Monday, June 16, 2008

Nestle in the Garden ~ Tour For A Cure ~ Part One....

Would you like to enjoy beautiful gardens, flowers,
and whimsical yard art, from the comfort of your home?
You don't even have to dress up for this fine occasion..Come as you are...
And join me as I participate in...
Nestle in the Garden ~ Tour for a Cure
Garden Tour Event

Hosted by a precious soul, Deena, of Can I Be Pretty In Pink

After you have taken a glimpse here, I encourage you to stroll on over to Deena's Blog,

where you will find many other garden contributions!

Be prepared for a treat ~ You will be blessed....

Please enjoy a glass of iced tea with me, before we begin our tour...
or a cold glass of lemonade if you prefer....

Bougainvillea by the pool....

Knock~out Roses in pink & red...

Blue Morning Glories....

The Garden ~ a great place for meditation & thought...

Creeping Snapdragon...

Caladiums & Fern....

Vibrant Amaryllis in the Spring....

Sweet, intoxicating fragrance of Gardenias...

I have so enjoyed your company, as we have toured a little of my gardens. I do hope you will join me again tomorrow, as we continue on this journey....

It has been a pleasure to have you join me!

Now let's go on to Deena's, and enjoy more of God's magnificent handiwork!

~Rhonda ;)


Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden. It does show us Gods work is all around us.
Have a Blessed Day,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful garden you have! I think that is a wonderful idea and thing that yall are doing for breast cancer. Susie H

Unknown said...

Such beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing them...a nice little retreat.

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda, I really enjoyed the garden tour. I really love flowers, and the lemonade and table setting was very refreshing. Deb

SweetAnnee said...

Oh what a wonderful relaxing garden
I had mint sweet tea
while touring..
I love your Morning Glories
I planted some from seeds
and they are just beginning to peek
up and out!! deena

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Rhonda!

Remember me? I've been so bad about blog reading lately...not because I don't want to read, but because of my crazy life recently. Lots of company, which has been wonderful and then all the medical tests, "hoopla", etc. I'm back now though...finally.

You've been a busy, busy girl. I've really enjoyed reading all your posts I've missed and seeing all your beautiful photos.


Southern Lady said...

Rhonda, thank you for sharing your lovely garden and flowers with us. I'll look forward to the rest of the tour.


Mya said...

Your garden is fabulous. I am so impressed. You are wonderful for doing your part to help the cause. I have been a long time Relay for Life volunteer. Thank you for sharing your little beauties with us.

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, everything looks just beautiful. Thanks for inviting us.

I'll head over to Deena's now.

Picket said...

Ohhhh what a beautiful tour girl...I did so enjoy it!!! Thanks for such a beautiful and meaningful post...have a great evening!

Tootsie said...

this was just stunning! there is no such thing as an ugly garden is there! wow. thanks for the tour!

Susan said...


Picket said...

Hey Scooter!!! Bill was in the Air Force but we didn't retire in it...after him being sent to Korea for a yr and the Viet Nam war going on I knew I could live that kind of after his term was up we headed back home! We were stationed in Kansas and Louisiana...but we both had relatives that made a career of the Air Force...

Picket said...

oops..that should read I couldn't live that kind of life! LOL I was a basket case the whole yr he was in Korea..his group was sent there as a backup for Viet Nam..I stand in awe of all the men and women who have spouses in the war zones..only God knows the cries they call out in the wee hours of the morning behind closed doors and then they get up and face the world and take care of things at home wearing such a shield of bravery..God bless our military families.

Nance said...

hi rhonda,
i absolutely adore your garden! most of mine are not blooming yet but they will be pretty soon ...

I'll go visit deena as you suggested and thanks for your kind words about my son's playing his guitar. he enjoys it and i'm sure your son will too... keep them out of trouble. lol


Picket said...

SCOOTER!!!! I just read what BJ wrote and I screamed outloud!!! LOL LOL That girl needs therapy! LOL LOL I need to charge people for that one!!!! LOL LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Your gardens are lovely! My favorites are the snapdragons and gardenias... Heaven sent! A worthy cause, for sure, and I'll make it a point to return tomorrow to enjoy more...

Sweetest of dreams when you find your pillow... God Bless...



Debra from Bungalow said...

Thank you for sharing all these beautiful flowers & pictures of your garden, It's all so pretty & a very worthy cause.
I'm popping over to Denna's now, Hugs, DebraK

Unknown said...

Beautiful garden tour! Everything looks just like it came from the pages of a magazine!

Kathi said...

Rhonda, Your flowers are breathtaking. You are so blessed to live surrounded by beauty.


Jann said...

Beautiful, beautiful photos--loved my visit--thank you so much! ~Jann

Jan Parrish said...

Beautiful garden. Thanks for sharing. Stop by and visit my garden.