Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pink Saturday Post....

Welcome to Pink Saturday!
~Graciously hosted by Beverly, from How Sweet the Sound~
The skies are gray here, but beautiful nonetheless, ... we needed the rain terribly!
My "pinkness" to share with you today, is this sweet, delicate antique crescent plate.
The gold border and little flowers are hand~painted.

Yesterday, I went into the "big town," to run errands. One of them, to find a birthday present for my mom. She is not a big shopper, but her favorite store is Pier One. If she needs any decor, she heads there...and there alone! :)

Pier One is having a huge storewide sale, alot of things on clearance. Ashley found the little 5" PINK Orchid below for mom, for $2. It was half~price. I wish I had stock~piled a few for teacher's Christmas gifts! I ended up just getting her a gift card! LOL!

Other Thrifty Finds for the Day...

The aqua blue candle was marked down to $4, and is the perfect compliment to the dish and glass rocks, I found at Big Lots last week. This accessory set is destined for the newly improved lake house bathroom! :)

Vanessa, at Vanilla Lavender did an interesting feature on urns in one of her posts last week. I found this one at the Goodwill, and thought it would be perfect, spray painted black and filled with colorful pumpkins and gourds this fall!

The brass ink set, was a find at a Rescue Mission Thrift Store.
There were not a lot of treasures to be found yesterday, but as always the hunt was
a pleasurable adenture!

Wishing you all a Happy and Blessed PINK Saturday!

Now, I'm off to check out other PINK cheer! ~Rhonda


Dawn said...

The cresent shaped dish is really beautiful!!! What a great find. I also like the candle with glass rocks. They look beautiful together. You did a great job shopping yesterday. :)

Happy Pink Saturday!
take care,

onlymehere said...

Such a delicate pink dish! You find the most incredible treasures. Have a great weekend and enjoy your mom's birthday. It sounds like you found things for her that she loves! Cindy

Amelia said...

Loved all your treasures you found.

Just think you can buy more as you saved so much money.LOL.

Enjoy the weekend!


Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hello Rhonda!

LOVE your PINK plate!

Happy PINK Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday to you, Rhonda.

That crescent dish is so pretty and dainty. The finish looks like satin glass.

I like your idea about the urns - that will look great.

Britt said...

i love the cresent bowl AND the orchid!! i tried so hard to keep mine alive but it died. :0(

Vanessa Greenway said...

Wow!! The urn it's going to look so pretty! The crescent dish is gorgeous! Love it! I always "moon" shaped things because of my little Luna. Have a wonderful weekend! How's David doing? xo Vanessa

Darlene said...

The pink crescent dish is just delicate looking. And I LOVE all your other buys. That is a great idea to put pumpkins, gourds, etc. in the urn. Now I need to find one!! Happy Pink Saturday!!

Anne Fannie said...

Hello Rhonda, What a beautiful pink plate!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Rhonda, I enjoyed your lakehouse renovations. It looks great & I hope you enjoy it all.


Unknown said...

Beautiful pink goodies! I love the bone dish, that color is beautiful!!


Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
I love the pink dish and all the other goodies you picked up. You did good girl!

Shayla said...

That is a sweet plate. I wonder what era it is? The handpainted flowers make it seem quite old, but then the shape throws me off. I'm stumped. Do you know?

Also loved your little ink stand find :)

Anonymous said...

Im headed to pier one today... hope I find some cool stuff too! Happy Birthday to your MOM!!! Susie h~

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Rhonda! Oh, what a pretty little pink dish! It looks antique. Love your other finds from Pier One. I absolutely love their candles - they actually smell good when you get them home and light them. lol Thanks for popping in to see me for Pink Saturday! I'm going to like this. I will be more normal next time, I promise!!

Be a pink sweetie today,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

Your bone dish is very pretty and I love your urn. I hope some of your North Carolina rain makes it up here to Virginia. It's so hot today...yucky hot.

Anonymous said...

We've had lots of rain here in the KC, MO area---I would love to package some up and send it that direction. I loved your sweet pink dish and the other finds you shared. Here's hoping your Pink Saturday is a good one! Dana

CONNIE said...

Your crescent dish is sooo adorable and it's PINK! I've never seen one like that before!

By the way, great beach theme going on @ "Grandma Mattie's" room.


Nancy said...

Hi Rhonda - Love your little pink dish. Then I took a tour of your beach house and I just want to crawl in that bed in Grandma's room. Thanks for a great tour. Yea for thrifting and trash picking! Thank goodness there is a bunch of us on here - my bunco group thinks I'm nuts! Hugs, Nancy

Gone said...

Hi Rhonda...Happy PINKNESS Day!!

Love the crescent plate...


Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Rhonda, I love that brass ink set!!! Very thoughtful of you to post about your mom and grandmother. What a Blessing! Nancy

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

What a pretty bone dish! Hard to picture it piled with chicken bones and the like, lol!
Much better for a dainty dessert!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Your PINK crescent plate is so beautiful... I love all of the teeny sweet details it has. I want to go shopping with you sometime! Love that Urn and your idea for black paint and gourds 'n lil pumpkins... too cute! I hope that your Sunday is wonderful... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

Justabeachkat said...

Good finds! I love treasue hunting in Big Lots. Wish we had one here. There used to be one across the bridge in the next city. Gone! Love the little pink plate.


Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Rhonda, lovin that urn girlfriend! Great job on all the goodies, wow! Hey I kneed to know about Heather's baby, what it is, the name, for the virtual shower. Please email me when you get the chance! I have had a great idea and want to run it past you!
Blessings, Debbie @

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

And all this time I have been wearing a hat and big glasses into Big Lots so that no one would recognise me!!!

Kim's Treasures said...

Great finds Rhonda! I love your plan for the urn! That will look great!
Have a nice day!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Rhonda!
Great finds! Love that dish and the little orchid. Your lake house is gorgeous! NOW maybe you can relax and enjoy it a little?? I hope anyway!
Great magazine cover! Sign me up for a years worth!!
Hugs, Sherry

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Gorgeous pink dish. I'm new here, so I'll just say "Hi" for now because I am so curious to go find out the origin of your whimsical name. Nice meeting you. Love the pink! : )

Susan said...

I think the ink set is a super find.

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda!Great finds, I especially love the beautiful dish and the orchid. Happy Birthday to your mom. Deb

Margie said...

That little dish is so delicate and pretty with the gold detail on it. Very nice.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Neat finds for your Pink Saturday post! I need to go find that Urn Post of Vanessa's. I 've got one I need to jazz up & I'm looking for ideas. I like your idea for painting yours black ~ I can see the pretty pumpkins in it!!

Angelic Accents