Saturday, June 14, 2008

My Dad...

Being the oldest of two, I was the one most like my dad and his family. Those who know us, would probably agree I should have been the one to carry on the "family name," instead of my brother, Ron, ...who takes after my mom's family. ;)
And did you catch the name similarities??? ...Rhonda & Ron
Yeap, we were named after my dad...Ronald! ...or Big Ron, as he is called now!
Not that he is "big," I guess it is just his presence.

My dad was a traveling salesman, for most of my childhood. So during the week, many times my mom was left to fill both parental roles. She was a wonderful, stay-at-home mom, and I'm sure at times, it must have been stressful for her, but she never let it show.

My dad was very outgoing, and could be a lot of fun. He wasn't a cold person, but he didn't show or tell of his affections often. But you could "read between the lines" of his actions, and know that you were loved. He showed it in his own unique way. Some of the best memories of times spent with him, were fishing trips, in which he would bait my hook with worms over, and over, and over... What time he wasn't getting my tangled line out of a tree, that had become snagged in the branches. ...or taking a slippery fish off my hook!

My dad was also a member of the country club. But this wasn't a fancy, high maintenance, high fees country club. Our community was based around a paper mill, and the county club was just a simple, local hang-out on the afternoons and weekends. My dad often let me go with him, to drive him around in the golf cart. He was pretty forgiving when I almost ran us both into the ponds around the course, more times than my pride will allow me to remember.

When I was in college, we both caught the antiquing, junkin' bug! No one appreciates "our junk," we treasure, as much as we two do. And our family claims we are not good for each other...instigating the other at auctions and such...any where a deal can be found! LOL! This has created a firm bond between us, and we have often been deemed, "Sanford & Daughter!"

The pictures I am sharing of my dad and I, are all from my wedding, 15 years ago.

Telling Kevin..."No, she's yours are not bringing her back home to me..."

(He really said this! LOL!)

As the years pass, and we have children of our own, we come to appreciate our parents more. Times when we thought they were being unfair, we realize as we are faced with similar parenting scenarios, that they did the best they could...and at times find ourselves acting in the same manner they did. I know I do! And as we ALL get older, the bridge that connects us turns into a friendship, and we realize that we are a lot more like our parents, than we would have ever imagined growing up!

I learned alot from my dad, and until I married Kevin, I thought he was the smartest man in the world, "smiles" ...I say that because Kevin is a pretty smart fellow & great dad, too! LOL! But the most important thing my dad taught me, he did so without saying a word. He taught me to pray! When I was a little girl, I went back to my parent's bedroom one night, and my dad was on his knees, by his bedside, praying! This was humbling for me, an image I'll never forget! This is still a nightly ritual for him!

I feel blessed to still have my dad. Kevin does not, and we all miss his dad, Bill!

Although he will probably never see this, I do wish my dad,

a Very Happy Father's Day, with love~



I am always humbled each time a fellow blogger honors me with an award! I have had two new awards this past week, from two great ladies...and I THANK YOU, both.

The first is the Arte y Pico Award, from Mrs B. The first time I saw her profile picture ....Leopard Print shoes with pointed toes, I felt a kindred spirit, and knew we would be friends! LOL! Mrs. B. has a beautiful home, filled with love and three children. She has a wonderful eye for decorating! ...especially her children's rooms. She is always so encouraging, insightful, and kind! ...she has a great sense of humor, too!

The second award, Best Blogging Buddies Award, was given to me by Kathi, at Feathering my Nest! Kathi has a wonderful blog, and incorporates scripture into her post. I always feel as though I have had a devotion, after reading her blog, which I need and appreciate! The home she shares with her four beautiful children, looks like a wonderful, fun haven! She features events and activites with her children, on her blog, that are inspiring to me. She is a sweet soul!
Thank you both!
I'm so glad to call you both friends, you make my life a little brighter! :)

Hope everyone is having wonderful weekend, I'll forward these awards on to some of my friends next week!

~Blessings & Hugs, Rhonda ;)


Anonymous said...

Rhonda, this is a lovely tribute to your father. I wish he would be able to read it.

