Between the soaring temperatures, and David's limited activities, (We are down to a small arm brace now! "smiles") ......"i.e. NO water sports"...there hasn't been alot to keep the kids occupied!
Except Rock Band, on the Playstation 2....

This Summer, we have turned into a regular ole' Partridge Family!

"Hello world, here's a song that we're singing..."
David ~ a.k.a. David Cassidy
Please, excuse his messy room! He can't clean his room, his arm is hurt you know, but he can play Rock Band all day! woohoo!

Big Finale...
There's Ashley ~ a.k.a Laurie, on the drums....trying to flee from the picture. She hasn't had time yet to "get beautiful" for the day!

And not to be left out, here's Coco ~ a.k.a. Tiger, with a drum stick...

No Coco, you are supposed to play them, not eat them!
Played hard and now he is all tuckered out...at only 10 a.m., LOL!

David has pictures of Elvis on his wall.
Wonder if all this guitar and drum playing would make the original King of Rock n' Roll proud???
I suppose I could grab a tambourine, and be "Shirley,"
and we could take this gig on the road!
....If we can just get the bus rolling again!

"C'mon get happy!"
Any volunteers for the road crew? LOL!
~Rhonda :)
Hey, you stole my idea! I've got a blog using the Partridge Family but now I'll have to postpone or everyone else will think I'm copying you and not original! I guess great minds do think alike! Mine had to do with a surgery I had though......I got you thinking now huh! Oh well, I'll save it for a later date and post something else. It's not like I don't have any more stories! LOL! Loved the guitar solo by David, he rocks! P.S. Looked to me like Ashley already got beautiful, nothing else needed to make it true!
Okay, I'll take you up on it and run the risk of being called a copy cat! I'm off work in a bit and will post it then since I have all the pictures downloaded already! I get most of my ideas at the dinner table while my kids talk. They have great memories, of course some are too embarassing to blog! I also keep a notebook handy by my computer and when something comes to mind while I'm working I jot it down along with songs to go with it or pictures otherwise I'd forget it in 60 seconds flat!
I love this! How cute is he just rockin out on his guitar! He looks like he is ready to go on tour!! And Ashley- she is beautiful no matter what! How is that even fair??
I wanted to thank you again for hosting a baby shower in my honor! It was so much fun! Marc got to go through all of them when he got home and he was just completely blown away by all of the hard work and kindness that everyone put into this for us!!
Oh I almost didn't post that picture! I thought I looked terrible and I felt so huge! But hey- at a hundred months pregnant I guess I shouldn't expect to look like a super model!! LOL!! Thank You for the well wishes for our anniversary and Kyle's birthday! Oh he is crazy for Thomas! Has been since he was about 1!!
You are such a sweetheart!
-Heather :)
What fun! Cute kids, cute dog, cute idea!! I love it!...
Ooh, sign me up! Anyone with Elvis pictures on their wall has to be loads of fun! :o) Cute post!
Hi Rhonda, great post! I love the Partrige Family. I see you have a musical family. Kandace plays the sax. Deb
HAHA!! TOO cute, Rhonda!! Gotta think of something to entertain while healing takes place. lol :) That took me back....
That looks so fun! You can be the "momager" of the rock band! So cute! And that room is not messy! If you saw what my kids' rooms looked like right now you'd feel a lot better about yours!
Let me know if yall's band ever hits the road cause I would be the first in line to get a ticket for a front row seat! Susie h~
Danny? No way, David all the way!
Hi Rhonda, to answer your question about the bed, no it's not an antique I found it at a local furniture store about 8 years ago. Deb
Morning Rhonda! You must be going nuts trying to keep him down! Poor guy no water sports and its sooo hot out! Tell Ashley she is just as beautiful without the face junk! Oh and I would never ever show my daughter's room (18 and still messy). Coco's face is always a favorite. Please tell me you aren't driving that bus around town!!!lol Hey your band could be the "ScooterBlues"! Have a jammin time, Jeannette (I hope you know I was just teasing about my background page - I wasn't upset)
