To be recognized and honored by fellow bloggers, is indeed an honor!
This past month, I was fortunate to be awarded the following....
The "Just Plain Fun to Read" Blogger Award, by Diane, from "A picture is worth a 1,00 words."

And, the Brilliante Weblog Award, three times over from, Dot, at "Picket's Place," Heidi Ann, at "Foxgloves, Fabric, and Folly," and Terrie, at "Terries' Lil' Piece of Serenity."
All four of these women brighten my day with their blogs, and have grown to be very special frends! And all four are talented women, in their own special, unique ways.
Knowing that there are rules attached to each of these awards, I have pondered over who I would pass them onto since I received them. But I just haven't been able to narrow it down to just a few, so if I may bend the rules (I sometimes do that! LOL!), I would like to pass these awards back to the four that honored me, and also all of the ladies on my blogroll. I don't mean this to be a generic "give-away!"
Please know that each of you are special and I love visiting your blogs....they are "Just plain fun to read" and "Brilliant!" I have enjoyed coming into your homes and lives via your blogs, and have carried much inspiration back to my own humble abode. You all are so kind and encouraging, I am so glad to call each one of you, I present these awards to you!
Time to play Tag....I've been tagged by Kathy, at Mimi's Garden. I apologize to those that have tagged me and I haven't followed through. It has been one crazy summer! I'm participating in this one, but I warn you, the answers are not very interesting..... LOL!
What was I doing 5-10 years ago......Ten years ago I was working at the local hospital, as Gift Shop Manager and Director of Volunteer Services, which I absolutely loved! And, awaiting the November birth of David.
Five Things on Today's "to do" list...... 1) Clean House 2) Clean House 3) Clean House.... You get the picture, LOL!
Five Snack I enjoy...... 1) Cupcakes, 2) South Beach Diet Cinnamon Raisin Bars, 3) Raisinettes, 4) Vortman's Windmill Cookies, and 5) Chili Cheese Dip
Chili Cheese Dip Recipe
Softened 8 oz. block of Cream Cheese, spread in the bottom of an 8' dish. Spread canned Chili (no beans) over the top, and cover with shredded cheese. Microwave for 2 minutes. Serve with tostilla chips! Too good! :)
Five Things I would do if I was a Millionaire..... 1) Tithe to my Church, (Do that anyway, but would tithe from the million, "smiles"), 2) Pay off mortgages, 3) Take Ashley to Paris, 4) Buy a RV and travel the US with Kevin, 5) Donate to Children's Charities, like St. Jude's.
Five Places I have Lived...... I'm a true Carolina gal, lived in four different counties, but never left the state! :)

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for Heather's Online Virtual Baby Shower,
To welcome Baby Cali!
Hi Rhonda! You are so sweet :) Your derserve every award there is!! It was fun getting to know you better and thank you for the wonderful dip recipe. It sounds delish!!
Love ya,
Congratulations on your awards Rhonda! You are really a sweet lady, and I'm so glad to get to know you better through blogging!
I enjoyed your post, and appreciate being awarded again!
I'm glad you did this tag bz I like getting to know you better! I too haven't moved much or travelled much. I've only lived in Utah and Idaho but that's okay. Today is nuts but I hope to blog later this weekend! Today is a state holiday for Pioneer Day but I'm still working it and then it's here there and everywhere taking Kellianne to activities and the fireworks tonight. Have a good one! Oh, before I forget thanks for the awards. I truly do think you deserve them!
Oh Rhonda! That is just the sweetest thing! Thanks for the awards! btw Hope David is doing just fine! Bigs hugs! Vanessa
Wow, you are sweet and generous! Thank you. I am so happy to be meeting so many wonderful gals and kindred spirits. It has been such a pick me up kind of thing! I look forward to getting to know you better. Thanks!
Debbie @
Hi Rhonda, I will have to try that sons will love it. Congrads on your awards...I recieved one a couple wks ago...but I don't know how to post son said he would help me, but everyone and everything else comes Hope you have a great day and enjoy the baby shower. Nancy
Ok girl, I back again while I was sending you a congrats comment about your awards you was awarding me. I finished my comment and looked up to notice I had a new email from, I know I have to get it figured out how to post these awards I have recieved. I will get it done!!! Thank You for always coming by and for thinking of me. Nancy
Hi Rhonda,
Me can count me in on the baby shower!
You are worthy of those awards. Your blog is a must to read...I always enjoy it...we learned some more things about your life...
Take care...enjoy tomorrow (Friday) the start of the weekend.
Congrats on your awards!! And thank you for passing them along. :o)
I have to update my blogroll, but I'm almost embarrassed to let everyone know how MANY fabulous blogs I read every day. Yours is always at the top of the list!
"See" you tomorrow!
Hi Rhonda,
I loved your vacation home make over, it is turning out so beautifully! I have been on a blog land break, almost a month now, and started a new blog...please pop over and visit me, I went back in and put blushing rose back in so they can link over to the new one too.
So happy to see you are well and your having a productive summer!
Take care and will visit you soon.
Donna Lynn
So many awards, so little time. It has been one crazy summer here too. I feel terrible when I can not do everything that involves being tagged. But I do appreciate everyone.
Take care...denise
Hi Rhonda, Loved reading your blog! I think we must be living the same life!! Everywhere I go in this house, except the sewing room, needs to be deep cleaned! I of course pick-up, vacumn, etc., but finally need to acomplish the big stuff, windows, baseboards, crown molding, etc. etc. etc.! Yikes! I am already tired! And then add "dieting" in there??? Somehow cleaning is easier when you can have a cookie break!...Also enjoyed your answers to being tagged!...& congratulations on all the deserving awards!....I feel the same way,... you are becoming such a dear friend!....And one more thing....see you tomorrow at the shower! Have a lovely evening!....Your friend, heidi XO
Hi Rhonda~Congratulations on your awards! And you throw a glorious baby shower! It was fun to read!
Have a great day!
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