Monday, July 14, 2008

Life at the Lake ~ Renovations Series #2...

Welcome back to Day Two of my Lake House Tour!
I have to give Amelia credit for my "Magazine Debut!" :)
She created one for her last post, and thinking it was really neat,
I "borrowed" the idea!

The living area and kitchen are one big room, so cast your attention over to the kitchen section where we will begin today's tour...
This is a "semi-before" pic...
At this point, I had started painting the walls green, but this is the original door, the windows prior to mouldings, old flooring, and cabinets...and Josh showing off his "muscles!" LOL!
The door was previously damaged by hurricane winds and rain.

Mouldings going up & New tile floors installed....

A new door that actually shuts and can be locked is installed!

This area is complete, except for a rug that will be added later.
The table and chairs have been in the family for 40 to us!
...hard rock maple, "the good stuff you can't buy anymore!" my FIL proudly use to proclaim! LOL!

The plate~rack in the corner, was black and spray painted white, and new fishy plates were added to the mix!

I found this green glass bowl in the attic and filled it with an assortment of shells.

Original cabinets and counter~tops.

Excuse the "ickiness" where the stove was, the unit has been vacant for over two years.

The transformation...

Ubba~Tuba Granite Counter Top...

Accessories from a favorite store...Home Goods!

Now we proceed down the Hallway...

Repainted a very pale parchment white/beige.

Another "freebie" plant stand and thrift store picture...

This unit only has one bathroom and two bedrooms. The upstairs unit has an extra bathroom and bedroom.

Everything but the tub was replaced!

Before pic of the bathroom...

New and improved....

And yet, another one of my thrift store finds...

That concludes Day 2 of my Renovations.

I have something else planned for tomorrow's post, but the tour will resume on Thursday, in the bedrooms!

Have a wonderful day! ~Rhonda :)


Kim's Treasures said...

How beautiful! Home Goods is a wonderful thing! Love the fishy theme!
Have a great day!

Picket said...

Morning Scooter...ok let me get this straight..You have a LAKE HOUSE & a FARMHOUSE!!!! Oh girl you so wrong for that!!!! lol lol I love it...I absolulely drooled when I saw the rocking chairs painted black on part 1!!! I love the new look and what a great comfort zone you are making for you and your family..oh girl what a blessing...great magazine cover also...I'd buy it off the shclf! lol Girl I am so happy for you but I can't wait to you post me a clothes line and a chicken at the farmhouse! lol lol (sorry I have to live my second life thru somebody and I picked you! lol) Love you girl! Have a great day!

onlymehere said...

I'm now wishing there was a home goods by us! This renovation has really turned out nice. The new cabinets and granite countertops are fabulous and look so nice with your maple table set. I can't even imagine the work that has gone into this. I love the new doors too and must be a HUGE relief to you that they lock now and keep moisture out! Fantastic job, I think I need to hire you for my house! Can hardly wait for Thursday!

Amelia said...

Loved the big clock in the kitchen..Is there a story behind it?

Day two of the tour was exciting.

Your magazine cover is fantastic.

Enjoy yourself.


Anonymous said...

You have done such an incredible job renovating. I just love all of the clean and fresh colors.

I know you and your family will spend many happy times here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Another great post... I love how you're spacing this tour apart and making me drool with anticipation for each upcoming segment... LOL Your magazine cover looked awesome and very professional... I think you should frame it and hang it in the LakeHouse!!

All of the sweat and hard work that y'all put into this project is amazing! I really do enjoy seeing the before 'n after pics... Ohhh, the table and chairs are wonderful... no way do they look like they're 40 years old! Love, Love, Love the sweet lighting that you installed over the kitchen sink. Actually, I love everything that you did! You've created a beautiful home to escape to and enjoy lakeside living. I can't wait to see a photo of the plaque you're having custom made for me to go on my personal back porch rocker! ~grins 'n winks~

Of course, I am also looking forward to seeing more of this fun tour! But now I'm curious as to what you have planned for all of us in the blogging world tomorrow!?!?! Not only do you "Cater" like a pro, and Decorate like a pro, but... you actually plan ahead your posts! ~dramatic sigh with a hint of jealousy~ LOL... just teasing! I do admire that you're so organized with things... just one of the many sweet things about you that I Love!!

I'm off to read more... have a beautiful day! God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Unknown said...

Rhonda, it is gorgeous!!!!! i LOVE it! The rocking chairs are just too cute, it looks like a painting! And the bathroom is adorable :) I love the print! All of the little details are just perfect, great job!!


Mary said...

Nice! I especially love your kitchen. And, I'll be needing to take your porch, please.

Anonymous said...

Looks gorgeous!!! When can I make my reservations?!!! Don't ya just love Homegoods?!

Susan said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! I'm so enjoying looking at your lake house. Your kitchen is really beautiful and just love that hutch with all the wonderful "Home Goods" pretties in there. Yes mame, I love that store. Oh, and thank you for popping by to look at my pillows. Have a great evening.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Unknown said...

Everything is so pretty! I love the before and after pics of the kitchen and bath!
Great job!

Justabeachkat said...

Wow Rhonda! You've done an incredile job. I love the chairs on the porch. Do they face the lake? I also love the clock in the kitchen. I know this is going to be a place your family will enjoy for years to come. A place where lots of memory making moments will occur. Can't wait to see the rest.


Anonymous said...


I just am across your blog. Your beach house renovations are looking great. I sure like those fish & star fish plates and bowls above the stove. Very cute!

Brandee :-)

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, come on over to my blog. I've Song Tagged you!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Anonymous said...

So which weekend should hubby and I plan on coming? LOL!!! Isn't Home Goods just the best place to buy home decor at great prices. By the way, I love the music by the Carpenters you are playing. I used to listen to them all the time years ago.


Mrs. B said...

Hi Rhonda! Wow, your lake house looks gorgeous. Love the kitchen! I would love to do some renovations to our lake house, but that is so far in the future. Someday!

Heidi said...

Hi Rhonda, I will be back tomorrow to really check out this amazing lake house of yours!... I just wanted to let you know I selected you for an award on my blog!...Heidi XO

Blogger said...

I lurve Home Goods! lol Every room is so tranquil, I love it :)

Dawn said...

My kitchen really needs to be updated. I wish I could hire you to come remodel for me :) I really love the color green you have used. Your renovations are just wonderful.

take care,

Anonymous said...

Rhonda.. It all looks so good! I love those black rocking chairs on the porch. I have one question ,,, How do yall ever leave? If I had this I think I would just have to call it home... Very nice! Sorry for not comming by. I guess when I saw that you were on a small break I missed you. Please forgive me.. thanks, Susie H~

Heather said...

This is great! Love the cabinet/shelf that hangs above the range!! I can't wait to see more! You guys have worked hard here!! Oh my goodness!! Now it's time to relax there.........right?? :)
-Heather :)

Unknown said...

I am loving your tour. So cute - your finds are great.