Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pink Saturday #2...

Another Summer week has flown quickly by, and it is once again time for
Pink Saturday!
...hosted by Beverly, from How Sweet the Sound

Don't you just love old vintage radios? Check out this PINK Westinghouse one!
It was the beginning piece of my vintage radio collection, that never quite materialized! ;)

In case you are wondering what the "night stand" the radio rests on actually is an old, antique safe.
It still has the original owner's name stenciled on it!
Now, there is an idea for Vintage Thingies Thursday, more pictures and the neat story behind the safe, to share! ...Stay tuned for that one! LOL!

Yesterday, the kids and I, went shopping for a few things to complete our lake house remodeling! Our first destination was Homegoods! favorite store!

I snapped a few PINK pictures to share with you....

PINK elegant Waterford plates....

How cute is this??? For the life of me, I couldn't figure how to incorporate this precious PINK cake plate in my decor! It sure was hard to walk away and leave it behind!

Cute PINK Kitty Plates...

These aren't PINK, but this was the first display as you walked into Homegoods!

And what a WOW! impact the black & white pieces have! A little PINK would be quite striking thrown in the mix, wouldn't it???

Forgive me for really straying off the PINK path now, but the pictures below concluded our trip. My kids all-time favorite movie is NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM! They have watched it a gazillion times!

David was so excited when he found this statue, that resembled dum-dum from the movie.

And then I heard this a gazillion, and two times....

"dum-dum wants gum-gum"

"dum-dum, you better run-run"

So, that is what I am about to do...RUN off and hopefully finish painting, and put out my goodies from yesterday's shopping adventure!

Wishing all of you a Happy PINK Saturday! ~Rhonda


Anonymous said...

Great Pink Saturday post, Rhonda. I love your radio - and your cute little guy.

Home Goods is one of my favorite places to shop.

Dawn said...

The pink radio is adorable!!!!! Great finds at Home Goods! I think that cake plate is wonderful!!!!

Oh, and David is just so cute!!!! I love his cheeks and smile! I've only seen Night at the Museum once. I think I'll need to watch it again!

take care,

Britt said...

the raido, waterford plates, and cake stand are awesome!! LOVE THEM!!

Heidi said...

Good Morning Rhonda, What a delightful post for "Pink Saturday"! I think I love all your "pink", but especially the plates!!! The floral ones, the Waterford ones!!! I am a "push- over" for plates! I love setting beautiful tables, so never feel I have enough!...And that son of yours is the "cutest" thing!... & I can so relate, we love that movie too! You have a lovely weekend!...Your friend, Heidi XO P.S. You are definitely one of my favorite bloggers too!...such a wonderful site you have! And I LOVE your monograms!!! Bye for now!

mommyholly said...

LOVE the pink radio!!! :) And we just watched Night at the Museum.. my 4 year old was entranced by it... so that "dum-dum" statue is hilarious!!! xo!

Justabeachkat said...

I love the pink radio! I've never seen the movie, but want to. That last photo of Davis is too cute.


Naturegirl said...

Love the kitty plates! Oh that little guy at the end of your pink post too cute!It's been a long tme since I've seen a pink radio!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... sure was good to hear from you! This was such a fun post... I cannot understand why you left the PINK Poodle Skirt Cake Stand in the store?!!! Did you misplace my mailing address already?! ~dramatic sigh~ Love the PINK Radio, too, and the awesome bird lamp!! The black 'n white display made me think of your monogrammed window treatments... so pretty.

When you send the Poodle plate to me, please tuck David into the package as well... I'm a sucker for cutie~pie boys! Plus, I think he'd enjoy hanging out with the ferrets! Ahhhh... such are dreams! Glad y'all are doing alright and am sure you're anxious for the Lake House project to be complete. Your fourth of July celebration is going to be AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing the PINK and please have a terrific day! God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Anonymous said...

great pink pics-you could include david because of his pink cheeks!! i love that movie too-such a great kids' film.

Teresa said...

Wish I had a Home Goods near me. I've seen that cakeplate at Marshall's and it's so cute. Impracticle, but cute. Nice post!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi Rhonda!
Love the pink radio! So cute and retro....

Don't you just love Home Goods? I was in one in Florida last week on vacation and couldn't buy anything because I had no room in my suitcase :-)

Vanessa Greenway said...

I forgive you for not keeping the pink path... because I absolutely love that black and white set. Wonderful! Hugs, Vanessa

Shirl said...

Hi, I love that vintage pink radio! Very cute post!
BLessings, Shirl

Unknown said...

Cute pink radio!! What a fun shopping trip. That Waterford plate is gorgeous, isn't it? Looks like I would have a very hard time in that store. I haven't been shopping much lately.

But I am heading to MT for vacation soon. I do plenty of shopping there since I use the excuse of no sales tax to justify many purchases! LOL!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Vanessa Greenway said...

How nice Rhonda!! I haven't been back there since then. But we still planning on taking miss Luna with us for a family portrait! I love that place! Have fun!!! Hugs, Vanessa

Mya said...

Love the pink plates and that old pink radio is so cool. Home goods is my fav store, just love it.

Anonymous said...


It's nice to meet you. North Carolina........ we thought we were going to move to New Bern, N.C.. We drove down there many times and loved the town. But then the floods came and overflowed the rivers and my husband changed his mind, besides it was a 9hr. drive back to Pa., where our kids and grandkids all live. So, we found De. and love it here too.

I'm so new at blogging, but hope in time I'll get the hang of it and post things that others will enjoy, as I've enjoyed looking around yours. Thanks for dropping by.

'D' @'D's DayDreams

Shirl said...

Hi Rhonda, thank you so much for the sweet comments that you have posted. I will be glad to give you the recipe for that pie, it is so good especially in the summer, it's a light and refreshing treat! I will do a green jadeite post just for you and Roxy and will include the recipe. It might take me a few weeks to get it together. I'm working on a charity thing right now and will have it up and running very soon. I will get a little break then. You can see from my posts that I take so many pics!!LOL Have a great week!
Blessings, Shirl

Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
Love your pink collection of items. The cake plate really caught my eye.

David is a doll. Bet he has to beat the girls off with a stick...or will soon!

PAT said...

Wonderful pink post, Rhonda!

Have a great week!

Mary said...

I love that cake plate!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Rhonda!
Love those pink dishes, all of them! great post Rhonda!
I'm back and checking in with everyone to see what's going on!
Hugs, Sherry

Gone said...

Hi...I love the dishes, of course!! Cute PINK post!

Thanks for the visit to my Blog and the nice comment you left. Stop by again, soon!


Gone said...


Forgot to tell you, We are OUT OF STOCK on most of the PINK shoes that were in our PINK SATURDAY post! LOL!!! Sooooooooo many were ordered - all in fun, of course!!!

I had fun posting them! I just knew they'd be a hit!!


Anonymous said...

Love the pink... I always have a hard time finding a place in my home for pink. I love the color but it just doesnt go with a thing. My poor daughter gets poured with pink. Her room is the only room in the house where I can fit it in... poor child. Not even sure if she likes the color. Im sure she will be asking for a big girl room soon, sigh... Susie H~

Kathi said...

Oh that cake plate is adorable. I love your pink post Rhonda. This is so fun. That pink radio was a keeper. Have a great day. Kathi

Bonita said...

The pink stuff is pretty and some of it is really cute retro looking, but I have to say that the black and white dishes just melted my heart. They are gorgeous!

Rae said...

I have the black and white salt and pepper shakers. LOVE them!!!