Thursday, January 22, 2009

When It Rains {Snows}, It Pours...

Literally and Figuratively,
and In Various forms of Precipitation!

But first, I would like to THANK all of you for your prayers!
You all are a Blessing!
My brother is back at work and recovering well.
And it looks like my SIL's health issues are stemming from her gall bladder.

So, what have I been up to since my last post a week ago?
Sunday, we had a Seafood Dinner for Josh,
to celebrate his 18th Birthday.
The Saturday evening before, my THREE year old stove stopped working!
Luckily, most of the seafood was going to be cooked outside.
But then.....the RAINS came.
It poured all day Sunday, so the cooking was moved inside my garage,
which was still temporarily housing my Christmas decorations.
{They hadn't quite made it to the attic.}
Despite the nasty weather, we still had a wonderful time.

Below is Josh and his sister Kayla, who is 364 days older than him!

Monday, the kids were out of school. So, we decided to run to Fayetteville to find ski gear for Ashley's upcoming ski trip with her church youth group. When we got home around 8:00, we let Coco out to go to the bathroom. When he came back in, he was lethargic and dazed, had a bloody nose, was tucking his tail, and had a gash under his chin. After calling my dad, who was an animal science grad, and then the emergency vet, we headed to the Animal Emergency Room, an hour away. I didn't know there was such. When we left home, I honestly didn't know if Coco was going to make it. His diagnosis: Head trauma to his right side. After giving him fluids, injections of steroids and pain meds, and observing him for a short while, we were released at 2 a.m. The best we can figure based on his injuries, he must have fell off the back porch, or down the steps, which were slippery. He isn't a 100% yet, but doing much better. {smiles!}

And then Tuesday morning, 8 a.m......
Oh, Could It Be???
Oh, Yes It Was......SNOW!
I looked out of my window, and saw a vision of white I haven't seen since 2002.
And then, it was just a mere dusting.
Below, looking out of the back door.
In my 40 years, I have only seen it snow in our county about 5 times.
The last "big snow" was in 1988!
Starting to accumulate!

Thirty minutes later, it really began coming down.

The poor birds didn't let falling snow deter them from their feast.
The feeder was empty the next morning!
Bailey was not nearly as excited as we were.
He just wanted to be left alone. {lol!}
Southern Winter Wonderland.....

Ashley wouldn't wake up and play with David, so he threw snowballs at me as I was trying to take pictures.

Opps...left the blinds up, that I was peering from earlier this morning....
Okay, that is better.....

Neighbor's flag, below....
Palm Tree covered with snow in the hedgerow....

After taking pictures, I spent the next TWO days in front of the fire, wrapped in blankets, and read a really good book, The Land of Mango Sunsets, by Dorothea Benton Frank.
The fan on our downstairs heating unit kept freezing up, therefore it was 66 degrees in the house most of yesterday. I wondered just what else was going to break or go wrong. But thank goodness, today it is in the 50's and the unit seems to have recovered.

Next post, ....a little snow frolicking in the snow....
~Rhonda :)


Domestic Goddess..Diva sometimes said...

Oh I'm sorry about your doggie. Mine also injured herself really bad last week. I'm glad your doggie is doing better. :)

Wendy said...

Hi, here from Carolina Mama.

Hope your dog is feeling better! And I love the picture of the palm tree in the snow. I have never seen that before.

Unknown said...

Hope your dog continues to improve!

Your snow pictures are fantastic! I think this is the first time I've seen the outside of your home-it is lovely!

:) Diane

Becky said...

Poor Coco, I hope he's going to be alright. I thought you were going to say he got hit by a car.

Josh's sister is gorgeous and it sounds like you guys had a wonderful time.....despite your stove messing up.

I love the pictures of the snow, especially the one of the birds. Oh, and the one of the palm tree. Now that's amazing.

Also, glad to hear your family is healing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! Poor little fuzzy face - hope he's better really soon. I love all your snow pictures and your house is gorgeous!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

mysteryhistorymom said...

Your poor little puppy! I hope he is back to normal soon. Sounds like things are good for the rest of your family which is wonderful! Love the snow and the fact that you were cozy under blankets reading a great book. I will have to check it out! Lori

Tristan said...

Nice updating!

Poor puppy :(..hope he feels better soon!!

Those birds are stocking

Kathy said...

