Friday, June 6, 2008

Be Back Monday....

Off for a little R&R...
Miss you guys, going into Blog with drawl! "smiles"
Have a great weekend!
See you all Monday! ~Rhonda


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda,

Have a fun time wherever you go for your R&R!

Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Have fun.

Heather said...

Thank Goodness! I was getting ready to send out an A.P.B.!!! Enjoy your R&R!!!
-Heather :)

Unknown said...

Had forgotten that you said you would be busy. Glad all is Ok! Get plenty of relaxation!!

Lidian said...

Rhonda, have a wonderful relaxing weekend! See you next week!

Picket said...

Ohhh Scooter...are you going to your home in the country? I do so envy you that..have a great and relaxing weekend where ever you go sweetie...I'll catch you later.

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Have a great weekend!
Hugs, Terrie

Deb said...

Have fun for me, Deb

onlymehere said...

Enjoy the break! I look forward to hearing about it when you come back!

Susan said...


Rue said...

Have fun wherever you are!


Grand Life said...

Have a great R&R- Mom's need it in the summer.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rhonda,

It's so good to hear from you. Thanks bunches for the lovely comment you had left on my blog. You are so sweet and kind!!!!

Blessings to you and yours for this coming week! :)

Hugs back to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetness...

Come see me, please, when you get home... Hope your time away has been pleasant...


Anonymous said...

Hace fun, cant wait till you return! Susie H

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Sweet dreams! Terrie

Southern Lady said...

Rhonda, thank you for your note about my "piddling" post. Your "I've been just stirring in it all day!" expression is so cute and perfectly describes some of my days. I'll have to remember it for future reference ... lol

I hope you enjoyed your "R and R." I'll be back later today to see what you've been up to.

You take care now ...


Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
I've been poking around your blog. It always amazes me to run across these awesome blogs. I love the way you have them listed with the names of the authors on your sidebar.

I'm just getting started in the blogging world....check me out when you have a chance. I will add you to my list if you don't mind.