Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back To School & a little Glimpse of Fall Whimsy...

Yesterday was the first day of school for Ashley and David. Ashley will be a Sophomore and David will be a fourth grader! Where does the time go??? Josh starts back to school Monday as a Senior!

....Just Kidding, I really miss them, I promise you I do! :)

Kevin teases the kids that when they turn 18 and graduate from HS, they are out of here ...out of the nest, on their own, he is cutting them off financially! Time for a JOB!
Before you gasp in horror...make sure you caught the part about TEASING! LOL!

Anyway, I was talking with Josh about his class schedule Tuesday, following a meeting he had had with his advisor. Mr. Dwyer informed him that all he needed to graduate, was senior English, in which he could take the first semester, and be done. He, in turn informed the advisor, that he was staying the entire year and to sign him up for 2nd semester classes. ...just in case Kevin wasn't joking! LOL!

I really don't want to think about any of my little chicks leaving the nest! :)

Notice in the picture above, that David's hair has been freshly combed. I keep a hairbrush in the drawer by the back door, and that is usually the last thing we do, as we walk out to go to school ...brush David's hair. David told me yesterday in a very sympathetic tone, "Mom, you don't need to worry about my hair, as soon as I get in school, I just shake it out anyway!"

That boy is my greatest temptation! LOL!

Ashley and David wear "school monogrammed uniforms." Which I love for many reasons! Ashley, not so much! But, she compensated with new accessories!

The start of school, brings about thoughts of Fall and decorating for the season! I have seen so many cute ideas in blogland already, and am excited to delve into my favorite season.

My MIL and I, were shopping last week and saw the cute little fellow below, in Cato's. He just screamed, "tassel"! (Is that not the sweetest little face!) So my MIL purchased him and three of his friends, and I provided the trims and labor for our joint venture!

I have purchased many of Susie's tassels, (at Bienvenue....), and she does a wonderful job! After making these four, I have a new found respect for her craft! (and her great prices!) These were tons of fun to make, but the materials are not cheap, and they were a little time-consuming! The first one was a "learning experience," but the next 3 turned out really good! The better three, are going to my MIL, SIL, and Aunt Bo's.

I guess if they are reading my blog, I ruined the surprise, huh? LOL!

"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."

Two of the little guys were holding a basket of acorns, and the other two were holding a squirrel. I just love the way their legs dangle over the tassel.

"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile!"

~Rhonda :)


onlymehere said...

Those tassels are so creative and turned out so cute! Kaje' (who is also a Sophomore) would love Ashley's bags! I really love the cartoon! I love my kids to and it's hard for me to let them move on and become independent but the day Kaje' went to kindergarten all these mom's were crying at the bus stop and there's me letting out a big WOOHOO! Not that I wanted her gone but she was my last to go to school and SHE WAS SO READY! I also went back to school that year so we had many changes. Loved the post! I have to ask though what exactly do you put tassels on, just whatever to dress them up? I love them.

Amelia said...

Ah, the care free days of summer is gone - back to school and all the fun stuff that goes along with it...can't keep a old lady from remembering all the fun she had in school (still made good grades though).


Bella Della said...

I can't believe it is back to school time. Your kids are adorable. I love the tassels. I've never made anything like that. Maybe I will have to give it a try. Have a great day!

Heidi said...

Hi Rhonda, Just loved your post!!!! I love the pictures of your children!!!...They look so ready to start the new school year!...And Ashley's bags are darling....Holly has a similar Andy Warhol bag, but it is all in creams & grays!...And it looks like you have been so busy & having a great time with the "tassels"!!!! Great job!....Mallory is off this next week, after taking summer school all summer( she is so wanting to graduate in a year!!...tired of college!), so even though I should be home getting things done, I think we may opt to run around a bit!...scrapbooking shops, fabric stores, & lunch!...Between cleaning, sewing & gardening...I wish their was a few more hours in a day! :)....Better go! I have the girls 7 Andrew waiting for me!....Enjoy your Thursday!...Heidi XO P.S. Thank you for visiting my etsy shop!! & as usual all your super sweet comments!!! I so aprreciate it my friend!.....Bye for now!

Unknown said...

School starts for my son on Tuesday. We're enjoying the last few days of freedom!

Great job on your tassels. They're adorable. You're so crafty!

Michelle said...

you did a great job with that little guy...he's so cute...

Glad your kids are off to school :) may they have a great year...

Anonymous said...

Rhonda...the little tassel is so cute!!

You have beautiful children. David looks like he has a great sense of humor. Just look at that smile!

I love starting means fall will be here soon!

Missy Wertz said...

Adorable tassels!

Kelli said...

Happy First Day of School! That is the cutest tassel...I love it!

nikkicrumpet said...