Poor, poor Coco! Glad he's on the mend. Snow on palm trees - that's just not right! Hope it warms up soon.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back, Rhonda... I thanked God for the healing that He is providing for your loved ones... My prayers will continue ~hug~

It was so nice to see and read about what you've been up to... I think your home is breathtaking... and how exciting for David to have some snow to play around in! Of course, you know my ♥ just broke when I heard about Coco... and then you had to post that sad photo of him and really tug at my ♥-strings... I just want to scoop him up into my arms and hold him and my Cocoa on my lap... I'd gently rock them while they napped... I pray that he is not in pain and that he heals swiftly!

You were terribly missed and I'm so happy you're back... God bless...

~hugs, love ♥ 'n prayers~


Susan said...

Great snow pictures and I could hear the joy and excitement in your words!!! Happy 18th to your son....a very important birthday.

Amelia said...

Glad you enjoyed the snow...when it only happens a few times during a decade then it is exciting.

What happened to your stove? Did you get it fixed or replace it?

Josh is really growing into such a good looking the girls in school think so too.

Have a great weekend!

duchess said...

So glad y'all got some snow - we didn't. The pictures are beautiful. Looks like you've got your Christmas card shot for next year - the house looks great with a blanket of white.

SmilingSally said...

It's so wonderful to hear that it's JUST her gall bladder.

Oh my heart aches for poor Coco, and you are having a time of it! Well, the dog will heal, the snow will melt, you'll get a new stove, the thermostat will be fixed, and you'll live happily ever after! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hope Coco is feeling better soon!!
I love all your snow photos. Your home is gorgeous!!

Good news about your sister in law. I have gall stones, diagnosed from a ct scan 10 years ago. My doctor told me, gall bladder problems mimic heart symptoms. He told me that at my last visit. I told him, I'd just as soon hang on to my remaining parts! Anyway, it is indeed good news, to know your sister in law has a diagnosis, that can be treated!
btw, when my second daughter was born in 1967, my roommate, also a new mother, had her gall bladder removed the day after giving birth.

Kim's Treasures said...

So sorry about your dog! We became very familiar with the Emergency Vet too, the week after I got home from taking care of my dad (who had an abdominal aortic aneurysm that burst...he's much better now...MIRACLE). You're right...when it rains it pours!

Hope your dog is doing much better! Glad to hear your brother is back to work and your SIL has some answers!

Have a great weekend...oh...I enjoyed your snow photos too!


Tardevil said...

Glad to hear your SIL didn't have something major. We left NMB on Monday b/c we thought we'd get MORE snow in the Charlotte area, and we only got a light dusting. Wish we had stayed at the beach b/c I've never seen snow there. Glad you got some!

Tardevil said...

P.S. Coco is so sweet. Hope he/she is doing much better.

onlymehere said...

I've never seen the outside of your home and it's lovely! I love the styling of it. Also, I hope that Coco is doing better. What a scary thing to have her/him walk in like that. David looks like he enjoyed the snow! I love the picture of the frog just contemplating the snow! We had unusual weather too....freezing rain! We've never had that here but the inversion we get in the winter and other conditions caused it. I don't want it again! I'll leave it to the Eastern Coast to deal with, LOL! Did you get the stove fixed? The new appliances don't last as long as the old ones do they? I think this is so sad bz they're so expensive. Now go snuggle back up and finish that book!

Anonymous said...

Morning Rhonda! I'm so glad your brother is doing better and that your SIL has more info and it isn't heart related. Happy Birthday Josh (a cutie!) Poor Coco, I hope he is getting his spunk back! This is the only kind of snow I like now!lol Your house is GORGEOUS!! Thanks for your comments on my pantry; it went quicker than I thought, I guess I was determined to get something done this week, which is why I need to get off here!!!lol Just wanted to say hi! Have a great weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette

Darlene said...

I am so GLAD your brother and SIL are doing so much better....we bloggers have some powerful prayer don't we!?!!

I hate that little Coco got hurt so badly. I hope he/she? is doing much better. It always makes me so sad when our little critters get hurt or are not feeling well.

Looks like you all had a ball in the snow. We don't get much snow here either but we have a blast in it when we do. All you can do is bundle up and try to stay warm.♥

Monogram Queen said...

Your poor sweet dog. I am so glad he will be okay. Pets really grab my heartstrings!
Glad your family will be okay too. I had my gallbladder out six years ago and it's not fun!
Love your snow pics and Dorothea Benton Frank is awesome. My favorite read by her is still Sullivan's Island though. Have a great week-end and a happy belated birthday to your sweet boy!

Michelle said...

man you have had it going on! Glad your family and little CoCo will be alright.

The snow was beautiful wasnt it....I've had my winter fix now and so ready for Spring...tired of being cold!

Happy Birthday to you little man!

Melissa Miller said...

