It's Friday once again, time for Show & Tell, hosted by Kelli, at No Place Like Home. This week, we were encouraged to show something from our bedrooms. I have over the past few months shown things that were special to me, but the pictures below are two of my most beloved possessions, and they hang in my bedroom...

Kevin and his Dad were very close, they were inseparable. They shared common interest and were just good pals. Now, occasionally they would argue, and it could get really ugly, but when it was over ...it was over and the relationship picked right back up. I've never seen anything quite like it in my life! His parents divorced early in his life, and he lived with his Dad for many years. ....then in Kevin's early twenties, along came ME!
Kevin and I went to high school together, but never dated. I went on to college and our paths didn't cross until we met again one summer, through mutual friends. We connected instantly! To say he was my soul mate, sounds like a cliche', but it was so true! We spent all the time we possibly could together, and the following December, we were married in a beautiful Christmas wedding!
And then it was the THREE of us...Kevin, Bill, and I. LOL! And I do laugh as I write that, because it was quite amusing at times! I never tried to cut in on Kevin and Bill's relationship and he never seemed to be jealous of me. Over the years, Bill and I developed a wonderful relationship, and he was good to me and my children! Two years ago, he passed away, and a part of me still waits for that phone call, I was certain would come everyday around 12 noon, to check in and see how my day was going!
So, with the introduction complete, I will tell you about my pictures. There was a restaurant in the historic district of downtown Wilmington, called The Taste of Country. Kevin and I had been married almost a year, when one day we went there to eat. Hanging on the walls were the most beautiful oil paintings, displayed by a local artist. They were all for sell. I fell in love with two particular pictures of roses. They were large, 24" x 36", and I can't recall how much they cost, but at the time, it seemed like a lot of money. Enough that I could only dream about owning these beauties. There was just something about the way the pink dreamy flowers were sprawled in the middle of the canvas, so delicately, that just spoke to me! My beloved grandmother was famous, all over the county, for her roses, so roses always held a special place in my heart.
One month later, on Christmas Day, I received two large presents, one from Kevin and one from Bill. And I'm sure you have guessed, they were the rose paintings. I found out later, that it was my father-in-law's idea to give them to me for Christmas. The represent to me, the importance of family and two very special men in my life! ... I love the two oil paintings, just as much, if not more, as I did when I first saw them on the wall of that restaurant.
"The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart." ~Anonymous

How beautiful and what a wonderful story. I can see why they are so precious to you. You certainly showed maturity and wisdom not to be threatened by the closeness of their father-son relationship. Especially as a young bride!!!
Wonderful touching story and the pictures are beautifull.
Have a great weekend!
Amelia in Oklahoma
What a sweet story and such a thoughtful man. I also like the roses.
The pictures are lovely, but the story is precious.
What a great story to go along with your special presents. Thanks for sharing, you have such a fun blog!
Not only are they beautiful paintings, but my gosh girl...your story had me in tears...only 'cause the men in your life thought so highly of you, and love you so much to think of doing such a thing!!!!
There is an open invitation to stop by and view my show n tell project this week. Hope to see you there if you haven't dropped by already.
Wow - Rhonda, what a wonderfully sweet story! To have had that close of a relationship with your father-in-law is definitely a rare blessing in life. You are blessed!
Have a blessed weekend! :)
Hi Rhonda! What a wonderful story! Your pictures are beautiful. How blessed you were to have such a great relationship with your father in law.
I have a little award for you over at my place!
What a sweet story and beautiful prints. Even though you don't have your friend anymore, you have wonderful memories.
They are exquisite, and the story that goes with them is a priceless memory.
I'm so glad you shared these with us.
You are too sweet for words!
These pictures are beautiful. And what a beautiful story of how they came to be in your home! Things like that are worth more than gold..... and should be treasured and held onto forever!
Thanks for sharing!!
Have a great day!
-Heather :)
Those paintings are lovely. And what a beautiful story - so sweet!!
Thank you for all the great advice on my blog - yes, it did all make sense -LOL! I will attempt working on a header (so many things to learn!) after school gets out...one more week!
I'm glad that chocolate cookbooks make you think of me! :)
Have a wonderful weekend and find a little time to relax.
