Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Joy of Boys...

Yesterday, David and I headed to the orthopedist for another appointment. The plan was to get a smaller cast. ....But, once we got there, we had a slight change of plans!

WARNING! This story is NOT for the faint of heart! :)

David was taken for x-rays, as I was ushered to wait in the treatment room. David, the nurse, and doctor came in shortly after, and the nurse began to cut away the "huge contraption" that had encased David's arm since surgery. I asked the doctor about the pins...were they the ones that would come out or stay in....oh, they will come out. And then the arm was revealed. A little arm that has been wrapped since July 2nd, and has two little "knobs" sticking out of it, about an inch above the wrist. MOM , (me, of course), is not prepared for this, DAVID is not prepared for this, and both of us look at his arm at the same time. Not a wise move, for two that get quesy very easily!

David turns pale as cotton, and starts chanting, I'm going to be sick, I'm going to be sick.... Mom is not doing well either, but trying to be strong for her little man! And the nurse doesn't acknowledge that we need a pan or trashcan, now! David starts gagging, as I frantically tell the nurse, he will be sick, ....he has a weak stomach, so she hands him a pan. The doctor begins to pull out the pins, which look like super-sized straight pins. The first one is easy, and the second one...not so easy. By this time, I am starting to get flush, and praying, "Dear God, please let me be strong, don't let me pass out or get sick!" David has to be layed back, not fairing so well! I go to stand on the other side of him. I won't be able to see what the doctor is doing on that side, I'll be better there. Not so! I'm trying to focus on David's face, as I brush the sweaty locks from his forehead, and breath....deeply...and pray. And then I get a flush, hot, sweaty feeling, and my knees start to weaken, and I think that I am surely going to be sick, or worse, pass out. I am willing my body to cooperate! Can 't do this, can't fail my child, can't be the worst mother in the history of time....and then David and I are both sharing his pan. ....utter humiliation! The doctor in his usual soft spoken voice says, You better step out for just a minute, we've got him, he will be fine. I've been dismissed! It was so hard to walk away, I promised him I would be right back... As I ran to the nearest bathroom, I heard the same soft-spoken doctor yell to another nurse, "Millie, get in here, we need you NOW!" Okay, that does little to ease my nerves.

Fast forward to the ride home....David is reclining in the seat beside me, his arm in a brace lying across chest. His appearance still pale and pasty, and his little voice weak...and he begins to tell me that he sure hopes his arm is well by the fall. Then he can wear his motocross shirt, (finding clothes to fit over his arm has been a challenge), and ride his dirt bike. Oh no, NOT music to my ears, which prompts a lecture, David what if you get hurt again, break a leg. That will be much worse than an arm. (And have I mentioned before, this same child, busted his head in a hotel in Florida, while playing with Josh and Ashley on the luggage cart the night before we were due to Cruise....which resulted in 7 staples and a 2" scar!) I don't even want to hear of you on anything that has wheels...... David looks up with droopy eyes, and says, ...."But mom, I'm a daredevil, that's what I do!"

Oh, the Joy of Boys.......

And to think, my dear grandmother had FIVE boys in a row, like door-steps! ...Bless her heart!


onlymehere said...

I love David's final comment about being a daredevil! Rhonda, that's just what he does, you know?!!!! I know what you mean about the pins. They do look different than you expect. I've had quite a few surgeries on my legs and feet and I've had pins. The doctors give me Percocet for pain and I do crazy things. One time I got the pictures developed from my camera and what do I see there.....?????....almost 1/2 a roll of film was taken of my surgical foot!! I still have some of the pictures and there are my pins in all their glory poking out. I had developed a hematoma and had three different incisions along with the two pins so it was pretty ugly. My surgeon actually had me undoing the balls heads on the pins to let the sites breathe a little each night and then screwing the balls back on the pins after about 20 minutes or so. One night I couldn't get it back on due to swelling and that was a scary adventure! I was his transcriptionist so he trusted me to do it. Things like this on myself don't gross me out but my family is useless to help me as it grosses them out.

