Tuesday's winter storm, brought the second snow
the children have seen in our part of the state.
The first lasted only a few short hours,
just enough to make a 12" snowman on the hood of their daddy's old el camino, in 2002.
David below, is suited up and ready to have a little fun!

Snow angels....

All smiles.
"You know, this stuff is really cold!"
Ashley woke around noon, {....teenager}.

I passed on the camera,
....and the first thing they did, reenact
The Christmas Story!

Working on a Snowman.

"Oh, forget that, ....
snowball fight! WHAM!"

Late afternoon, and just enough snow left for Ash's angel in the snow.
Short lived, payback from David!

He then tackled her...

"So it was on like
...and she tackled him!

"Dude, look at the
{Bless your heart, sweetie, Those are

My favorite part of snow....Homemade
"Shout joyfully to God...How awesome are your works."Psalm 66: 1,3
looks like fun...glad it was them and not me...brrrrr your daughter has beautiful blue eyes...WOW!! hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
snow ice cream---best way to celebrate having snow!
Oh, Rhonda! What a hoot! This makes me miss my grown up and away from home kids!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
They look like they had so much fun....but, I'm glad you got it and not us...BRRRRRRR!
WOW! Looks like fun...where are you from. Mmmmm! Homemade ice cream...we always made ti too! Ashley has the most beautiful blue eyes..
Smiles and Hugs
Great pictures of cute kids have such a good time. Made me smile. laurie
Great pictures of cute kids have such a good time. Made me smile. laurie
Popsicles! Love it!
Hi Rhonda, I'm glad to see your kids enjoying the snow! We're having our St. Paul Winter Carnival for the next 10 days and I could easily send you some more if you want it....Jacob and I are trudging through the snow - we're having a medallion hunt. Stay tuned I fill you in on it later next week. ~ Robyn
Awwwww...what fun photos. Love the last photo too...very cool.
BTW...I need some help with Super Bowl decorations in my formal dining room where we'll be putting the food this year. I've posted some pics of the room. Help! You always have great ideas.
boy would they have fun in my yard! except that it is -30C here right now! does look like they enjoyed it!
Now, that's the perfect way to have snow: a little and then it goes away! Thanks for sharing.
You all certainly enjoyed the snow fully! I like the re-enacting A Christmas Story best!!!!
Rhonda~ I love the pictures (especially tongue on lamp post-lol)! I am glad the kids got to enjoy and have so much fun in what we totally take for granted as part of our landscape for 3-4 months! If they would like some more snow- I can send you some of ours! Enjoy your day!
Hi Rhonda...your children are so beautiful and what memories to be playing in the snow! ;-) Bo
Isn't snow magical? I bet your kids will always remember the day that their Momma made snow ice cream for them!
I would like to have some snowcream about now! YUM!! And where were you when all this action was taking place?
SNOW...I love it! ;) It may do that here this week..we'll see!
Oh girl that brought back so many memories for me...we had a big snow back in 1993 I the kids played for days in it and even built a huge igloo! lol..Mama always made us snow ice cream if if snowed enough..that pic with the icicles was glorious! I loved seeing this post Scooter...thanks for sharing!
I love seeing the joy that your kids get out of the snow! This is like the excitement and joy my kids had when we made it to the beach 14 years ago. We've never been back to California or any other ocean but some day I have to go! I loved it so much. I'll keep asking the snow fairies for all the snow to go to you that's scheduled for Utah bz you're enjoying it much more than we are! LOL!
Good Morning Miz Rhonda,
I remember the great snow storm of 88 *smiles* We were living in Jacksonville NC at the time. Your kids look like they are having a ball! And your Ashley has the prettiest blue eyes, they really stand out in the picture of her. Too bad the snow didn't last longer for them to enjoy *smiles*
There is certainly magic in a snowfall! I just love the picture of David's tongue on the pole. That's one of our favorite Christmas movies. I remember getting my tongue stuck on the metal ice cube trays we used to have. Oh, the memories.
take care,
Wow, we must not live too close to each other because we had a lot more snow. And the blue touches in your house looks great! I've been doing that with RED. Of course, now I just painted my daughters room ROSE PINK ... so that and the red don't jive too well together.
Thanks for visiting my page!
Looks like a fun time, Rhonda! Love all the pictures! So cute with them making snow angels and having little tussles. :-)
I hope that Coco is feeling better. I've been thinking about y'all.
Sheila :-)
So much fun for the kids! I really need to drive my son to some snow so he can play!
So fun!
How is little Coco?
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