God Bless all of you who lifted David up in prayer this week, and for your encouraging comments! David looked over each of your words, and was touched by your kindness and compassion! They meant so much to all of us and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
David did very well yesterday, and since he tolerated the surgery and pain so well, they let him come home! The doctor thought he would rest better in his own bed. Two pins were used to repair the break and fracture to the other bone! David is doing great!

Now for a Tribute to The Red...

And Blue...

I am so very proud to be an American, and still get choked up each time I hear or sing one of our great anthems that honor our great country. I am so very thankful that we can worship God in our country! I am so thankful of the opportunities my ancestors had, when they traveled to this unknown land of promises, sweet land of liberty. Opportunities my children will have, as they venture out on their own one day, to make a life for themselves!
For more beautiful tributes to Our Grand Ole' Flag, stroll on over to Kari & Kijsa's for
A Fabulous Flag-Flying Fourth Party!

Coastal Portrait by local artist, Ronald Williams

David is our in-house history buff! ...Sharing a few of his collection from his room...

Abe Lincoln sketch & a Clock made from Civil War relics...
So glad to hear the little one is doing great and is home. This will be the year he remembers having his arm in a sling on the 4th.
Be safe.
Wonderful news about David. I know you must feel so much better.
Have a wonderful holiday. I love all of your red, white and blue.
My thoughts are with you. Your dog up in the right-hand corner looks like my Abi in my right-hand corner! Doesn't favor Charlie as much. Happy 4th!
What a wonderful post...we love all of your patrioticness (not sure if that is a word...but if it isn't...it should be)!
Thanks for flying your flag proudly!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
You have a lot of beautiful americana decor! and your flowers are so beautiful AND I love that blue and white china!
Rhonda, Your post is fabulous, I love every picture. You put a lot of time in your post and it shows. Good job
Happy Independence Day
Hi Rhonda! I'm so glad you came over to my sunporch! I do remember you from RMS - you had all those cute little rabbits! I used to collect rabbits! I'm sorry your little son has had to go thru a surgery, but it sounds like he's doing much better. I'm so glad to hear it. I scrolled down thru your posts and just love it. You have beautiful children, home and I like your patriotism! Your post for today is beautiful! Oh, I see I've found another Rooster Friend! You have a gorgeous rooster lamp yourself! Well, I agree, Blogland is much nicer than RMS! I've only benn blogging for a week now and have met so many kind folks. Thanks you again for coming to see me and come back soon. I'll do the same! Happy fourth of July and
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Glad to hear the news about your little David! My continued thoughts and prayers are with him for continued healing. Bless his heart! What a trooper is right. Aren't kids absolutely amazing!?!
Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend- You and Your entire family!!
-Heather :)
I am so glad all is well and he is back home... I know you are too:)
Love your red white and blue!
Hope yall have a great 4th... Susie h~
We're so thankful that David is doing so well after his surgery...and that the entire family is doing well.
Happy 4th!
I am so glad to hear David is doing so well!! I have prayed for him so this is great to hear of his progress.
Love your history/American pics. We are so blessed in this nation. Great photo tributes!!!
Hi Rhonda... Thanks for the up~date on David ~smiling big time~ I could not be happier for him and for you! Such a relief, I know. Please tell David how very proud I am of him... and that I'm going to keep on praying for him and for his arm to heal properly and swiftly! God is just so good to us. Now, instead of this weekend just being the 4th of July, it is also going to be the "new" Thanksgiving ~winks~ Isn't it fun to celebrate all of the blessings we find in our lives... big and small!
Your Red, White 'n Blue tribute was awesome... how I long to have flowers in my yard or on my porch. If I close my eyes and dream, I can smell gardenias and lilacs! I hope the holiday ends up being a FUN one for y'all... I'm betting that you're going to be fussing over that sweet lil one of yours and I'm also betting that he's going to be eating it up! LOL Not a thing wrong with a lil bit of spoiling after an operation!
~still smiling big time, here~
God Bless...
~huggggs 'n love~
Wonderfu! Love the red, white and blue decorations! Happy 4th! Hugs, Vanessa
I am so happy to hear that everything went well for David and that he is sleeping in his own bed tonight. Hopefully Mom will be able to rest easier tonight. I hope you and your family have a great holiday weekend. Smiles, JoAnne
Hi Rhonda, I am so happy it all went so well with David!...You must be so relieved!...well now it seems we are in a slightly similar boat...We were at the county fair last evening, in the children's area. My grandson Andrew, who is just 4 & my two daughters were going on one last ride before going home. The ride was one very appropriate for little ones, a big slide. As he came down he twisted his leg. He was crying as soon as he saw my husband & I waiting at the bottom. Long story short, my daughter & I have spent the entire day at two different doctors, having x-rays & setting his leg with a huge cast...toes to upper thigh!...he broke his tibia, near his growth plate, so they consider it fairly serious, plus someone his age, just doesn't understand all this. Anyway, I guess both our households will be nursing our boys back to health!........& On a different note! Love your patriotic post!!! Have a wonderful 4th! Sorry again for the novel!...Your friend, heidi XO
It's great to hear that David is doing so good! Hope he continues to get better!
I love all your red, white, and blue photos!
Glad David is doing well!
Lovely 4th of July post - Happy Independence Day!
God has blessed your David - He is so good. Happy 4th! Blessings, marlene
Thanks for stopping by:>)I'm so glad your son is doing well. Have a happy fouth of July weekend!
I'm so glad he's home and doing well. Tell David I love his things in his room! How neat to have a son so young care about history. I know today is different than you were planning on but I hope you have a good day and that David continues to improve daily. Cindy
I'm glad to hear that David is doing so well. What a trouper he is!! I hope you are doing ok. It's hard to have a sick/hurt child.
