My trips to the flea market and thrift stores have been very productive since Christmas. I suppose people were cleaning out and donating for year-end deductions. Their
Trash, has certainly turned into my
Treasures. Junk Shopping has spoiled me, though. I went to Ross and Hobby Lobby last week, and didn't buy a single household item. ...knew that something wonderful and exciting was sure to turn up in my Junkin' Journeys, and for a
much cheaper price! I'm not by nature a patient person, but for the money, I can wait! {smiles}
My post yesterday featured my foyer table.....

The glass dish and tall bowl piece were both second-hand finds.
The glass dish was $2, found a few weeks ago, and the other piece came from an upscale resale shop found when we first moved in the house.

The brass piece below, also pictured in yesterday's post, was a Goodwill find, for $4.99.

An additional plate for the mantel vignette,
the coral colored plate is Indian Red, by Spode.
Moving Sale find for $2.00, and the lady said sadly, she had just purchased it.
I personally would have found a space in a box to transport this sweet dish! {smiles}

My grandmother B. loved
pineapple decor. She once told me it was the symbol of "
Welcome & Hospitality." When I find a piece, it fondly reminds me of her, as did this brass one below.
Some of the things I find, I have no idea what their original use was, which for me is part of the thrill of repurposing junk....reinventing an item, and thinking outside of the box.
The original Stein Mart price tag was still on it, $16.00, but cost only a couple of dollars at a thrift store. {please, excuse the cell phone cords behind the lamp}

The silver tray on the buffet below, was found at a local resale shop semi-hidden on the bottom shelf. I figured it was probably expensive and started not to bother with it. Imagine my delight and surprise when I looked at the price tag....ONE DOLLAR!!! It was so big, (30"x 18"),and heavy, that I couldn't carry it around and had to leave it at the front desk until I was through browsing. I was so afraid someone else would pick it up, but the sales lady assured me she wouldn't let it out of her sight! {LOL} It is far from perfect. The plating is very tarnished in several spots, and did not clean up with polish. But resting on the sideboard, it can hardly be seen.
"That's just character, I say!"

I'm leaving my dining room tree up for awhile. It gives the room warmth in the bland winter.

A few more recent thrifty pieces that haven't yet found a place in my home....
~Cheese Slicer, $2.00 {needs cleaning}, flea market find
~Retangle glass dish, 77 cents, from the Salvation Army Thrift Store
~white footed dish, $2 or $3, local thrift store

Preview for next week's post,
~Bringing Spring Indoors Early~
with second-hand Treasures.