Those tassels are the cutest dang things I've seen!!!! I love the smile on his little face.

Anonymous said...

Those tassels are so sweet. Happy first day of school. I hope everyone has a wonderful year. Enjoy every moment because they will be gone before you know it but then you will have new things to look forward to. Can you believe summer is almost over?

Dawn said...

Your tassles came out so well. I like how they look! You are indeed crafty!

We start school the week after next. I've been in a couple of times to get my room set up. I'm about halfway done!

Tim hates having to comb his hair too! BOYS! He also will be starting fourth grade this year.

Britt's house is coming along. She picked her house (there were six of them) on Tuesday. Hopefully in a months time if all goes well she will be in her new home. I drove by today and peeked in the windows. It's a lovely home!!

take care,

Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
You have some good looking kids! But I bet you know that!

The tassels are so cute. Have you ever thought of posting a tutorial?? Hint, hint!

Heather Anne said...

Hi Rhonda - I'm glad I found your place in the blog world! I really like your tassels! I have been making them and having so much fun - it's a bit addictive, isn't it? The materials are not cheap, but they go a long way!

You have a lovely blog and a beautiful family! I enjoyed stopping by!

Vanessa Greenway said...

Hi Rhonda! How have you been? I can't til the day I'll be taking my sweet little girl to preschool! I have such great memories of those years... and I'm not looking forward to the day my cutie will be going to college... well, I wish a lovely Friday! xo Vanessa

The Berry's Patch said...

Those are darling tassels Rhonda! Great job!

Your 4th grader reminds me of my 4th grader. Same hair cut and By the way, my kids are cut off at 18 unless they go to college. :-)

Angie said...

Hi Rhonda,

Those tassels are adorable! I love how unique they are! And, what a couple of cuties your kids are! There was talk about going to uniforms in the kids's schools..but not sure if that is gonna happen. It would cut down on my! Stop by my blog when ya can and pick up something I have for ya!


Lidian said...

What gorgeous children you have, Rhonda!

Our schools start up Sept. 2, and I know just what you mean - I am going to miss my girls a whole lot...

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Rhonda!
You got them off to school in fine fashion!! I do love the cartoon though! Our niece is so happy her's are back to school, she's doin the happy dance.
I have something for you, please come pick it up!
Hugs, Sherry

Monogram Queen said...

I just wonder how i'll feel when my almost 4 y/o starts school. I'm sure there will be tears (mine).

I love your little autumn pretty.

I pink puffy heart Fall!!! It can't come soon enough to suit me!

Anonymous said...

Love that cartoon... I have cried and I have giggled. The first day of school always give me butterflys still today. The oldest starting school was the hardest for me... guess him graduating will be the same this year. A year of smiles and tears.
Your tassels girlfriend are wonderful! You did a super job... I now know who to call when Im in need of some help, smile! Take care and have a great weekend my friend!

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda! What a great idea! I'm going to have to steal it! LOL!!!! I have a Cato not 3minutes from my house. How are you? I hope everything is well with you, and that your days and nights are happy ones. Deb

Kim's Treasures said...

Hi Rhonda! First off...thanks sooo much for the well wishes! They meant so much to me! I am feeling better today!

Your tassels are sooo awesome!!! I, too, have bought one from Susie and love it! I often wonder if I could make one myself. You did an amazing job! The little guys are just so adorable!

I bet your house is quiet with the kids at school! My daughter goes to a local college but it is still quiet here now that her classes have started back up and her summer job has ended.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I only have one question: will David's "dumpster diving" make it into the blog?! ;-) Aunt Janet

Rue said...

Hi Rhonda :)

That cartoon cracked me up LOL

Cute tassel!


Justabeachkat said...

Hi Rhonda

It's so hard to believe it's time for school already. Loved the cartoon!

The tassels are adorable!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda!! Your children are so beautiful and look so happy to be going back to school. I'm an oldie, but I still remember the exciptement, too! I love your tassel! You know I've thought about doing some too! I think I can do it. Yours looks just wonderful!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Mrs. B said...

My kids go back to school Monday and I'm kind of sad about it. I like the relaxed feel of summer. Oh well. At lest I can start getting excited about fall, which I am. Your tassel is so cute! I've never made one, but I love them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... I know I've said this before, but... your children are beautiful... inside and out! How did the beginning of school go for them? I have kept them in prayer.

Just love, love, love those awesome tassels! Your talents are just endless, girl and I love seeing and hearing about all of the neat things you do! Ohhhh, I am so with you on the Love of Fall... I wish it were a longer Season... the smells and brisk air are just so wonderful and the colors... Oh My! I hope I will be able to get out more to enjoy it all... well, I am behind, as usual and am off to read more and catch up! I miss you... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Rebecca said...
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