The snow was fun wasn't it? We had a bunch too.

I glad your family members are doing better.

I'm so sorry about Coco. Poor baby. How sad. Please let us know how she does with her recovery.

Melissa Miller said...

I'm sorry "HE".
I'm really worried about him...:(

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Looks like a busy week but one full of blessings. :-) I'm glad to hear Coco is feeling better as well as family members. Your snow was beautiful. They're calling for snow here on Sunday. I hope this finds you having a super day.
hugs ~lynne~

Melanie said...

We had frost on our Florida lawn this morning!
Cool tree face.

Kellie said...

Wasn't the snow just wonderful! Glad y'all got a little more than a dusting. I couldn't believe we got 5-7 inches... It has been a LONG time. :)

Glad your sweet little doggie is OK. :)

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Living in Michigan the snow isn't that exciting to me. . . but POOR Co-Co. Being a Yorkie owner too my heart is aching. My tip. . . potty pads. Our little guy goes on potty pad in a corner of the garage. He never misses and never gets dirty from the dirt, rain, snow, outside. And, he can't fall off of our patio or have the bigger animals in the neighborhood injure him.

I order my potty pads in bulk, on line. If you are interested, I can send you the link.



Cheri said...

We use to live in Edenton, NC are you familiar with it? Once we had a light dusting of snow there and everyone got so excited but I am originally from PA so it was no big deal. Now we live in GA but it is nice not to break your back shoveling, don't miss that.


PS - I hope your pup is doing OK, he is so cute.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Rhonda, I almost cried when I saw poor Coco in that cast! Oh, the poor little sweetie. Hope he's much better soon! And I'm glad everyone else is better, and Josh and his sister are such cutie pies!

Sending much love and many hugs and prayers your way...

Hug Coco for me!


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for praying for me...I'm feeling a lots better. I have been praying for you and your family too. Josh is a handsome guy and Ashley is a bleautiful young lady. I know you are proud of them both. The snow is beautiful..and you r home is gorgeous. Hope you got your stove fix or a new one. I hated that happen. You have a wonderful weekends..Katherinellen

Justabeachkat said...

Poor little Coco! I hope your fur baby is much better real soon.

Snow? What fun!


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

You have been a busy gal! Loved your snow pictures, and I'm so glad Coco is doing well. I'm sure that was scary. Glad you got a chance to relax in front of the fireplace after all of those disasters! I'm also glad that you have a sense of humour about all of it. And really glad your family members are doing better. laurie

Kitty Scraps said...

Good Morning Miz Rhonda,
I think stupid blogger ate my first comment *drats* I'm a little behind in my blog reading and I'm so sorry to hear of all the troubles you've been having this week. It seems your loved ones are out of danger but I still offered up prayers for their continued healing. And I can well imagine how very upsetting and distressing it was to discover your sweet precious fur baby injured,not knowing the outcome... My pets are loved as much as my family and my heart goes out to you! Poor poor precious little Cocoa, I'm so glad he seems to be on the mend now. He's a cutie pie!

Pink Slippers said...

Poor little guy.I guess when your little, a little fall can be a big deal for you.
But, things seemed to turn out happy for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that everyone is on the mend. Poor little Cocoa! Your pictures are all beautiful. The snow can be so pretty at times. I hope you have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.... that sweet puppy.. I know you have had your hands full in these last few days... Enjoy the snow..and the fire with the blanket~

Picket said...

Hey Scooter...I am glad to hear your family is doing better my friend...but I am so sorry about your Coco..I hope he heals quickly and gets back to his old self soon. We are the same way about snow down here..we hardly ever get any and oh my word girl you are so funny going to fix that blind so you could take pictures! lol lol That sounds like something I would do..draw backs from RMS days! lol Have a great weekend my friend!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Rhonda, I am so glad to hear that your family is doing better. I am sorry to hear about your little doggie...hope he is better soon! The snow was fun! We had a little of that white stuff too. Blessings,Nancy

Dawn said...

Oh my goodness Rhonda, when it rains it does pour!!!! That is some chain of events. Poor Coco. What a scare it must have been for all of you!!!

The snow pictures are very pretty!!!

I am 364 days older than my sister. One day a year we are the same age LOL!

I hope the sun is starting to shine on your days.

take care,

Unknown said...

The white dusting look so pretty, doesn't it? SO glad that Coco is OK - what a scary thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to blogging and just found your site thru Southern Whimsey. You have a lovely home. Your children really looked like they were having a good time in the snow. So sorry to hear about your little dog. I hope he recovers 100%. Blessings.