Tomorrow I will be honoring the two wonderful men I have in my life - my husband and our son.

And, I will, as always be missing my daddy.

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry. I forgot to leave my url.

Dawn said...

What a wonderful tribute you wrote about your dad. It was full of emotion and much love!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was nice to "meet" you!

take care,

Vanessa Greenway said...

Hey! I'm so glad you stopped by for a "visit"! I loved you photos! Yo-yos are my new "thing"... I've been making a lot of fun accessories with them! I'm adding you to my favorites, ok? Hugs! Vanessa

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, You are so blessed to have such a great Dad. He looks so gentle and kindhearted. I loved reading this post. It made me want to just pick up the phone and call mine. I will but guess I better wait till morning. Glad that your little birdhouse made it home safe and sound. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks Again, Susie

Vee said...

Such a nice post...I very much enjoyed reading about the relationship that you and your father enjoy. Enjoy your weekend as you honor the dads in your world!

Deb said...

Rhonda, I loved the story about your father it was beautiful, he's quite a guy. Tell him for me, Happy Father's Day! Congrats on your awards you know I think you are most deserving, friend. I hope tomorrow with your family you enjoy a wonderful time. Deb

Unknown said...

Congrats on your awards!

What a sweet Father's Day post - those pictures and memories are so neat. I have also been married for 15 years! Time flies...

Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Your post about your precious Dad was awesome. Y'all look so happy in your photos, and I know you were! It's just so heartwarming to see it and I thank you for sharing with us. Please give your Dad a hug from me!

~throws confetti~ YAY! Congratulations on your Awards!! You are so very deserving of them and I'm tickled Pink for you!

I hope the day is wonderful for you and all of your loved ones! I'll be thinking of you... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Tootsie said...

when you have a minute, please swing by my blog and collect the award I have nominated you for!

Kathi said...

Rhonda, This is such a loving tribute to your father. He is a wonderful father. I loved the part where mentioned he prayed on his knees before bed. Living by example is such a powerful thing. You are so blessed, as I am. Have a wonderful Father's Day sweetie. Kathi

PS Thanks for the kind words to be about the award. I love your blog and the encouraging and interesting things you post too. You bless my life.

shaybert said...

Thank you for visiting "my place" and I must say, I am enjoying yours! Whatta blessing! Love your tribute to your father, mine has been gone 6 Father's Days now and how special for you to enjoy yours still. Can't wait to see more of your home.
Blessings, Shay

vintage girl at heart said...

A beutiful post and what an interesting blog you have!!! The photographs of you and your Father and Husband are wonderful!!! I hope your Dad sees it!!

Picket said...

Hey Scooter...loved that beautiful tribute to your dad!!!! Ohhh and the part about hearing him pray...brought back so many memories for me...when we were in the Air Force I was so homesick for my family and we would sometimes drive 14 hrs straight just to see them and rest a few hours and turn around and go back home but I can remember lying in bed during the middle of the night and I could hear mama and daddy praying in their room down the hall..I'd lay there with tears soaking my pillow as I thanked God for blessing me so with these two wonderful people...ohhhh where is my hankie!!? Bless you sweetie..this was was so beautiful.

onlymehere said...

Beautiful tribute to your dad. I was really touched. You're a lucky girl to have such a good man in your life (two if you count Kevin too!). Cindy

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post and tribute to your sweet dad! You were a beautiful bride!!!


Judy said...

I love the story about your dad (and what a beautiful bride you made). My dad has not been with us since 1980 but I was a "daddy's girl" and there are times I still cry (like right now) thinking about him. Thank you for sharing your touching story.


Heather said...

Thanks for stopping by! I have been trying to leave a comment for a couple days and haven't had any luck! But I'm here now! LOL!!
This is so beautiful- I am, once again, crying! We used to do family devotions every night before bed when I was growing up and then we would all kneel and pray. It is one of my favorite memories and a tradition I am trying to teach my kids.
What fun to share such an interest with your dad! Love it!!!
Your gardens are so beautiful too! I love that little frog!
-Heather :)

teacupsandpoodles said...

Dear Rhonda,
What a beautiful tribute! Your blog is lovely.
Mary Ann