Be sure to visit
Diane, for more Trash To Treasure Posts!
Some wonderful finds amoung your trash to treasures objects. I looked at a Southern Living Spring catalog the other day...the prices were more than I care to pay...guess I am spoiled by Goodwill and garage sale pricing..at least at the less expensive prices if I find I don't like it then no big deal...but some of the $50.00 and up for things that interested me in the catalog I would have to use them in my decorations forever!
Have a great day!
All lovely.
GM girl you get the best stuff..I need to go shopping with you..but I have told you this before...I live in such a little town that we have nothing here..pop 1650 kinda of like Mayberry on the mountain top..hope you have a great day..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
You have some marvelous finds.YOu and I could have blast together.Yes,it's hard paying full price after thrifting,isn't it?Ann
Hi Rhonda,
Your finds are fabulous! I LOVE to go browsing in thrift, antique and the Goodwill shops. I think it is the thrill of the "hunt"! Your tree is so beautiful.
Brass polish will clean up that planter and make it shine like new. As for the silver platter, you can take it to a silversmith and have it re- I think the word is reglazed. I did that with some silverware once, and they're like new.
I can't hradly bring myself to pay full price anymore. I've been thrifting for over 10 years & I'm addicted. Shopping retail makes it too easy....it's the thrill of the hunt for me.
You've decorated your home beautifully w/ your finds Rhonda!
I was never a thrift store shopper until I started blogging, but seeing all of the great finds out there made me decide to give it a try too. Now I'm a thrift store convert! I love it!
You've certainly found some great deals lately!
Rhonda, you are the avowed queen of thrifing! Girl, I can't believe your finds! Great going!
And that post for next week looks extra special with those pretty flowers. Think of me as I have to work Friday night and all day Saturday as a judge at a BBQ Contest... outside! It's supposed to get cold here.
oh, I love junking..although I don't like running into rude cashiers.
I love to see your treasures each week!
The pineapple planter is awesome...I want one!
OOOH, great finds lately! Looking forward to spirng next week....;) Blessings,Nancy
OOOH, great finds lately! Looking forward to spirng next week....;) Blessings,Nancy
Hi Rhonda! So many pretty treasures! I would definitely have found space for the pretty plate(s)! Love them. I'm laughing at your "character" comment; that's how I describe my face!!lol I don't have patience either which is why I never leave Ross without something; but I admire that you waited!!lol Have a great week - Sincerely, Jeannette
Oh Rhonda...you have had great junkin' journeys...I really, really love that tall thingy on your foyer table! ;-) Bo
Great finds Rhonda!
I enjoyed catching up with you, today. Your kids in the snow photos were wonderful! You could see the absolute joy in their faces!
You were able to find so many wonderful deals. I loved the quote from your grandmother. I too enjoy pineapple decor and the Islands of hospitality:-)
Great T2T post!
Absolutely lovely!! You are quite the shopper. I love how you display all of your finds. You would have a field day at my house with all my empty space LOL!
take care,
Hmmmm- maybe I can sneak into the thrift stores tomorrow quickly. You have me wondering what pretties are in.
Amazing finds. I used to find things like that at garage sales in the Midwest...but here, NOTHING! Everything came together beautifully! Have a great rest of the week!!
Hi, Rhonda! Boy, you find great treasures. I have the exact same glass dish with the little handle! It's so pretty! You really know how to put everything together in a beautiful vignette, too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Great treasures. I'm starting to get more into buying resale items. Now if only I could get up early enough on Saturdays to garage sale shop. I'm sure I would find a ton of treasure.
Hi Rhonda... I agree, Gotta Love Junk! Everything looks so beautiful and peaceful in your home... No doubt that you have "the eye"... My Mom had a love for Pineapples, as well... Somewhere in one of my attic boxes is a framed needlework of a Pineapple with the word "Welcome" that my Mom's Mom made... I know, it shouldn't be up in my attic!! I am bad... Perhaps this Spring I will be able to finish going through everything... I really enjoyed your "Blue" post, below, too! You're the Queen of Decor, girl... Seriously!! Hope all is going well with you and your dear family... God bless...
~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~
I enjoyed seeing all your treasures! I have to live vicariously through your goodies, wish I could find some!
Lovely, lovely and lovely! LOL!! Every piece is lovelier than the next!
I really like the silver tray!
Question...you said it has tarnish that didn't come off with silver polish. If it's really tarnish and not pitting or missing silver...try this.
Put a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of your sink (or somewhere that you have room to put that big tray in). Then put in enough HOT tap water to cover the tray. Throw in several tablespoons of salt. Let sit about 15-20 minutes. If it's truly tarnish...it will melt off. All you'll need is a bit of silver polish over the entire piece...and it will be even more beautiful.
***Don't worry...this process DOES create a sulphur smell!!!
Wonderful stuff! I really love that white footed dish you found. Hmmm...might be time for me to get to the thrift store again! :)
Hi Rhonda~ I really love hearing about all your "finds" You got GOOD STUFF!!! It all looks so lovely against the backdrop of yout beautiful home.
Hi Rhonda,
I'm runnig so far behind in my commenting! I always enjoy looking at your thrifty finds...you have great taste.
Thanks so much for linking to Trash to Treasure!
All of your finds are great. Love the mantel - the ice chiller w/ the branches/pinecones rocks!
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