You know, THE ONE, that you haven't seen in 20 years,
two children later, and 300#'s ago!
{okay, small exaggeration on the pounds!}
Now don't get me wrong, I'm married to the man of my dreams, wouldn't trade him for the world, or 10 of THE ONE's. And THE ONE from high school no longer in any way, holds my heart. He was replaced long ago, with my current hero! {But I would prefer THE ONE to remember me fondly as I was at 18.} And being that Kevin and I grew up together, I know who his THE ONE was, and I'm okay with that. After all I ended up with him, she didn't. That ship, (her ship), has sailed, end of story. I happen to know that Kevin doesn't favor running into his THE ONE, either!
So with that preface, let me start from the beginning. A close friend's mom died over the weekend. While thinking about the arrangements, a thought popped into my head, THE ONE worked with my friend, until very recently. It was likely, he would also be paying his respects by attending the visitation or funeral.
I frantically began estimating in my mind, just how many girdles and Spanx I owned, and how many I could possibly wear at one time to the funeral, before passing out from a lack of oxygen, ...all as I was eating, (and enjoying I might add), a slice of lemon meringue pie. My last weekend blow-out before my big diet.
Talk about motivation. I'd already committed to start my diet Monday morning. ...not to impress anyone, but should the occasion arise, I would be prepared the next time. It is now Wednesday, and I haven't weighed, but I am STARVING!!! Not just a little hungry, but painfully starving. {A tad more exaggeration!} The verse keeps going through my mind, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made...I am fearfully and wonderfully made." {Psalms 139:14} All jokes aside, at this point, weight loss isn't just a desire based on vanity. I know that I will never be 22 again, much lighter and wrinkleless. But I do want to be healthier. I do want to enjoy life more and increase the chances of living longer. My children may never admit it, but they need me, and my future grandchildren will too! {smiles} So Kevin and I have both made the commitment to go on a diet together.

Now, in case you were wondering, I didn't run into the ex. My legacy is safe and in his mind, I remain a youthful 115#'s.
Day three, and these thoughts make the hunger pains seem a little more bearable!
Oh, whatever it takes!
... and I appreciate any encouraging comments you may leave! And should you happen to write, "don't lose it too fast," my husband may very well die, or hurt himself badly, from laughter! {LOL}
~Rhonda :)

Just back on (the scales) with me Rhonda. My Ticker is adjusted and up and running and holding me to my weekly Monday day of truth!!! At least I didn't gain back all 11 I lost on the last attempt...just 4 so I value those 7 lbs lost and determine to add to that number.
I'm with that here. I have a class reunion coming up and am trying to figure out what cousin is "sick" so I don't have to go. LOL
I just keep waiting for the magic pills to come out. sigh! But my THE ONE is bald, has a huge pot belly, and is divorced three times over. Oh he is soooo not THE ONE I thought he would be. LOL (secret justice for the way he dumped me for a friend and broke my heart)
Hang in there...and go eat some more celery sticks. Ha!
Oh I love your approach to this thing called a diet..so here is hoping we all succeed. Ate too much during the holidays - and my clothes are sure letting me know.
Question of the day: Why does apple pie with ice cream sound so good right now?
Must remind my self of Phillipians 4:13...
Boy, do most us us hear you girl. Painfully so at this house. I have been married to my knight for almost 38 years and he has had a wife who has worn about that many sizes!!! LOL
With a back surgery I have put on 25 lbs in the past 18 months though and it is so true the older you get the longer it takes to lost it!!! I have learned being healthy is better than looking airbrushed:)
Bless your heart, you are beautiful and so is your wonderful family.
Hi Rhonda... You totally had me in stitches with your girdle 'n spanx comment! All while eating that yummieeee slice of pie... tee~heee! I have Faith in you, and am sure you 'n Kevin will be successful in your venture towards healthier living... Just loved the photos in the post below... such a pretty Princess! And David's beaming face with the Reindeer snack is priceless! Please be careful on the ladder, and when you're done, come on up to my place and get my house in order for me! Hope you're having a wonderful day... Please stop by for a visit when you can... I have some awards for you! God bless...