Don't worry I won't ever post those pictures (they are pretty stomach-turning to say the least) but I actually may some day do a blog on my Percocet adventures! My kids tell some great stories on me. Some I remember doing but I swear they make some of the stories up. I definitely can't be left alone when I'm on pain meds!! Glad David's doing better and his outlook is so good! I'll pray for you though to survive his antics!! Smiles :) Cindy

onlymehere said...

Make that "ball heads," not "balls heads."

onlymehere said...

I just read the comment you left me so I have to say this! When my Travis was a toddler I was carrying him into the house after work when he slipped out of my arms onto the cement steps. He hit a corner of the step. We ran him to the ER and the doctor was questioning Brianna, who would have been about 5, about what happened. I was totally freaked out. I was sure that he had a brain injury and that they were going to take him away from me! I really lost it. The ER physician told me that he was more worried about Travis' mom than about Travis!! We actually were very lucky. I can't remember how many paper widths they told me at the time it was away from the orbit but he barely missed having the corner go into his eye and causing severe damage. So Rhonda, I understand about mom's losing it in front of doctors!! We love them so much we can't help it. You'll survive your daredevil and certainly have more stories to tell about his adventures!! Yes, I'll let you know when I post that blog on Percocet! Hmmm, maybe soon!

Kim's Treasures said...

Oh my! What a day! And after all that he wants to continue being a daredevil...too funny!
Have a nice day!

Marie said...

Holy. Moly. I felt myself getting a little queasy reading that. I am the worst when it comes to that kind of thing too. When my son brok his arm last year I almost passed out when I saw how crooked it was. This year he broke his knee cap and it was so swollen I could hardly look at it when the doctor was explaining the situation. I'm locking that boy in his room until he turns 18. :o)

Amelia said...

So glad you wrote a post on David...he has been on my mind for several days wondering how he was doing. So glad this part is behind you now.

Take care...


Kellie said...

I was also getting a bit queasy, there, Rhonda! I can't handle those types of things so I can only imagine how you felt right there.

BOYS... yes, they are always interesting I am finding. lol His last statement was too cute. At least he is not scared to go out and about again. Even though it is hard for us Mothers, we really wouldn't have them any other way. :)

Michelle said...

Stopped by from Susie's...enjoyed reading your blog...

Sounds like your son is a really tough...daredevil!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Oh Rhonda, you precious dear. What a day you had, one you will never forget! Wow. Bless his heart, he will get better. My son too broke his arm jumping off the roof to be batman. He also had eye surgery and when I saw the blood dripping I passed out cold! It does happen to us moms!! Unfortunately passing out does occur to the best of us!! (smile)
Sweet one, you did fine and it's because you can't stand to see your little guy in pain. We ALL understand! I will talk to you soon about the virtual shower!
Bless you, and give yourself a big hug from me.

Angie said...

hi rhonda,

thanks for stopping by and leaving me such a kind message. that meant alot to me. it has been hard trying to think about other things just yet. i totally understand about boys. we have seen our fair share of emergency room visits for our son. he thinks he is invincible! and it's funny, he gets that same pale-skin, gonna hurl, queasiness when he bleeds or bangs himself up...ya think that would be enough to deter him..but nope! thanks heavens my daughter is more into reading and music!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Bless your heart, and David's, too! What a day that was for y'all. Had I been in there with you, we'd have been jockeying for position with that pan! Oh My! Having a sick or injured lil boy is not one of the easy parts of being a Mom, is it? Your story reminded me of the countless weekly trips we used to make with Alex to DuPont Children's Hospital... my goodness, it is so hard to believe that we made that long trip for so many years. It was hard on the days that the hospital seemed to be filled with sick/injured kids in all of the waiting rooms, hallways, cafeteria... but the worse, for me, was the Casting Room. God Love those kids.

I am praying for David and you and the rest of your family. I am sure it must be hard and frustrating finding a shirt that goes on well and fits just right! I think you've done a great job holding things together during all of this... and I don't think you should feel humiliation, at all. I know I'm proud of you and I'm sure David is glad that you're his Mom!! Now, if we can just get the idea out of lil boys' minds that they are Dare-devils, then all will be right with our lives! Thinking of you... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, bless both you and David.

You do realize that you are both going to look back on this and laugh, don't you?

Boys - yikes!!!

onlymehere said...

