If you have been following my blog since last month, you will remember all of my refurbished items that were used in the lake house remodel! The lamp below was my very favorite piece, from the Goodwill. It is so heavy and has initials on the switch, which as I interpret, ...cost someone lots of money when purchased new!

The brass sconces were found at a thrift store, $5.00 for the pair. An antique store one block down, had identical ones for over $75.00.
The goldish~color urn came from an upscale consignment store, and was the basis for the colors of the dining room. (The wall color is a light taupe, not white, as it appears in the pics.)
The lamps were purchased off of Ebay.
The plates, glass ruby ball, and brass snuffer were all from yard sales and thrift stores.
On to the kitchen...

The cabinet below is one of my favorite "furniture with a history" pieces. It was purchased at an auction, brought over from England.

And on to the guest full~bath. These prints were purchased at an auction, (two more on the opposite wall), and are of steam boats that traveled our local river. The pitcher and amber glass "soap" dish are also yard sale and consignment store finds.
The guest half~bath is home to these cute animal print pictures found on Ebay! They are more "stately" looking than they appear here!
In the Living Room, I have a tea cart my dad found at an auction and replaced the glass top.

Guest Bedroom....The hat box, on the TV armoire below, was a gift from my dad, from an auction.
The architectural piece was salvage found in a curbside trash pile by a friend.
The college I graduated from was renovating an old mansion downtown, and this was a piece of the salvage. This month, the college magazine did an article on the renovated house, featuring a picture of the columns this piece originated from....
The chair, (that still needs to be finished), came from a church rummage sale.

Hope you enjoyed the mini~tour of my favorite finds! I'll be around to check out everyone contributions! Thanks to Rhoda, hosting this great event!
And now for one more very important matter of business...
I'm a winner!!!