~hugs, love♥ 'n prayers~
I have found keeping baby carrots and an apple or banana around me at all times has helped. I also have stopped hiding the bags of candy around my house and office. I do eat something sweet everyday so I wont go into total withdrawals and eat a whole cake in one sitting!
It's hard but I'm getting used to my new routine
I forgot to let you know how much I like the "new look" on your blog! PINK 'n Green just makes me smile!
Pearl ♥
I'm right there with you!
Pick up the Twilight series...eating would get in the way of reading. Makes it much easier, lol.
If not now, when?
You'll never be younger than you are today?
.........too much?
Funny story and I know just how you feel! Glad you didn't have to run into "THE ONE"!
You are right though...It's time to take our lives back!!!LOL...and I'm right on board with you! It ain't easy but it's so worth it in the end!!!
Good luck to us both!
Oh gosh, I would hate to have one of my boyfriends in school see me now...YIKES! I have put on so much weight in the last couple of years and can't seem to find the motivation to do anything about it. One of my goals this New Year is to walk more and eat smaller portions.
I LOVE your new blog look...Pink and green is just soooo pretty!
I am extremely cognizant of running into old highschool mates... I live in such a small town! I feel your pain Rhonda!
Great story! I have been on a diet since August and have lost 15 pounds. I have no story to tell, just need to get healthier and feel less poofy! 10 pounds to go and I will be content.
Good luck!
If you've been by my blog you know I'm doing the low carb "thing". It's working, but it's not easy. I'm taking one day at a time. Heck one hour most of the time. Let's encourage each other.
Good luck.
I hear ya! Glad you didn't see him - yet! I so understand that. My 25th class reunion is in June! I have a gazillion pounds to lose by then, and I've sat her for hours blogging. Way to go. I'm leaving you an award! Also, I Carolina blogger has started a Carolina blog roll - her button is in the top right corner of my blog!
It is SO nice to meet you! I have really enjoyed browsing through your blog. I will make it one of my favorites and add it to my blogroll. Thanks for your nice comments yesterday on my tablescape. I really enjoy TABLESCAPE TUESDAY - each week it's like working a puzzle, creating something that will delight someone. I'm really glad you like it. See ya soon!
I completely understand, Sweetie! I am in the same boat as you... You will be in my thoughts and prayers as we go through this battle together!
I am so happy that the bracelet was a success! You really made my day with your sweet comments!:) Lori
I have seen them & love them! They will be nice for Spring. I'm hoping Tomlinson's in NMB has them when I go down MLK weekend! I had a red berry monogrammed (2 m's?) one for Christmas!
Hey Rhonda! Loosing weight is so hard! I feel your pain. It's so easy to pile on those pounds but so hard to peel them off! I live to far away from where I grew up to run into any old exes! Whew! I know what you mean. They need to suffer, don't they! LOL
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
If it makes you feel any better. I start a diet every Monday and do really good until lunch! LOL!!
You can do it!
Hang in there!
Good luck with your diet...I have pretty much given up hope to ever be a human size again. I ran into the "one" a few years ago. I went to the hospital one night at 3:00 in the morning...I had on jeans and a pajama top (I was in so much pain I didn't take time to fully get dressed) no makeup, hair not combed in 12 or more hours..well you get the horrible picture. I am in the emergency room lying on a bed...and who walks in! I wanted to die for sure! He took one look at me and said "damn you must really be hurting" At least he didn't say "looking at you is hurting me!" They took my gall bladder out the next day. Too bad they couldn't have removed his memory of how I looked the night before!
You are SOOOOO FUNNY! Wow, love the cartoons. You are on the right track, hey and your married to Mr. Right...that is wonderful...but don't go overboard on the weight thing...keep everything in perspective...like, can you zip up your pants? Does your bra still fit? Can you see your feet, ok your knees, your chest? See it is all a matter of perspective! Just kidding...we here in blogland appreciate you for who you are to us, not how small your waist is!
Hi Rhonda
Oh dear I know what you mean. I don't think I'd like to run into someone I went to school with...hmmmm..however I would imagine they wouldn't be the same either...except that some guys just age so gracefully..handsomely. hmmmm...
I have to be more disciplined with myself too...
hope its been a nice day
There are so many of us who are starting the New Year off with a weight loss resolution. It's like our own little blogging support group! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm always glad to hear from you!