Your photos honoring the 4th are wonderful. I have a collection of antique post cards and several of them are a patriotic theme. Your post reminded me that I have them stored away somewhere. :)
Enjoy your day and your family!
take care,
Great collection!! I hope you have a great 4th.
This was my first visit to your blog. Very enjoyable. I loved the painting by the local artisit. And your children are "gaw-jus"! I hope you husband recovers quickly.
And I love your music.
HAve a good 'un....
Your decorations are great! Happy 4th!
Thank you for stopping by my blog, I visited yours as well, and I believe we share a love for tassels and roosters. I have also been into monograms lately as well. How did you hang the "pockets" on your front doors? Such a great idea.You have a lovely home. I'm glad your little one is home for the 4th of July. I will visit again soon. Paula
Such a beautiful collection of red, white and blue. I have added David to my prayer list. Hope you all have a great fourth. HAVE to know... what kind of dog is in the upper right hand corner? Adorable!
David is a real trooper. So happy to hear that he was doing well enough to go home. Now tell him not to get too rambunctious so he can heal quickly. Happy 4th to you and your family.
So thankful for the update and good report :o)
~sticking my head back in~
Hey Rhonda... Happy 4th to you and your sweet family!! I'm hoping the day is going well and is filled with FUN and laughter for everyone! Thinking of you... God bless...
~hugs 'n love~
I enjoyed your July 4th tribute, beautiful!
Please return to my blog to hear the music I just put there!
P.S. - I hope David is well on the mend! I'm behind with my blog reading and didn't know about him until today. Give him a hug!
Rhonda, I'm so glad David is doing all right. I love your pretty red, white and blue flowers. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Kathi
Hello! My little one is 14 months old! She is a cutie! :) I hope you're little David is doing better! Hugs, Vanessa
~gently brushing just a lil bit of PINK confetti from my nightgown~
heheheeee... thanks for the celebration comment and for all of the PINK confetti ~just grins~ Rhonda, you always, without fail, bring such a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart 'n soul. Thank you for the sweet things you said to me and for not giving up on an old lady! I am ashamed and very sorry that I've not written that email to you that I said I would ~sigh~ I simply have no excuse other than a loss of brain cells... Please know that I love you to bits and think of you often and always keep you and your precious family on my prayer list! How is Mr. Cutie~Patootie David doing with his broken arm? I am thinking it will not be too long before we get to see a few photos of him... plus, I'm curious to see how you and he end up decorating his arm! LOL
I have so many things rambling around in my brain that I keep thinking I'll get around to posting about, but it just is not moving along as fast as I'd like it to! Sure do hope that the 4th was wonderful for y'all... God bless...
~hugs 'n love~
Beautiful post with such good news about your son. Oh the poor dear. I missed getting around to some blogs and am catching up now. So sorry to read of this. I will keep David in my prayers for continued good progress.
Great patriotic pictures! Hope you are having a nice weekend.
la rea rose
Yes mame! Here's you a bowl of ice cream. Hope all is well.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I'm so glad to hear that David is home & doing okay. I hope his arm heals quickly so he can enjoy the rest of the summer!!
Thankfully my toe doesn't really hurt much now, which I think is amazing since when I dropped the baton on it yesterday morning I thought for sure I had broken it! Those batons are specifically made to shatter bones so I'm quite lucky that my toe is fine, except for an ugly purple-reddish bruise!
I hope your family had a great holiday yesterday and that the weekend is going well too!
Wow Rhonda! I haven't been by for a visit in a few days so I was shocked to read about David's accident. Bless his heart! And yours too! I hope he's much much better soon.
Hey, gf!! I am so glad david is doing well. I loved your 4th of July post. We are so.. lucky to live in the USA!!
Hugs, Terrie
Hi Rhonda and thanks for stopping by this morning. I spy one precious little fuzzy face on your side bar! Your red white and blue post is so nice and you take very good pictures. Oh, my husband would love all the history items. He's really into the stuff. Well, you have a wonderful day and be sure and come back tomorrow for the tea party.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Rhonda! I am so glad you had a chance to stop by especially since your David is home recovering with his arm. I am so glad it all went well. I hate to hear when kids have to have surgery! As far as the fabric we share I made kitchen curtains so I will post soon and I noticed I have what looks like the same check in your room also! I guess we have good taste!lol Best Wishes to David (now the hard part will be keeping him still for a while; hope he isn't too uncomfortable with the humid weather! Great Week - Jeannette
Hi! Just checking in to see how David is doing! Looking forward to the update!!
I hope you are smothering him with lots of hugs, kisses and attention- what every patient needs!! LOL!
Thanks for stopping by today sweetie!
-Heather :)
Rhonda, I just read about David's broken arm and surgery. I wish I had known about it sooner, but I'm so glad to hear that he's back home and doing well. I know that was traumatic for all of you.
And, no ... you're not a drama queen. You're just being a mama, and being "over-protective" is what we do best.
Have fun pampering David ...
Hi Rhonda,
It's wonderful to hear from you. I haven't visited with bloggers as much as I would like as I have been working like a mad man on some magazine quilt deadlines...
I absolutely love your patriotic
display. I trust that you had a joyous Fourth!!! I did too... :)
Hey Scooter!!! Hope you and yours had a great weekend..how is David doing today? He is a brave little fellow and I pray he heals quicker than expected....thanks so much for coming by sweetie..especially with all you have going right now..I appreciate it...we been busy all day...Bill had to come in and change shirts 3 times it was so hot and humid outside...I cleaned and rearranged in the house...when I did go out to check on him..after about 2 minutes sweat would just start pouring from the humidity and I'd have to come back inside!!! lol Take care girl and have a great evening!!!!
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