I was so very excited to find out last week, that I won the "July Birthday Give~Away" by Jan, at Jan and Toms Place! I never win anything, so I was overjoyed! Tuesday I received my package that permeated a heavenly scent before I even opened it! Inside was a beautiful tea cup and saucer with yellow roses complete with tea, a strawberry candle, a beautiful tag and angel, and delicious cinnamon cookies. I know the cookies WERE good, because I have almost finished the box! :)
Thank you so much Jan! You are a beacon of light and one sweet soul!
Wow! You have a lot of beautiful re-homed items! I used to have more, but my hubby said he wanted some NEW furniture for a change! I kept some favorites though! You certainly have a nack for finding things at Goodwill...I don't. Maybe I should try a new one. You have inspired me. Oh BTW....if you EVER would get rid of the teacart, which I know you would never, but just in case...please put me first in line!!
Hi Rhonda... What a beautiful post! I just love everything in your home... not sure I could pick a favorite... I keep hoping that one day we can go junkin' together! LOL... that would be a movie to watch!
Congratulations on Winning a Give~Away!
~cheers 'n tosses Pink confetti~
Isn't it an exciting feeling?! And then when the package arrives... ooooo... la... laaaa!! What FUN! I'm tickled for you, Sweetie, and sure did enjoy seeing all of your new treasures... I am way behind on my visits... soooo, off to finish reading and commenting... God bless...
~hugs 'n love~
Hmmmm... was it blogspot or my computer? None of your photos would enlarge when clicked... or did you plan it that way?!
Such eye candy! This was a virtual thrifting tour of so many of your great finds...love it!
Wow! Such great stuff! It alwasy amazes me what people will get rid of. I love the radio cabinet! Jen R
Wonderful finds!!! Wishing you a great day! xo Vanessa
So enjoyed the mini tour of your treasures..
Love your treasures and what a beautiful home! I love that butcher block table. It's exactly what I need for my kitchen :)
Congratulations on your beautiful win, how sweet!
I love everything you have...but before I forget...do you have any idea what that red/white plate from your Habitat for Humanity sale is called? I love it and want to hunt one down now that I have seen yours :) Thanks!
Your home is so beautiful, I could spend all day just looking at your treasures :)
YOu have a beautiful collection of finds! Everything is amazing. I love the tea cart. It's so pretty! Gosh, every thing is so nice!
Congrats on your win. What a sweet package!
take care,
Good Morning Rhonda,
I absolutely love your post today. Your home is so cozy and warm. Please show us more pics. Congrats on your award.
Hi Rhonda, Wow, Girl, you have some fabulous finds! Love that butcher block and tea cart. I also love all you topiarys, we share some of the same ones...lol:) I love mine till I have to clean them...lol;) Hope you have a great day. Nancy
Hi Rhonda, Where to start....everything is wonderful, butcher block, tea cart & WOW, do I love that lamp! Your home is lovely & has all the right touches to make it feel like a haven!
Hugs, DebraK
I really like your decorating style! You have such pretty things here and what great deals.
First off congratulations on winning! I'm the same as you, I can be the only one with my name in a drawing and I still won't win! Secondly, this is why I love your home so much. It's so unique with such wonderful finds. The vintage radio and buffet are exquisite! I love how you see beauty in everything. I would love to go to your Goodwill with you and see what treasures you would find that I might pass by bz I certainly don't have your eye for beauty. Thanks for the tour of your treasures, it was certainly a delight!
I need to get out and go junqueing more. I get so frustrated at yardsales though.. the people... suck!
I love love love your finds! You have a great eye!
Rhonda, I just love your background & wallpaper! Just my style too.
Oh, what gorgeous finds you have found. SO many treasures that grace your lovely home. I so love to share this thrifting thing with everyone.
thanks for playing along!
You have such a lovely home! I really enjoyed looking at all of your thrifty treasures, which all look so incredible!
Wow Rhonda, you could have an entire show or segment on looking for and finding treasures and then how to incorporate them into your home. Beautiful post and congratulations on your great win!
Blessings, Debbie
Lots of great goodies. How sweet that your husband brought that butcher block home.
Congrats on your prizes.
Hey Lamont...oops...I mean Rhonda!
I love all your finds..I am a bit partial to the tea cart (ssshhh don't tell all the other furniture)..and of course, it always makes me happy to see your doggie's adorable little face!
Hi Rhonda, Did I LOVE seeing all your fabulous finds, or what! You have some of the lovliest things!!!...But most of all, your butcher block is spectacular!!! OMG!...It was so much fun to see glimpses of your beautiful home!...At your request, I took some photos of my newly rearranged ( & super clean!)living room last evening...I will post them for tomorrow's post! Thank you for your encouragement!...I am working on the dining room today!...but first a trip to Ikea,... Holly needs a couple organizational pieces for Andrew's room! Enjoy your day!....Heidi xo
I enjoyed all your great finds. I must say my favorite is the butcher block. I have been wanting one for myself.
I forgot Rhonda, ...Your opening photo!..amazingly pretty!...This is your lake home right?...wonderful!...Heidi XO
Rhonda, I love your "Junque." You are an amazing decorator. If I could just have the tiny bit you have in your baby pinky, I'd be happy. You have the prettiest home. Hugs, Kathi
Hi Rhonda, I mean your Highness Queen of Junque! You have an eye for great stuff. Your house looks like it's full of expensive accessorize. It all looks fantastic!
Brandee :-)
You have a great collection of beautiful finds. I haven't been thrifting for long, but I am so excited for the things I may find.
Love your "stuff" Rhonda...I wish I had the time to play right now...but, painting is calling me!! LOL!!