Girlfriend you are too funny! I do kow how you are feeling though. I feel a bit fluffy myself. I would love to attend the Bliss..dom conf. next month and I trying to save up for it. Just the thought of maybe going has me in a panic. Just how much weight can a girl lose .... opps I just ate two bowls of pasta. Darn it. Oh well there will just be a bit more of me to love~ hehe
It is so great that you can laugh about it (and make us laugh about it)! Good luck. laurie
Rhonda, please, I BEG YOU, don't lose it too fast!! Heehee hope Kevin has a big fat life insurance policy with you as the benificiary! Just kidding Kevin! LOL! Still friends?! Seriously I did love this post. I think I'd be the one dying of a heart attack if I ever say Jimmy again.......although I've heard that life hasn't treated him well and it shows in his face and his body. I prefer to remember him at 18 too. Cindy
Ooops, make that "beneficiary." I hate it when I don't spell words correctly!
How funny! I so enjoyed this read!
The one thing this old gal has learned over the years about dieting is: don't diet--make it a lifestyle change. When you approach it that way, it's not a "quick fix", but it is better for you in the long run. When my hubby and I started eating correctly (by choice--MOST of the time) and EXERCISING, we found the weight comes off and stays off. Of course many SMARTER FOLKS THAN US realized that a very long time ago. Unfortunately, we do "slip"--I sure did during the holidays. I am trying to get back to my old stamina levels at the gym--I have also found the OLDER I get, the longer it takes me to get back to where I was! OK, I'll stop! Good luck with your good health steps in 2009! Dana
I must blog about my experience now. I decided to walk the treadmill at a place I have had a membership to for years. Right before, I turned into a two year old. fit and all. BUT it felt so good after I finally got on the machine-- and might keep doing it. Working out not throwing fits.
Very cute!! And I'm back on the diet, too!
Nice to meet you, as well. Don't you just love that Carolina Mama?!?!
Great blog! I'll be back!
Rhonda, I totally know what you mean. I had to deal with that this summer with my class reunion. I knew about it waaayyy ahead so I could have lost all the weight, but that seemed to backfire and all I did was gain. I did survive it, but still struggle all the time trying to get some weight off. I have to do it so I will stay healthy, but it's so hard.
You can do it though - don't give up! I refuse to give up!! I even have a separate blog to help me with weight loss.
Oh girl I do feel for you...I just ran into one of my old friend about a year ago...but girl I was looking good and I could see in his face he thought the same thing..I just left him with a smile...but said to myself WAY to Go Gloria..eat your heart out sucker..Good luck...hugs and smiles Gloria
You can do it...I am doing a lot better...
I have lost 42 pds...within a year.. I'm losing slow but I'll take it. Went from 3X to 1X....I go to Curve three times a week..That has help me alots. Love the cartoon strips...It's Cute! In fact...that look like my HIPS..LOL. I have about 80 pds to go...YEAH...my goal is to lose 35 by Easter. Over the holiday..I didn't excercise like I should have..and ate lots of sweet...But I am so glad I stay the same..Didn't gain or lose. But I'm back on track...Long ways to go..LOL .. Good Luck..you can do it. "I can do all things throug Jesus Christ who strengthen me. Phil 4:13
Hugs and Smile
Thanks for the laugh this morning. All joking aside though - 10 pounds seem to have found their way back to my butt through the holiday cramfest so I am in this with you sister!
Good luck with YOUR battle with the scalemonster
I'm with you! For me, it was only son's wedding either in May or August. Now that's motivation! I started Weight Watcher's this week along with walking.
Wishing you good health and results for this year!
Oh how FUNNY!!! I had a very similiar experience recently. An old boyfriend from HS found me on facebook. I realize I'm almost 40 and so is HE but the thought of looking OLD to him makes me cringe. I have a memory of him being 18 and I like it that way. lol Good luck on the diet! I was hungry for 2 solid weeks until my stomach got used to real portions at meals vs the giant portions I was used to eating. :o)
I haven't gotten on the scales the last two weeks, and I don't want to know! LOL! I can feel it and know I need to lose. :-) Good luck with your diet. Glad hubby's onboard with you. It makes it easier to prepare meals. :-)
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