What's a Mantle to do now?
Kari and Kijsa have issued a challenge for today's posting, to share our mantles/mantels. I'm probably the last one in blogland to discover their blog, but better late than never...I absolutely love it! These girls are so creative and have a blog brimming with wonderful decor ideas!
In my case, I am sharing the "lack" of a mantle....

I know it may be a little strange, but the previous owners of our home, did not build a mantle over the fireplace. Their decor was very chic, modern, & minimalistic. Everything was painted high-gloss white, accessorized in white and black. Before you gasp & whisper...uwweee, let me also say that they flew in a designer from NY to design and decorate. Being that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, my eye just wasn't loving it. Slowly over the last three years, we have made the home our own, but to my husband's dismay, I kind of like the absence of a mantle in this room. Just different I guess, and one day I will probably change my mind and add one. LOL!
Please excuse the very modern "brown leather elephant" in the room! It is my husband's massage chair! When I informed him it didn't "flow" with the rest of the room, he informed me, that he lives in this house too...and so, here it is.... LOL!


Today is Vintage Thingies Thursday, over at the Apron Queen's blog. Time hasn't allowed me to participate in last few weeks, so I am glad to do so today!
I would like to share an old metal iron I found at the flea market about a month ago.
I thought it was neat! But the real reason it caught my eye, was the rooster piece on it!
And here is how I use it in my kitchen/rooster decor...
Wishing everyone a great Thursday....
Great design - the "no mantle" look definitely works. And, I love the amaryllis blooms.
I do believe I would have snagged that iron, too. That rooster on it is adorable.
I ususally love mantles.. but yours looks perfect without it!!!! (I do not have one at all)
Very elegant!!!
And my goodness that vintage iron is a fIND!!! I have never seen one quite like it!!! Loooks perfect in your kitchen!!!!
Your photos are perfect!! A great solution to your space! Very elegant! thank you also for your wonderful comment- you made our day!!!
kari & kijsa
Thanks for sharing your pictures! You did a great job making your fireplace beautiful without a mantel. I love the round mirror.
I can't believe I haven't been to your blog before. Where have I been??
LOVE the mirror above your non-mantel. :o) I see you have a husband who likes to have a say in a few things around the house too. It's quite the thorn in my side, let me tell ya!
I'm visiting after viewing BJ's blog. I like your mantel-less fireplace, too!
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Very dramatic! My mom's house had a fireplace like this (contemporary--no mantel), but the tile was white and blended into the wall so much that the fireplace kind of disappeared. I think the black anchors it better. And I love your mirror!
Oh, those pesky husband, insisting that they get a place to sit in our houses, too. What can you do with them? ;-)
Rhonda, I, too like your mantel-less fireplace. It looks good with the design of your room...
And, I will arm wrestle you for that adorable rooster iron!! :o)
hugs, bj
Hi Rhonda... I am just loving your home and all of the wonderful treasures you have in it... the lack of a mantle is working for me! And I'm on your dear Husband's side about the massage chair... LOL, Sorry!! But, I'd give one of my toes to own that chair... I really need something like that.
And, of course, I really NEED that awesome vintage Rooster that has landed in your kitchen! What a fantastic find that was!
Off to read more... God Bless...
~hugs 'n love~
Hi Rhonda :)
I've missed you! I actually like the mantle and you have such a way with decorating that you've made it work. As for the chair... I feel your pain, but you've made that work too. :)
Hi Rhonda, I love how you've decorated without a mantle. I love that mirror I think I have the clock to match it in my livingroom. The chair is not bad at all. I love the rooster iron how lucky you were to find it with a element that you love.
I like your "no mantel" look too! Those sconces are pretty gorgeous...
BTW, I have a brown leather chair in my MBR sitting room. Had a similar conversation with my husband - gotta love 'em!
I think your fireplace looks wonderful the way you've decorated it!!
And your metal iron is such a neat find. Cute!!
Loving the rooster!! I collect roosters also. Pretty cool!!
Excellent idea of using 2 mirrors.
I think your fireplace looks beautiful without a mantle! But I just love your house period :)
Oh and I LOVE Chris Daughtry :) Great song!!!
I am adding your blog to my list if you dont mind.
I love that rooster! What a great find!
Oh yes! I'm loving the rooster on the iron too! :D Great snag!
I love what you did without even having a mantel.. It kinda looks as though you do... You tricked the eye... clever you, smile... Im a sucker for round mirrors. I have always wanted one. Someday , Susie H~
I love, love, love your vintage iron!
Hi Rhonda, I am loving that topiary and rooster!!!! I have to claim that topiary. Well, I am passing a tag along....I am tagging you to post 5 of YOUR FAVORITE THINGS, it can be books, people, places, collections, or what ever. I hope you don't mind. Thanks Nancy
I've seen alot of these old flat irons but never one with a rooster on it. It is really unique. Great post.
Hi! Nice to meet you! I love your blog! I love its, are so cute! nice post! warm regards
Your fireplace is gorgeous and that mirror makes the perfect statement without a mantel. I love how you did the frame with the amaryllis. Just perfect.
Always love my visit here.
la rea rose
Lovely home you have! I think you
did well with your decor, it has
warmed up the room a lot. Hey now
you have to be brave and try red
paint, somewhere.... you'd be amazed
what color does after you live with
white walls!!!!!!
Hi Rhonda,
I have missed you these past two weeks! So happy to be able to catch up on your blog posts...love the little rooster on the Iron, love your topiary, love your big rooster...OK, I love everything you decorate with! I think your mantel/mantle is lovely too, and someday it will be just as lovely with a wood mantel/mantle above it!
Hope your kids are all doing well, and having a great summer vacation!
Hope your week has been going well too...talk to you soon!
Wow your fireplace looks great without a mantel and that rooster iron was a 'treasure'!!!! lol Loved the fig newton story....I just restocked my cookie jars yesterday and Little Sofie and Bailey have already put a dent in it!!! lol The little toot has gotten to where even if she doesn't want to eat one right away she ask if she can have 2 to take home with her!! lol lol Have a great weekend sweetie!!!
Your non-mantle is very nice!!! Neat old iron.
Love the "lack" of mantel actually- it looks great!!! xo!
I LOVE your rooster stuff ... especially the rooster lamp.
I love your mantel- or lack there-of. It looks great! That mirror above is beautiful.
The brown chair........ well, I guess we love our men so we just keep their stuff too!! LOL!!
Your lake house is beautiful and all of the remodeling is coming along nicely. The green is gorgeous! What color and brand is that? I have tried that green before and mine always ends up with a grey cast to it. :(
I can only imagine how hard it must have been and how badly you wanted to cry. I know that Bill is in a better place now and he is looking down on you and smiling. Even though it doesn't always make things easier on us who they have left behind. I am sure he appreciates how much you love him and miss him. After my Grandfather passed away I thought my world had stopped and up until recently there have been so many times where I would pick up the phone to call him and get half way through dialing before it hits me.
God bless you sweetie!
-Heather :)
PS Is that a butcher block table that the iron and topiary are sitting on???? If it is I will officially have to be jealous!
-Heather :)
wow! your home is so beautious!great job!
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