Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day At The Zoo & A 'lil Shopping....

Ashley, David, and I were all getting cabin fever, so we decided to head into the city yesterday. Despite the hot temps, we visited the local zoo and did a little school shopping!
I even managed to find a few really good bargains, too! :)

This little zoo has been around for as long as I can remember. (Although under a different name and I suppose owner.) The last time we visited, was on a Preschool Field trip when Ashley was 3. (David has never been.)
Ashley is the little girl in the middle...Oh, where does the time go???

David going in the entrance...

We were greeted by a beautiful parrot!

Once Ashley convinced the zebra, her "striped accessories" were only faux, he was quite a friendly guy! :)

The giraffe had no interest in being seen, he was too busy licking the barn!

Turtles Galore....

Now how do these turtles rest in this position??? I was impressed! LOL!

As for the rest of the animals....we arrived at the Zoo around noon, and guess what time the animals must take their naps???....around noon! Or maybe the heat was just getting to them! It was pretty tough! Anyway, the remainder of the tour was spent watching the animals sleep! :)

The King of the Jungle, royal slumber....

"Speedy," the Tortoise and the Hare.....asleep...

Even the squirrels came down from the tree, and were stretched out flat.... fast sleep...

The bear resting his head on the side of his pool!

The white tiger was awake, but he wasn't a happy camper!

Even though the animals were "not very active," we did enjoy our visit. The zoo is small and quaint, and the animals were beautiful!

As we were cooling down in the gift shop and browsing, a woman and her daughter came through, frantic!!! They were right behind us on the tour, and she seemed calm and okay when we were outside. .....The lady and her daughter had gone to the bathroom, and when they walked in, there was a snake inside! She told the gift shop attendant, who didn't seem phased at all....and replied, "Well, it is a zoo!" Time for me to go!

The kids and I did a little school shopping and thrifting after!

I found the starfish at the Goodwill for $1.09. The zoo gift shop had one identical for $6.

We went to Marshall's, to look for bookbags and shoes. Ashley and David did find a pair of shoes each, ......popular name brands, marked at half the suggested retail! WooooHoooo!

They were having a huge storewide clearance sale, and I treated myself to this decorative bird box....

Not sure it will stay here, but it works for now! :)

And my super find for the day....A Kasper Sunday suit, retail price $240.00, for only $29.99!

And another Big Lots deal.... a black and white damask pillow!

Here's hoping the summer temps are not too hard on you!

See you tomorrow for Pearl's Unbirthday Party! ~Rhonda


onlymehere said...

What a cute little girl Ashley was, and she turned into such a beautiful woman! Hope David is healing well, this heat has to be murder with his cast. Glad he got to go to the zoo but I'm sure he'd rather not have heard that there were snakes in the bathroom! EEEEK! I would have run from the whole zoo screaming. I hate snakes, ICK!! LOLOL! Life gets so away from us all. I did so many things with the first two that the other two didn't get to do until they were much older! Oh well, we do our best!

Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
You are brave to tackle the zoo in this heat! Looks like the animals were pretty drained from the warm weather too! I love your shopping pics and the things you bought..the black and white pillow looks great!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Your zoo pictures are hilarious! Looks like my hubby and I after a day of running here in 115 degree AZ! BTW, your chair looks like it matches my chaise. I tried to enlarge it, but it wouldn't. Did you get it at Ashley Furniture??

Amelia said...

Warm weather can take its toll on animals as well as people..but the zoo trip was nice anyway.

School will be starting here in a couple of weeks...seems like the kids just got out of school. Time does fly by so quickly.

Great looking treasure purchases.

Hugs from Oklahoma - Amelia

Kellie said...

Looks like y'all had fun in spite of the heat....and, boy, has it been HEATED!! Love your animal shots and your finds!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! I found it hard to read about your items after the snake comment!!!lol Yuck! I don't miss the zoo smell but I do miss spending time together as a family! You know at 18 your mom is on the bottom of the list of people to hang with!lol just kidding. Love your bird box and it looks pretty there; black/white pillow I'm stealing; Sounds like you are having a busy summer keepin them kids busy! Relax now - Jeannette

Dawn said...

It sounds like it was a good day! I enjoyed your zoo pictures. How fun! I love a good shopping day. You got some good deals!

take care,

Joy said...

You had a fun day playing and shopping. I think I need to take a trip up to Big Lots. They closed the one that was somewhat close by and so I was thinking that it wasn't worth a trip, but seeing your cute pillow makes me wonder what I'm missing.

Heather said...

What a great day! And what lucky animals to just lay around sleeping!! Poor things are probably worn out from the heat too!!
You got some great bargains! Good job!!
It's good to see a picture of David looking silly!! What a wonderful and joyous site that is!!!!! God Bless him!!
Hope you are having a great day!
-Heather :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! What a great you and the kiddoes must have had. Poor little zoo animals just look tuckered out, don't they? It's so great you found some great bargains. I love all your girly things!! That great little cabinet with glass doors you have? My mother has one just like it she keeps her doll collection in. I just love it.
Be a sweetie and I know you'll look fab in your new Sunday suit.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Michelle said...

Hi Rhonda ~ Wow, you WERE brave going to the zoo in such hot weather! LOL (We used to live in Concord, NC until we moved back to MI 3 years ago. MI is our home state, but I LOVE Carolina!)

You found some amazing deals - yay for you!

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I appreciate everyone's thoughts & prayers SO MUCH!

Nance said...

Hi Rhonda,
what a steal on that Kasper Sunday suit! mind modeling it for us? lol


Picket said...

Oh Scooter it has been years since I was at a zoo..we use to go all the time when the kids were little! That pic of little Ashley was adorable! lol You got some great bargins on your treasures and that outfit...for that price...girl did you squeal like a sissy girl! lol lol Glad you had a great day..hope you have a great night!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Ohhh I just loved thos Zoo pics! LOL at David being goofy going in! I cracked up at the tortise and hare pic... and that lil flattened out squirrel... oh my goodnessssss LOL ... just way too funny! So glad y'all found some neat bargains, too! Loved it all and am just amazed that you were able to go out and stay out as long as you did, doing everything in the wicked heat... I bet you're snoozing away by now! I just about have the Party post ready and then it is off to bed for me... I soooo need to lay down, just like those Zoo critters! See you tomorrow and don't forget your bells! God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

What a fun day. I love visiting the zoo. We really should do it again, soon. You found some wonderful bargins. I'm glad you stopped by. I missed you!
Hugs, Terrie

Pink Slippers said...

We took the kiddies to the zoo (LA,CA.) over easter break. The weather was like 95 and the animals were passed out or no where to be seen. I have never been to the zoo and actually saw the animals doing anything but sleep. Thats ok though we always still have fun. Family time!

The Berry's Patch said...

Thanks for the zoo pic's. It was nice seeing them right here from the computer.

Cute star fish from Goodwill. I like how your accessories are displayed on that table.

Brandee :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't know if I could have handled the snake in the bathroom! Your pictures are great. Looks like you had a great day!

Kim's Treasures said...

A great day at the zoo! Gotta LOVE Marshall's!!! Great deals you found! And what a great starfish from the Goodwill! I need to go thrifting!
Have a great day!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Rhonda, I have not been around for a few days, so I have really enjoyed your last couple of posts. Love that black and white pillow!! Did I understand, that it came from big lots???? If it did, I'm out the

Unknown said...

I LOVE animals! These pictures are so cute, I love the turtles, lol!

You found some awesome goodies!!! Love them all!!
