As I prepare my EWW posts each week, I begin by praying that God will have me share and write what He desires that day. Frustrating, yes, when thoughts don't materialize easily ...but I have come to accept those "blocks" as God's guidance. Today has been one of those days, where He has closed many doors, but opened one tiny window. And with that tiny window, being one particular passage, came affirmation from an unusual instance and source.
During breakfast, David was reading Batman Trivia aloud off of the back of a GoGurt tube. "What type of animal terrified Bruce Wayne as a child? ....bats." I realized instantly, that God was pulling me back to a few verses I had been circling around since last night. He spoke to me through a 9 year old child and a tube of yogurt! Don't you just love it when He pulls a plan together! :)
The basis behind the Batman trivia...FEAR, and overcoming it! Which happened to be the basis of the verses I felt drawn to. Batman is a fictional character, of course, but Batman couldn't have been Batman, if he'd given into his fears! How discouraging fear can be, when you let it cripple and hinder you.
You and I are so blessed to have One that gives us strength and courage to overcome our fears, no matter how big or small. God tells us that we are not to be discouraged because He is with us always, He is our source of strength. He will never ever leave us, especially not in our time of need! He never sleeps or slumbers, and is continually watching over us, (Psalm 121:3-4)!
And so, I share these verses with you from the book of Joshua....
"No One will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never forsake you or leave you." v.5
"Have I not commanded you? Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." v.9
WONDERFUL post, Rhonda!!! What a blessing it is, indeed, when the Lord pulls things together!!
***I've added a link to your post today on my COME TO JESUS post
I'm afraid of Snake but I am NOT growing up to be Snakewoman! ;)
Great post with a wonderful message. There's a smart aleck in every bunch you know (me).
A lovely message...thanks so much for sharing it!
What may be a tiny window to you may be a huge door to someone. God knows that person and they may be reading this at this very second... We all need to give thanks for his wonders... thank you for opening that window, smile...
It really deserves our attention about how many times in the Bible God tells us not to be afraid. This is a great reminder Rhonda! Blessings...
Hey you, great post! I am so glad (and relieved) your roast turned out so good for your precious family. It is one of our favorites. Great post today as always. I was definitely afraid when the doctor told us a few days ago that our daughter was very sick with mono. We watched her go downhill quickly and I was overcome with fear of losing her. But as I prayed, I quickly felt a peace beyond description and I have been ever since. Thank you for this great post dear friend!
Blessings, Debbie
Rhonda! What a wonderful post. It is true that the Lord speaks to us in most unusual ways. But the key to it all is to listen, if we listen we will hear and be lead.
Dear Rhonda, thank you so much for just sharing your heart and these scriptures today. I really needed to hear about "fear" today and start trusting God is going to work "my concerns" out in His way - His way is perfect after all.
I'm almost ashamed to talk about Nekked when you've been so spiritual today. But I know God laughs at me all the time! He made me a silly!! That is so funny what you thought you read! Mr. Precious and me, nekked, on my new sofa!!! No way!! lol Not on my new sofa!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Ah...so good to see how the Lord works even in our topics on blogs!! Wonderful thoughts and verses. I am so thankful for His ever presence!!
I am so glad you are enjoying my tractor pics. I'll try to post another one tonight. :)
I use a Digital Canon EOS Rebel XT. I use different lenses and love them all. :)
Dear Rhonda,
I "just happened" to check your blog today and it really spoke to me. I am having some health challenges, and FEAR is a big factor. We must remember to "take every thought captive to Jesus Christ" and overcome fear with faith. By the way, your blog is amazing!
Aunt Janet
Enjoyed your posting today---it is so comforting to know God is with us and always loving.
Love your blog, you have great talent.
This was so good. Thank you for sharing these verses Rhonda. I love this that you are doing this on Wednesdays. It's truly cool the way God uses the funny, simple or crazy things to teach us things or to speak to us. I love it. God bless you sweetie. Kathi
Very comforting. It is wonderful how the Lord works when we open ourselves up to whatever He has in mind!
Hi Rhonda, Such "encouraging verses"!!!!...Just reading those helps take any insecurities or fears away!! Thank you!....About your "farmhouse"!!! That is simply a dream come true...I would LOVE to be able to take an old farmhouse, completely redo it & then have it to be your home!!!...and for it also to be a "family home", something you inherited, makes it all even more special...As I am writing this I am telling my husband about it!!!...and reminding him that we still need to do something like that in the future! :)...He's nodding & seems to be on board! :) I do love that man!!!....I will be adding my Christmas runners in a bit...is just taking me forever to get them posted!!! Holly has the pictures ready, now I need to add the text. Will be adding stockings in a few days too!...Not enough hours in a day!....Anyway, Loved your post today!...we'll chat soon!....Heidi XO
P.S. I LOVE that YOU LOVE my couches!!! I have had quite a few wonderful comments about them!
Rhonda....This is not some old farmhouse you are fixing up! From this point on, I will refer to it as your "FABULOUS FARMHOUSE"!!!!....I am "green" with envy!!!!... and that is not something that happens often!!! :)....Heidi XO
Good post. I like the scripture that says "Perfect love drives out fear." It just occurred to me as I was typing that God's love is the only "perfect" love.
Hugs & Blessings,
Love the post as usual! Come and see me when you can bz I have an award for you!
Hey Scooter..beautiful post my friend...I am still rejoicing about Heather...I am the same way about posting..there are days I feel strongly to walk away from the computer and posting and then I will feel strongly about sharing something and it just flows...You never know who you might touch in this life time but always obey God's urges...Over 25 yrs ago I was going thru a rough time and I was so troubled in my spirit..I would pray and cry all thru the night and go about everyday life in the day with such a heavy heart but no one knew but hubby...we had traveled over an hour and a half to visit a church with friends and family...I sat there smiling and it was wonderful to see old friends again but I whispered within myself..."Father..I don't know what to do" All at once the preacher stop his sermon and looked out over the congregation and said he had to obey God...that there was someone there that needed a word from God and God said to tell them "Let not your heart be troubled...etc" (you know the verse)then he went back to preaching...I sat there and tears flowed down my face and the spirit of God rushed over me like the wind and the greatest peace came into my spirit as I begin to Praise Him and I knew from that moment on ...He would make a way and He did..That is why I am always saying..."When having done all..stand...just stand on his word and hold fast to your faith...God will do the rest!" God bless you sweetie!
Rhonda, Thank You for such a wonderful post!! God is always there, even when we don't think He is. Love and Prayers, Nancy
oh Rhonda!
What a beautiful post! So many times in the past, I never challenged myself for fear of failing...but now I know that sometimes failing can be just what you need to do to see it's nothing to be afraid of...
Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing.
Brandee :-)
Oh Rhonda, this was just beautiful! It is amazing the way things happen! Just lovely. I really enjoyed this post!
Loved your thoughtful words today, Rhonda!
What a lovely message...Thanks
I have so many unfinished posts in my blog list...hope to finish some soon! I understand the block thing...I have had that happen a lot...I have no idea what to write about next week at all! this was a beautiful post...keep up the good work and have a great weekend
Thank you for those wonderful words Rhonda! I needed to hear those this morning as I go to have some medical tests done. God bless you sweetie!
Hugs, Sherry
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