hope all of your wishes come true! Take care
How are things anyway? I've been so busy I haven't really been a very good blogging budddy but I hope to change that soon! I just wanted to say hi and let you know I was thinking of you. Cindy
Hi Rhonda... Hope Christmas was wonderful for you, sounds like it was! Now, as far as those New Year Resolutions go... I avoid them... if I don't make 'em, I can't break 'em!
I've missed visiting with you 'n the other ladies of blogville... hopefully I can catch up, soon... Please know that you're always close at ♥heart♥ and in my prayers... I hope 'n pray that this new year is kind to you... God bless...
~hugs, ♥love 'n prayers~
Happy New Year Miz Rhonda,
I'm late making my rounds! I love your post, I feel the same way about trying new things, nothing crazy, just a little outside my comfort zone otherwise I end up in the same old rut. Many blessings to you and yours in this wonderous new year *smiles*
Happy New Year, Rhonda! Gota love Maxine! My one and only is to just take care of ME! I do so much for others...I'm not complaining, I am happy to do all I do, but...I have let myself go in so many ways, and that has to change! Blessings to you in 2009! Nancy
Hi Rhonda,
Hey I have been on a blogging break and am just now getting around to visiting everyone.
I wanted to come over here and thank you so much for your prayers for my family-They worked! God heard us all loud and clear and Noel is such a miracle!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I also wanted to say I love the verse you posted here-It is the story of my life~
I do hope you and your beautiful family have a very happy and blessed New Year~!
Hi Rhonda
My resolution for this weekend - catch up on my blog reading. Gosh, it's amazing how quick and easy it is to get behind! And, believe me, I'm way behind. Anyhoo...I've enjoyed seeing what you've been up to. I can't believe how much I've missed. You've been a busy girl and you've had so many wonderful posts.
Hey Rhonda, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I"ve actually been to your blog before but not sure if I've commented. I've seen you around the blog circles. I have a couple of friends in NC; where are you?
Yes, I understand the mixed emotions of the holidays......hope your 2009 is a good one!
Happy New Year to you Scooter!!! I always feel such a peace & excitement on New year's ...it is truly a New Begining..I usually have the same resolutions each year with alot of emotion and thankfulness...I really want to lose some of this weight this year...I have battled it long enough! lol Hope this is your best year so far my friend!
thank you.
Stopping by to say Happy New Year. I love your trash to treasures. I looked at a few of your older posts. I scrolled down to the covered marshmellows, now I want something sweet! They look so good!
have a wondeful year!
Hmmm. Resolutions. I don't usually make them. However, I would love to get out of my comfort zone a little more... so that's my resolution. And to get in shape. I was helping my 74 year old mother close her futon the other day and I was the one out of breath! Yikes!
Rhonda, I wish you and your family all the best the new year has to offer.
Rhonda... I love your new wallpaper on your blog! And I love your cute dog's little sweet face. :-)
I am always grateful to be uplifted with scripture. 2 Cor 5:17 in a perfect way to start the new year!!!
Hi Rhonda :)
I understand what you mean about that cloud, but you're right... the New Year brings the promise of brighter days :)
Happy New Year sweet friend!
Happy New Year!
Just stopping by to say hi! Hope all is well with you. It's -7 degrees today (at least when I took Kaje' to school) and now it's snowing. Oh to live in a warmer climate, LOL!! Have a fantastic day today!
I don't typically make a resolution unless I really plan on keeping it. I am making one this year though...to spend my time productively.
Hope you had a wonderful new year Rhonda!
I've got a few doable resolutions up. Wishing you the best in 2009 Rhonda!
Isn't it funny how it didn't feel like Christmas until AFTER Christmas day!
I too am looking forward to a new year and what the Lord has in store for me as I seek him. Love your cartoon. The weight thing is a constant resolution for me too. Have a blessed week. Jackie
Hi Rhonda! Couldn't have said it better myself!! I can relate to the loved ones passing around holidays; my grandmother dies on New Years eve 2007! Resolutions - mine are pretty much the same as yours! Good Luck to both of us!lol Have a great day - Sincerely, Jeannette (Hope you're feeling well?!)
Happy New Year Rhonda...you have such a beautiful way with words!
My resolutions are some of the same..
Glad we met and look forward to sharing many more post with you!
Happy New Year Rhonda...you have such a beautiful way with words!
My resolutions are some of the same..
Glad we met and look forward to sharing many more post with you!
Happy New Year Rhonda...you have such a beautiful way with words!
My resolutions are some of the same..
Glad we met and look forward to sharing many more post with you!
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