Rhonda, I've posted Heather's present for the shower over on my blog. Hope this is something she can use! I felt pretty generous since it was a virtual shower and virtual money! I'll try to log in and see how it's going!

Anonymous said...

Well bless yall's heart... I feel so sorry for yall. I know that feeling .It is all to real... I too get that way often when I have to deal with that stuff. You are a great and brave Mom... just from another room, smile... Take care.. Susie h~

Vanessa Greenway said...

Good Lord! I know exactly how you feel... I can crazy when something happens to Luna. Bless your heart! Well, now about the FFM, please check the little FFM icon on my sidebar and you'll get all the information you need to join us! Thank you!! Have a good day!! Vanessa

Picket said...

Oh my word girl I got light headed and queezy just reading that! Bless you both girl! With 5 of my own I know what you were feeling..I had some daredevils myself! lol Hope the little fellow heals quickly...take care sweetie1

onlymehere said...

I added finger sandwiches since we may be hungry for real food!

Dawn said...

Oh Rhonda that must have been quite a day!!! Tim would not have handled it well at all!!! I think I am the ONLY one in my family that could do it. I hope you are feeling better! Did he get a new cast? I didn't realize that when they put pins in they might have to come out! OUCH!!!!!! It sounds like your little dare devil is no worse for the wear.

take care,

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Rhonda, you and David reminded me of something that happened to me as a child...... I fell off the monkey bars at school and cut my eyelid open . While Dr. was sewing it up , my mom almost passed out and the nurse had to lay her down on a bed in the next room .
Thank you for your visit to my blog,please come again soon .

Heidi said...

OMGoodness Rhonda!...what a story!!!...Andrew's entire situation pales in comparison to poor David's break!!!....I think the doctor & nurse need to prepare parents & patients a bit more!....I am so glad this particular episode is behind you....Take care!....Heidi XO

Deb said...

Rhonda bless you! but I have five grandsons's and one on the way. Be strong and be glad you're not me. Deb

Heather said...

I am SO happy to hear an update on David. He has been on my mind a lot. This isn't exactly the update I was expecting.... you poor things! I can not imagine. I can handle some pretty gross and intense stuff but when it comes to my kids it is so very hard. I actually have to be the strong one in these situations though- my precious husband can't handle anything like that! When we had to go through all of that testing with Bella and he saw her hooked up to IVs and the machines he turned pale as a ghost and had to leave the room several times!
Bless his heart though....little daredevil! That is so precious honey!
Hope you are both feeling better. Does he go back for a regular cast now?
-Heather :)

Blogger said...

Oh my...I couldn't read your whole blog when you said not for the faint of heart...lol...I promise to read your next blog from start to finish!

I hope everything is ok :)

I was attracted to your post because I have 2 boys of my own...only one emergency room visit per boy (right now, hope it stays that way!)...but I am sure I am in store for more! Boys!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my Rhonda! I should have listened to your warning! Between being teary eyed and queasy I had to read to the end. I am so glad he is feeling well enough to think about his dirtbike but definitely can feel your worry/horror! He is sooo adorable. I don't think I could have handled a boy thats why I was given a girl (which you know has its own set of issues to deal with) I feel for you because the ages of your kids are the absolute hardest ages and you have 3 all at once!!!!! Trust everything will be just fine. Oh and just to make you feel better I was once offered smelling salts at the emergency room because my husband had to have a large, large wood splinter removed from his leg, they also told me to leave so I know how humiliating it is! We just can't take seeing someone we love hurt, thats all, we really aren't weak???lol Have a relaxing day - Jeannette

Bella Della said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a sweet message. I love to hear from others that appreciate my old store. I am just in love with it. I also love to hear about others that had their very own. I think it's such a special thing and sort of a lost art- so to speak. I promise more pictures of it soon- some close-ups. Thanks again for stopping by and I am going to add you to my list of favorite blogs. You have a great one! Have a great day!


Unknown said...

Oh - what a time. So glad that you got through it and it's past (that part at least!). The things that moms have to do!

Guess he is feeling OK, judging by his comments. And isn't that what we want rather than being scarred for life by an incident? Get back up on that horse...right?!

Praying that all is well for you.