I thought of Noah, and how he must have felt when God instructed him to build an ark. Not a young, youthful man, but one exceeding the age of 500 years. I thought of the surprise of his fellow people, and the ridicule he must have endured and suffered, as he hammered each nail. Ridicule that didn't last for days or weeks, but for years as Noah consistently and faithfully continued to build. And I thought of myself and my walk with Christ. How many times do I cower and not take the stand as strongly as I should for God and my faith, in fear that I might offend someone, or come across as a fanatic? A name I'm sure Noah heard a time or two from his very own family and closest friends.

God made us many promises and being the visual people that we are, He even gave us the rainbow to solidify and reinforce one very important. How alone and isolated Noah must have felt, as he took a step and stand in faith. But Genesis 6:9, says, "...and he walked with God." One of my favorite and most cherished promises comes from Hebrews 13:5, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." What an assurance that God does indeed walk with us, and that he will never leave us, not even for an instance!
My heartfelt desire: To be a Noah!
~Rhonda :)
What a beautiful post. Isn't it wonderful that God gives us such visual reminders of him.♥
Beautiful post!!! The Lord is certainly speaking to many of us. Praise God He is and may we have the boldest to speak of it every chance we get.
I just posted an urgent prayer request on Hearts. Please pray, Rhonda.
I LOVE your Wednesday posts!!!!!!
Thank you for posting this. I wish I was more like Noah also.
Good thought! To live up to His potential for us...
Thanks for your beautiful post today, Rhonda. Every once in a while you just need a reminder of God's promises and nothing does that more beautifully than a rainbow. I've always loved rainbows and the story of Noah recounted in the Bible. I think he will be an incredible person to talk to in Heaven!
What a beautiful post..a great reminder of God and all of His promises...hugs ~lynne~
another beautiful posts! Thanks...
Beautiful :)
Sometimes we need reminders, don't we? Nice post!
Great post! I do feel like Noah a lot of times. He tried to warn people that they would perish, and that they could be saved, if they just listened to God and had faith. But they didn't. They laughed at him, ridiculed him, and ignored his message. They all perished, except for Noah and his family.
Isn't that how it is today with us as we try to share the Gospel with people? All they need to do is listen, have faith, and believe in what God says is true. But they don't. Instead they laugh at us, ridicule us, and ignore God's message. And they too will perish.
God give us the strength to continue to stand strong like Noah and continue to give His message to the world around us.
Margie :)
Very nice post...and he chose such a beautiful thing to remind us.
~Lovely post. Thank you.
My newest nephew is named Noah.
I'm hoping he grows up to be like this.
absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post and the picture of God's promise!
Hi Rhonda, What a beautiful post and such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing this beautiful rainbow pic. and the reminder of God's promise.
Bless you.
Hugs, Celestina Marie
Hi Rhonda,
Thank you for your comment and I feel the same way...I don't speak about Jesus and I should. I am glad for His mercy!! I'll pray for your family members:) I made a new post tonight and you might get a laugh or two from it:)
Hi Rhonda,
Thank you for your comment and I feel the same way...I don't speak about Jesus and I should. I am glad for His mercy!! I'll pray for your family members:) I made a new post tonight and you might get a laugh or two from it:)Also love your treasures. I'm feeling the NEED to thrift!!!
Funny but Noah always comes to mind when I see a rainbow in the sky.
You can definitely be faithful without crossing the line to "fanatic"!
That is loveliness personified! Thank you!
So lovely and such an important thing to remember and strive to do.
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