Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Join Me for a Tea Party at Jan & Tom's Place...

What a wonderful way to spend a hot summer day, inside partaking in beautiful Tea Parties hosted by Jan & Tom's Place!

I encourage you all to stroll on over to their blog, and have tea with the other participants!

Jan, Thanks for being such a gracious host! :)

I would like to take you back in time, to approximately 55 years ago.

That is when our Aunt Bo acquired this precious little tea set, at the tender age of 7.

Aunt Bo, blessed Ashley and I with this set just a few weeks ago!

We are thrilled and amazed at all of the little dainty pieces.

I included the picture below to show just how small this little tea set is...

Blessings for the day~ ~Rhonda


Gone said...

Rhonda...sorry I missed you on the LIST - but you're ON IT NOW!!

What a lovely TEA SET you were blessed to receive!! It barely looks like it was used. I hope you use it over and over and over again! I've learned NOT to leave things on the shelf, displayed, waiting for that PERFECT time to use them...but to USE THEM whenever I WANT TO!!! (which is ALOT)

Thanks for having us for TEA!!


Kellie said...

Beautiful tea set!! It truly doesn't look like it is as old as it is!!

How is David? I have continued to pray for him!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Rhonda, This is a beautiful tea set, and a beautiful job of setting it up!!!! You've got talent, girl! I just sold a gorgeous tea set and I am sorry I did, it was my only complete set :(
I live and I learn! Hope you have a great day. Nancy

katylinvw said...

what a beautiful tea set! and how precious to have sweet memories of a close relative attached to it :) enjoy your tea party!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda and I have certainly enjoyed myself at your tea party. What a precious little tea set! I've never seen one with so many pieces. Love how you have it displayed on the green material. Thanks for stopping by my tea party. This is fun, isn't it?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

onlymehere said...

This is beautiful Rhonda! What a special aunt to grace you with it. Now you have something new for your pink (Saturday's?) days! Hope David is coming along well.

Deborah said...

Very pretty tea set!

Anonymous said...

I have a ruffled cake plate exactly like yours..does yours have the transparent stripe on the rim?
And I have plates that match your tea set, Norway ROse pattern?
Beautiful tea party thank you!

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, I know you both will treasure this forever. It is so dainty and lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

That set is adorable and perfect! I have never seen such a complete set like that....precious!

Unknown said...

Your table looks so pretty! And I love the green fabric!
Have a great day,

Vanessa Greenway said...

Lovely tea set! BTW I love you new blog background! Hugs, Vanessa

Unknown said...

Great timing, Aunt Bo! How super for Ashley to have this family piece!

Heather said...

This is such a gorgeous set. Made even more special by being passed down by family! It is truly adorable in it's small size- it appears to be in perfect condition!! We bought Bella a tea set when she was first born and it is up on a top shelf for now!! I can not wait to give it to her when she gets older. Hopefully she will treasure these things as I do!
Love your bunny too! Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
How is your little David!?!?! How did it go yesterday? Was he able to get his cast?
Have a great day sweetie!
-Heather :)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post! Thank you so much for having is for tea today! The teas site is beautiful!!!! I love the pattern!


Anonymous said...

How absolutely charming. that is a wonderful tea set and so dainty and pretty. You are so lucky to be the recipient of such a treasure. Thank you for sharing.


Jan~Feather Your Nest Antiques said...

Thanks for visiting my Tea Party this morning. I just returned home for the day and I have started to visit everyone's tea party. I love your little tea set and it looke to be in exceptional shape. Did anyone identify the pattern on this set for you? It's called "Moss Rose". Just thought you moght like to know.

Sweet Necessi-Teas said...

Your Moss Rose tea set is just beautiful! What a precious heirloom to have! Thanks for sharing it with us today.
Warm regards, Karen

Kimba said...

What a sweet tea set with so many pieces! What a lovely gift from your aunt. Thanks for sharing those pictures.

Kathleen Grace said...

What a sweet little set, I think I had a similar one as a child but it is long gone. How wonderful to have something so special to remind you of someone youlove:)

The Apron Queen said...

What a lovely tea party! Everything looks absolutely wonderful. We had a tea party a little bit ago: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com/2008/05/tea-party-vintage-style.html

I'll be sure to not miss the next one at Jan & Tom's!

For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh, what a treasure. and I love the cake plate too.
Thanks for coming for tea today. Please come again soon .

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... well now, just look at you and your pretty new blog-face-lift! It looks really nice! Just love that awesome tea set that Aunt Bo passed down to Ashley.! What a wonderful gift to get! I've been thinking of you and hoping things are going well. How is David coming along? My prayers are still going up! I'm off to read more... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
Stop by my blog when you have a minute...I have an award for you! It's a little different from your others!

Anonymous said...

Morning Rhonda! What a gorgeous tea set; you and Ashley are so lucky to have received it! Amazing when you put the ruler next to it - adorable. Oh and I like your new look!!! Have a great day and stay cool! - Jeannette

Picket said...

Hey Scooter....man I thought I was at the wrong house!!!! lol I love the new look and that precious tea set...oh my word what a treasure girl!!! Hope is well with you and yours today and that David is doing great with his arm...take care and have a great day!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi again Rhonda! Thanks for your nice comments. The ottoman cover was easy and since yours are round even better. Just measure around, add an extra inch for seam; do a gathering stitch on top then sew the ends so you have a big circle/skirt. I would lay fabric for top right on top and chalk the outline, add an inch for seam. Now gather the bottom fabric at the top to form a loose ruffle so you can pin the top fabric to it and even out the ruffle as you go; baste, test fit then regular stitch. Done! New ottoman - Hope this helped? Probably more info than you wanted!!lol - Jeannette

Shirl said...

What a lovely tea party. Your tea set is just beautiful, what a treasure!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Susan said...

What a complete and oh so lovely tea set. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed you yesterday... it was a crazy day..anyway.. The tiny tea set is adorable. Im sure you will treasure that one for years to come.... Susie h~

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda.. the table was in the section where the towels are.. I know weird. It was in a box and you have to slip the peices together. It's not hard at all... take care, Susie H~

Heather said...

Hi Rhonda! Just stopping by to check on sweet David! How is he doing??
-Heather :)

Unknown said...

Still on my trip - just got a chance to catch up a little.

Can't believe I missed a tea party!!