Glad you enjoyed your BIRTHDAY PARTY give-away!!! I love tea cups and everyone knows it ~ and I'm always giving them away, too ~ so I can get more~?~
LOVE it all! That red and white platter photo with the yellow roosters? Holy moly, I almost fell outta my chair I love it so much! I see you have lots of birds and roosters. Girl after my own heart!
I must bow before you.... You are the Queen! You have some very nice finds there girlfriend... I love what you did with that strawberry basket. I think it is one of my favorites....
Hi Rhonda, I love your home and your decorating is fantastic. You have such wonderful pieces to work with.
I love your blog background too. I have the same one to reflect my black toile studio.
I am having a giveaway and I invite you to stop by and leave a comment to enter if you have a moment.
la rea rose
I love it all. Almost everything in my house had a life before, too. It just makes it so much more interesting.
You have lots of amazing finds! I'm interested in how you hung your window treatments in the dining room.
Hi Rhonda! Congrats on receiving the giveaway! How cute! Oh, and you have such lovely things and you certainly know how to decorate, my dear!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Wow you have some real treasures there. I especially love the strawberry basket! I enjoyed snooping through your blog...I hope you don't mind if I visit again!
Love all your thrifty treasures! Your house looks great with all the accessories you have!
I have those same animal print bathtubs in my half bath. Mine were cut from leftover wallpaper! I live the way yours are framed better.
I'm just trying to catch my breath from your house full of wonderful thrifty finds!!! I love the way you incorporated them with your decorating. I just LOVED the way you used the antique radio as a side table--LOVELY idea.
You are truly a Junque Queen! I love all your finds especially the old radio. I am going to add you has one of my favorites on my blog if you don't mind.
Hi Rhonda, you have loads of thrift finds that look like a million. The one I loved best was the tea cart, you had it decorated beautifully too. Very nice! Deb
You are good, Rhonda!! Love all of your pieces. I am not quite there yet.... still learning how to get "finds." :) I am quite impressed!
BEAUTIFUL home! Your home is so nice!!! I will be stealing some of your decorations!
Hi Rhonda :)
You know how much I love everything in your home. After all, I was the one that drooled all over it on RMS ;)
Ok that does it...I'm getting a buggy! I want the old radio and that amber soap dish and that butcher block table and that old strawberry box...oh my word girl..I saw things in those photos I want that you weren't even talking about!!!! lol Lordy you got some beautiful things and congrats on your win from Jan & Tom's..thanks for coming by sweetie...hope you have a great night!
Absolutely love the platter in your kitchen from the Habitat store!
Thanks for stopping by Christina's & my blog today.
Yes, you are the winner... I think of this yard sale party. Wow!! Such fun finds.
Wow! What great finds. You have some beautiful things. Congratulations on your win.
Thanks so much for stopping past my blog. Your re-purposed and vintage finds are terrific. I saw quite a few items that I sold in our gift shop and know that you got great deals! One of my favorite places to thrift is the "GW," our pet name for the Goodwill, although in this area we do better with clothing finds than decorative items.
Hi there, Thanks for visiting my blog. Your home is gorgeous. And what great thrift finds!! Where exactly are you in NC? I am in Southeast VA. I noticed you liked Mary Kay Andrews...does it take a while to get into her books? I picked up Savannah Blues, or Breeze, and the first page I turned too, it was just horrible language. I do enjoy Nicholas Sparks though. Take care..
I have really enjoyed looking through your blog. You have some beautiful things. I love "preloved" things too! If you don't mind, I am going to steal that word. It is the best term I have heard used for the things we find that aren't brand new. Your kids are lovely. Your daughter could be a model.
I must admit, I am a tad bit jealous. Coastal N.C. is one of my favorite places to be. My husband is from N.C. and we lived there for three years. We have visited Wilmington and the Outer Banks both. Someday we will probably move back, when the time is right.
Rhonda, it's hard to pick MY favorite treasure out of all of yours, but I think it would have to be the radio cabinet. My grandparents used to have one similar to that one and it reminded me of them.
Thank you for sharing the inspiring stories of Mr. Bob and Mrs. Inez and the Doolittles with us. It certainly helped to put the little everyday annoyances into perspective and make me realize how blessed my life is.
"For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."
You have a beautiful home and exquisite taste and a knack for thrift shopping. A grand combination.
You have so many gorgeous items! It is hard to believe they are pre-loved!! Just goes to show you what a great decorator you are!! But that butcher blcok table may come up missing......... but don't worry it will go to a very loving home!!!! GORGEOUS!!!
Congratulations on winning the give away!!!!
Heather :)
Hello Kindred spirit..Just love all your finds :) My Dad and Mom got me "hooked" on garage sales when I was a "young'un". I just love it. :) Have a great weekend.
Warmly, Deb
Hi, I loved the picture of your treasures--and also loved the picture of your little. I have 3 Yorkies. lol
Oh I can see that chair and I want it! Mine needs a twin ;) You have great taste! Jen R
Hi...you have found some great things and auctions...I'll have to go to one of those..my friend works at one....maybe I can find my sofa table there. I love your tea cart the best....i used to have and old wicker one...it was probablys sold at one of our garages sales when I wasn't looking. I love yours.
Everything looks so pretty . I especially like your mirror hanging over your buffet . Have a great day !
Thankyou for popping in !
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