Monday, June 30, 2008

Update on David...

Well, we went to see the orthopedic, and it was not the news I was expecting or wanted to hear. I thought we would go today, the doctor would set the bone, and then we'd return when the swelling subsided for a cast. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The break is on an angle, and the doctor seems to think that the bone beside it is fractured also. He took a look at the X-rays, and said he would have to treat it in the hospital. Me being the naive one that I am, didn't register what he was saying, until they got to the "put him to sleep," part. My heart fell! Tomorrow, we are scheduled for pre-op at the office and hospital, and then Wednesday, David will be having surgery, to set and put a pin in his arm. (Wednesday is also my husband's B'day.) His hospital stay will be determined after the surgery. Okay, maybe I am a drama queen, maybe I am way over protective, but my baby is nine, and the thought of David being put to sleep and operated on is extremely difficult. And of course, I am holding it all together in front of David, because he is nervous, and I don't want to add to his anxiety! He is such a strong little trooper. But inside, I feel as though I am crumbling and about to smother. It's a mama thing, I suppose!

I know everything will be okay, and we could be facing so much worse. I believe that God will see us through this, just as he always does! He is faithful, and the ultimate physician! I am afraid for my little one, but in the midst of "this storm" we are in, I cling to this truth found in Mark 6:51, "Immediately He spoke to them and said, 'Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.' Then He climbed in the boat with them, an the wind died down. They were completely amazed." I know that God is "in the boat with us," and that David will be healed, this is just a little bump in the road.

I do ask that you keep David in your prayers! And I hope that you all have a safe and happy 4th! Under the circumstances,we will be postponing our festivities until the next weekend!

God Bless...... ~Rhonda


Amelia said...

I will definitely add David to my prayer well as you. God will be the strength that gets you through this. As you say this is just a bump in the road and "This to will pass".

Keep the faith!

Unknown said...

David is in my thoughts and prayers!

If it makes you feel better, my daughter is a surgical nurse, and rarely does anything go wrong!

Kellie said...

I'll pray for David! Please keep updating on how things are going. I am sure everything will be fine. You are right... God is taking care of David in the midst of this storm...

Vanessa Greenway said...

I'll keep praying for your little trooper, ok? I've been trough this before, actually twice, when Ryan torn his wrists ligament... it wasn't that easy, but we gotta be strong! I'll pray for you too! Hugs, Vanessa

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Hi Rhonda! It's good to meet another North Carolina gal! So sorry to hear about David. The young ones recover quickly, you know! I'll keep good thoughts for him and especially you.

I found your blog through Vanessa's Vanilla Lavender. I've met Vanessa - she is a sweetie!
I live in Raleigh. Hope you will stop by and visit!


Anonymous said...

Rhonda, yes he will be fine, but of course you are concerned.

I have said a prayer for all of you and his caregivers. Please keep us posted.

Heidi said...

Hi Rhonda, I am so sorry about your son's accident! I know this is no fun for any of you! Everything will all turn out just fine though! I speak from experience my friend. A couple years ago while living in a very rural part of upstate New York, My daughter Mallory had a very bad fall while snowboarding & completely broke the bone in her upper arm in half. She also had to have a 10" rod inserted in the bone to hold it in place...A few months ago it was finally removed & she is doing great!...& my husband while rough-housing with our 3 year old grandson just about 3 months ago, fell off the "pillow fort", hit his head & shattered his collarbone in 5 places. Again we found ourselves in the hospital, with him having surgery to connect it all with metal plates & again a few months later he is doing great & his golf game hasn't suffered at all! :) He hit a 66!! last weekend! Sorry for this crazy long comment...Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you & that I am confident that your son, like my daughter & husband, will make a full recovery! Your family will be in our prayers...Heidi XO

Kathi said...

Oh yes, I'll pray for David. I'm so sorry this happened. It's not fun to be in a cast in the summer or any time for that matter. My daughter had one in summer once. Take care, and happy 4th, Kathi

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor thing! I'm just now catching up on everyone's blogs. David sounds like a very strong boy and he will be just fine!! He will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!!! Please let us know how he's doing.

Vintage Whimsy said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your son. I'll definitely keep you all in my prayers. I hope he's feeling better really soon!!

Judy said...

Oh, Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear about little David's arm. Don't you worry about sending me anything on the valance until you have the time...I'm in no hurry and you have a lot on your plate right now. I will keep David in my prayers and please let us know how things go.