I know...it almost makes me want to keep the stupid IRON WORK WALL, lol...I actually have a love/hate relationship with it...like many parts of my home... ;)
Your Partridge Family blog post is toooo funny :) My son wants that and the elusive Wii Fit, too...I'd like that Wii Fit for myself, too, lol.
Now, I will have that dang song in my head all day...C'mon get happpppy!!! lol ;)
Good morning Rhonda :)
I'm sorry I wasn't able to join in the baby shower fun. We have been having "issues" with neighbors.
This post was too funny!! ;)
Funny and cute post! Have a great day!
I love the Partridge Family! David Cassidy was so dreamy!! He can still sing good! Oh, what a fun post. That little boy looks like he's doing pretty well - he has all the rock star moves down!! Now you had better take the drum stick away from little fuzzy face - I'm sure wood splinters wouldn't feel very well going down. Now you all get your instruments in your little hands and get Daddy to take a picture of you - how cool.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Can't clean the room but can play the guitar!!!!!1 So typical KID!!!!
Too funny... and kudos on the the Elvis photos! Love him!
Good Morning Rhonda...I am still laughing at this post of yours!!! The "Partridge Family"???...only one of my favorite shows!!!! Used to watch it while babysitting on Friday nights!!!...and that David Cassidy!! :)...I was so thrilled to see that your kids activities are a bit like ours!...Holly & I are trying so hard to occupy Andrew, but yesterday was watching Sprouts, Sesame Street, etc. etc....& playing with Tinker Toys! Not much else! Here it is a lovely summer day & we are inside??....And Ashley dodging the camera is SO LIKE my daughters!!!...May I just say that your son is adorable..that cute face!...and Ashley....so pretty, even when caught unexpectedly! :)...Have a great day!...Heidi XO
Hi Rhonda... Terrific post! You have such an amazingly creative mind!! First, I am so very happy that David is now down to a small arm brace... Thank You, Lord ... He is so precious with that hard rock guitar of his and those rock star moves... Woooo~Hoooo!! I cannot figure out why Ashley thinks she needs to hide from the camera! Please let her know how totally beautiful I think she is... with and without make-up. I laughed when I saw Coco with the drum stick! Soooo sweet!! I am guilty of watching the Partridge Family, too, and am not at all pleased to confess that I am now singing that insane song in my head... ~just gives you a lil look~ ... thanks alot! LOL
I haven't been around much, but am going to try to do some catching up today... Then I need to do a post and get a photo of the Give~Away goodies up! Oooooooooooo... wait til you see!! You have a really good chance of winning, since I think there are only about 3 or 4 of us that are coming to the party... Thank you, by the way, for posting the announcement and link on your sidebar... I do appreciate it!! Mark your calendar for this Friday, please! I'm off to read more... God bless...
~hugs 'n love~
HOW SWEET!!! I love this post! It is so nice to see family hanging out together and having fun :) And I am so glad David is down to a small arm brace! That is great news :) He us such a cutie and Ashley looks gorgeous!
Okay, that was a cute post!!! I'm lovin little coco and your kids look like their having fun.
Brandee :-)
Hey Scooter! Great post girl...so much fun and it is so good to see that little fellow getting his "physical therapy' in! lol That daughter of yours would be beautiful even if she had brush rollers in her hair and a face mask on! lol Have a great week girl!
Hi Rhonda... I hope this early morning finds you doing well... I just wanted to let you know that I am joining you today with an Encouraging Words Wednesday post! I will be using your Logo and also linking back to your blog-home. Is it ok to include this weekly feature of yours on my sidebar? And, also, I have not forgotten about my sweet awards... I'll be getting a post up about them, soon. I've been working on the UnBirthday Party... Talk with you soon... God bless...
~hugs 'n love~
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