Hi Rhonda, beautiful paintings and a beautiful story to go along with them. It's good to have something that brings fond memories of someone you love. Deb
That is a wonderful story and the paintings are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend!
Rhonda, This is such a beautiful story. I'm so sorry Bill is not with you now, but I'm glad you have the memory with the roses. What a wonderful man. How thoughtful too. The rose paintings are lovely. I'm so glad you have them both. Your husband sounds very kind and thoughtful too. Bless you dear, and I hope your garage sale is a success. Kathi
The story behind these pictures does make them priceless! They really are beautiful but the most beautiful thing of all is that your father-in-law was really listening with his heart. He must have loved you so much. It also sounds like you have a wonderful husband. Cindy
P.S. Hope you do well at the yard sale! I need to declutter and have one too but I'm too lazy!
Wonderful story and rose pictures!
Stop by and visit when you have
time dear! :)
Hi Rhonda!
Your rose pictures are so lovely! Isn't wonderful how God knows the desires of hearts and brings people together to help give us them? That is such a sweet story!
Hugs, Sherry
Your paintings are so lovely and what a wonderful story! No wonder you love them so.
They are truly beautiful and I can see why they are important to you. What a sweet memory.
They are so beauitful in themselves, but, my the thoughtfulness and love behind them make them special treasures.
Now that, was a beautiful story. I just welled up a bit on that one. Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story from your life. I really enjoyed it and feel like I know you even better now. Hope your having a great weekend!
The other Rhonda...
what a beautiful story to go along with such lovely pictures!
What a sweet story and the pictures are lovely!
Oh Rhonda, I loved this story, it touched my heart so deeply! You were so blessed to have a FIL like you did, I had a MIL that I adored and when she passed away I could hardly come to terms with it!! She was the most amazing woman I have ever met, she taught me so much about life, trust, guts and gardening!!! Not in that order mind you...
I love those rose painting, they are glorious!!!
Hope you had a great weekend, sold all your garage sale junk and got your lake hose cleaned out!!!
We had a garage sale too...
Rhonda, I love the oil paintings. But, I love their story even more. You know I really wanted to make it to Wilmington the year before last on vacation. The closest we came was Myrtle Beach. Maybe someday!! Hugs, Terrie
Thanks for stopping by my blog. The plate will be used on Tues. since he has the day off. Sunday he worked a long shift and so he wasn't home to use it. If this posts to you twice I apologize but the site had an error when I tried to post it. I'm loving your blog!
Hey Scooter!!! Oh those rose pics are true treasures girl!!!! Thanks so much for coming by and checking on me...yep...we will be moving them back...but I am truly happy about it...it was heart wrenching when they moved and then to see mama slowly go into depression and then crying cause hse missed her home...I knew the poor thing couldn't live in an apartment after always having her yard and porch with her swing..I'm just thankful the house didn't sell during this time...Do I have a one of a kind family or what!? lol lol take care Scooter and thanks again for coming by...have a great week!
Thanks Rhonda... It would have been fun having you along! Susie H
Just stopping by to check on you! Hope everything is okay with you!
You are so funny! I am gonna have to remember that- take my earrings off! LOL! My husband loved that one. Oh the car dealership was an awful experience in which I had never been so upset. Let's just say they ended up calling the Sheriff's office for back-up! Must have thought they were gonna need it! LOL!! My husband said he never saw anyone go from high-class to redneck as quickly as I did! Not one of my best moments. But I took care of business.
Hope you are having a great week and look forward to your next post!
-Heather :)
Rhonda, I forgot to tell you: I love your striped wallpaper!!
Hi Rhonda, I've been stopping by, but this time I'm leaving a note. I hope everything is okay and that you're some where having lots of fun. Deb
Hey Rhonda where are you? Been missing you :o)
I love the story of these paintings. How sweet that they bought them for you :)
Rhonda...thanks so much for you kinds words about my home and porch! I came by to visit and just loved your sweet post about your FIL...how wonderful and sweet that those pictures are...of course, I JUST LOVE those painting of roses too...being a rose painter, they touch my heart too.
Very special...have a blessed day!
My friend and I were recently talking about how technology has become so integrated in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further advances, the possibility of transferring our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978023679]R4i[/url] DS SysBro)
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