Anonymous said...

Oh Rhonda... I missed your post yesterday. I must have checked too early in the morning.. Poor baby and dont feel bad cause it is scary handing your little one to someone else. But you stand on that word you found and We all will be lifting him up. Please keep us posted when you can... take care((hugs your way)) Susie H~

onlymehere said...

You dear friend are definitely not a drama queen. It's so hard to watch our children go through surgery. I've had three of my four who have had surgery and I was scared with every one. You love them so much that it's hard to turn them over to someone else when they're hurting, and there is always that element of uncertainty. But you're right God will be with him as the doctors work on him and make him whole again. In this time in your life I was surprised to see a note from you on my blog. You are a sweetie and a good friend. We'll keep David in our prayers and in our hearts. Cindy

Lidian said...

Thinking of you all - it is so hard when something happens to your child, I know! Take good care - I know everything will be fine-

xx Lidian

Susan said...

So very sorry to hear about all this.

Lucy Bloom said...

So sorry to read about your son's accident, will say a prayer that everything goes well.

JoAnne said...

I found your site today from Susie Harris's blog. Your son is in my thoughts and prayers. I know how you feel about your son having surgery and you are right - it is a "mother thing" so there is no sense in fighting it. Keep us posted on his progress and good luck Wednesday. Smiles, JoAnne

Unknown said...

I'll be praying for David, and for YOU! Our son had a minor surgery when he was a little over 2 and it was nerve wracking for us, so I know what you mean. Thank goodness that we can put our trust in the Lord!

I am sorry that you had to postpone your lakehouse festivities.

I pray that all goes smoothly and that you do have a happy 4th!

Nance said...

Sorry to hear about your David, Rhonda. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Dawn said...

I'm sorry to read about David break! I have a nine year old son as well and know just how you feel! I wish him (and you) well.

take care,

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you and David today and hope you are doing ok.

Anonymous said...

It's Wednesday morning and I just wanted you to know Im thinking about ALL of you. My prayers are on their way. Take care..((hugs)) Susie H~

Raxx - A day in the life said...

Hi Rhonda,
So glad you came to visit, and I am glad you enjoyed my blog!

I know today is surgery day for David and my prayers are with him, I know that everything will work out, I can't believe how much of a trooper he is!! You should be very proud.


Picket said...

Oh you sweet dear soul..I am sitting here with tears welling up in my eyes as I feel your heart as a mother...Scooter I wish I could be there to hug you girl and help you in some way....but you know I will call your name and little David' will be alright girl and God will see you thru this and the surgery will go smoother than even the doctors imagine...I pray that the little fellow recovers and heals in record time! As a mama we can't help but crumble inside whenever anything causes hurt or pain to our babies...they have been given to us by God as one of the greatest gifts on earth and we feel we are to protect them from all harm at all cost...we all know know how you feel sweetie and we will all be right here for you and your you Scooter.

Anonymous said...

Oh of course you are worried, that's your baby. God will watch over him. Let us know how he is doing.


Rhondamum said...

Of course, you and your family are in my prayers. And just like you said, the Lord will take care of this and is in that boat with you.

I know how you feel about him having this surgery. Had to put my youngest under when she wasn't even one year old. He will be just fine though. He is obviously a strong little man.

I will be thinking about you, and as my mom says, this too shall pass. Stay strong friend!



Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Rhonda!
All of you will be in my prayers and David will do excellent! I know God IS in the boat with you and everything will be fine!!
Hugs, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie... Just checking in. Prayers are still going up for David and you and your loved ones. Have had you on my mind soooo much. I'll be waiting to hear the Good Word soon!! I got your letter and will write back very soon... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


onlymehere said...

Rhonda, Sheila over at Note Songs has a rooster lamp I thought you might like to see. I noticed yours on your collage and thought of you when I saw it. It's on her sun porch blog. I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I hope all is going well with David. I've thought of him and kept him in my prayers daily. Cindy

Heather said...

Hi Rhonda. I was the same way when Bella had the surgery for her ear tubes. The surgery itself didnt scare me but the anesthesia did. We gave it all to God and prayed about it and she came through just fine. Better than her parents did!! I don't believe that there is such a thing as an overprotective parent though!! We love our children and that is what we promised to do right??
_Heather :)