Friday, June 20, 2008

Pardon Our Dust....

I mentioned last week that I had been painting, and some asked where? ...Here it is!
The Lake House
The house consists of two duplexes, the bottom was Bill's, my FIL's, and the top is ours.
About eight years ago, we had damage from a hurricane, that has never been completely repaired, and it was just time for a remodel, so we began with Bill's. Those of you who have been following my blog, know that he passed away 2 1/2 years ago. He lived here full-time.
We haven't been to the lake much, since he passed, but felt it was finally time to move on.
Ashley and I had cleaned and cleared out the entire duplex, except Bill's closet. I've kept the door to the closet shut, but everytime I would go by it would be open. Knowing it wasn't going to go away, and I was going to have to deal with it, I pepped myself up to tackle it yesterday afternoon. It was just as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe harder, because I thought after the time period, it would be a lot easier. And underfoot yesterday, were four young boys, two teenagers, and four burly men, as Picket would say. Where is a girl to go, to find a few moments to herself, for a much needed cry, with that audience like that around! LOL!

The entire duplex was originally builder's sprayed white, that soaks paint like a greedy little sponge!!! I am painting the living/kitchen area green...
The floors were damaged beyong repair in some areas, so they have been removed and replaced with tile.

The doors have been replaced, and moldings added thoughout the house.

The original white cabinets had to be replaced! Josh is showing off his biceps, for all of blogland! LOL! You can see the original door in the picture below...

Excuse the "less than cleanliness"...LOL! Bill was a bachelor...

The new cabinets...

The counter top will be in next Friday! And did I mention that we are trying desperately to finish this remodel by the 4th of July, for a huge cook-out! Talk about pressure! LOL!

The pier was also destroyed by the hurricane, too far gone for "repairs"...

Everyone is tuckered out! We are so tired some nights, we can't sleep! LOL!
But it will all be worth it, when it is complete! Our duplex upstairs will be a WINTER project! LOL!

I'll post more pictures as we progress! I'll be painting bedrooms today!
Remember when I wrote...I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grow up, in my tag responses???
Well, I've narrowed it down to NOT include being a painter! LOL!



Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Your lakehouse looks lovely!

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling ... going through my brothers closet was so hard to do. My sister and I sat and held each thing and had a story with each item almost. I still have a bunch of his shirts in my closet. just cant seem to let go... You know the years are passing by when they no longer smell of his cologne.. I miss that smell... Glad you are ok and got some work done... Susie H~

Unknown said...

That is a HUGE project. It's looking fantastic!! Looks like a good place to have fun - the 4th will turn out great even if you are not totally done. :)

Unknown said...

Very pretty lake house! I love the green paint you chose, My bedroom and kitchen are painted with a similiar color.

Tootsie said...

what a big job...and you are going great! I know it must have been very difficult to clean that closet. hang in there...all your hard work is looking wonerful so far! by the way...nice biceps guy!

Unknown said...

GORGEOUS! What a beautiful place to vacation!! It is looking so pretty! Love hte color you chose!


Anonymous said...

That's a huge project, but you all are doing great. I like the green color.

See you tomorrow for Pink Saturday.

Anonymous said...

What a charming lake house. I'm glad you are going back and fixing it up, it's too wonderful to let go.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... What a gigantic undertaking of LOVE that y'all are doing at the Lake House. I'm praying for you and everyone that is working there... for safety, good weather, and restful sleep. Sweetie, I know how hard that closet was for you. My Dad died 11 years ago, and my Mom joined him 6 years ago. I still haven't gone through most of their things. I keep my Dad's bathrobe and his favorite flannel shirt in my bedroom. Sometimes I snuggle with his shirt at night when I feel lonely. Often I'll wear my Mom's jewelry to keep her with me. We just all have to approach such deep loss in our lives in different ways and at different time frames. Just know that I'm sending my love 'n prayers your way for strength as you go through this time.

Your photos were terrific... and I am looking forward to seeing the progress and end result! Loved the shots with the kids, too! I'll be back to check in with you, soon. God Bless...

~hugs 'n love~


trish said...

Such a labor of love ~ your care and time you all have put into painting and repairing shows. You are doing a beautiful job! ~Tricia Anne

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Thank you guys for all of your encouragement and prayers! It is an exciting time, to see our hard work pay off...the satisfaction of our efforts! But it is also mixed with a lot of sadness, and at times is very difficult! Bill was very dear to all of us. Kevin and Bill has a unique, close relationship and he treated me like a daughter. He was the best grandad to the children that he could have possibly been! He didn't cultivate a lot of relationships in his last years, but family was very important to him!

Your kind comments mean so much! ;)

Hugs to you all....Rhonda

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

oopppss.meant to say Kevin and Bill HAD....sorry! :)

Anonymous said...

~sticking my head back in~

Rhonda... I just wanted to thank you for the comments you've left for me lately. ~hugs~ I always get that "feel-good" tinglie~feeling when I read things from you, cause you just have a special way of lifting me up! Your kind and gracious soul is one of your best features... along with the sweet and encouraging attitude you have.

I just howled at the description of the "white towel man", Alan, that was in your catering post! He sounds like he'd be so much fun to have around... LOL

Thanks for asking about Alex's party... it was alot of fun! He was so happy that family and friends had come together like that just for him. I was able to get some photos, but I have not uploaded them yet. Will do it soon, and make a L.O.N.G. post about it... LOL

And, yessssss... I agree with you about getting us some of those ruby slippers, with magical powers, and going off for some adventures! That would be a RIOT!

I'm hoping the weekend goes well for you, Sweetie! Please be really careful working at the Lake House... God Bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Awesome, girlfriend!! I am jealous!
Hugs, Terrie

Justabeachkat said...'s coming along and you'll be so glad when it's over and you can enjoy the "fruits of your labor". It looks like a wonderful place to make family memories in. Can't wait to see more photos as you go along.

BTW, on what lake is it?
