A company in Marion, SC salvages wood from 80-100 year old homes and barns. They have a sawmill on site, to prepare the boards for tongue & groove flooring. Below is a "sample" of the flooring they offer. This room also houses antiques for sell.
But before we got to Marion, we stopped by Mullins, to eat at Webster's and browse the antique shops. Both of these towns are representatives of THE quintessential southern town, with all their grace and charm. Rich in heritage, with rows of beautiful southern homes, and delectable southern cuisine. Dishes of food served, that are just as pretty as they are good! The people are friendly, and their southern accents with long drawls are a joy to hear. A place where the women wear pearls with their slacks, to lunch, and the men are dressed in seersucker. We saw one dressed in a seersucker jacket, and another in seersucker slacks, at Webster's. ...Haven't seen that in awhile. You feel as though you have stepped back in time, or are a character of one of your favorite southern fictions! :)
If anyone ventures to Myrtle Beach for vacation, and you have a day to spare, I encourage you to visit these towns, you will not be disappointed!
David asked what that red, white, and blue thing was on the front of this building? I guess you don't see many of these anymore, and certainly not outside the unisex salons of today! Sometimes you don't realize just how much things have changed!
On to Webster Manor, which if you don't make it by 11:15, you get caught with the crowd and are guaranteed a wait in the line out around the front. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald, that run the place are probably well in their mid 70's. Mr. MacDonald is also the town mayor! It was getting so crowded, that I was unable to get pictures of the inside, but it is absolutely beautiful! ...Gorgeous drapes and furnishings! The entire bottom floor is the restaurant.
The food is unbelievable, and served buffet style! Today's special was turkey and dressing and chicken and pastry. ....And the pastry is the old biscuit dough kind! Need I say more! :)
Below was Kevin's dessert, strawberry shortcake with fresh whipped topping.

Below was Kevin's dessert, strawberry shortcake with fresh whipped topping.
Cars are shaded by huge old trees in the parking lot.
Below is the best antique store that I know of. Donnie, one of the owners, refinishes many pieces himself, and some are "Charleston worthy!" ....for a much lower price! :)
The piece below was at Kingston's. I'm not sure what it is, a headboard maybe? But I thought it was pretty and interesting.
This rocking/high chair was so neat! It folds down to a child's rocker.
And below.......
OH, Be still my heart, ...It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!
Kevin and I have looked at these old ice chests for years and many have been really rough on the inside.
This one was in perfect condition on the outside and very good on the inside. It still has the original engraved McCray hardware, and shelves, and even the manufacturer's instructions on the inside of the door...still intact! Sawdust lines the inside of the wood for insulation... that I didn't know. We decided it had to come home with us!
And so, here it rests in all of it's glory! :) Kevin says it is going to the farm house, if we ever finish with it! I say it's not gonna happen! It fits perfectly here, dont'cha think???
In order for the ice chest to fit into the breakfast nook area, we had to remove a leaf in the table. And since we removed a leaf in the table, my strawberry basket arrangement was much too large for the table. So, I gathered some things out of the craft closet and storage, and made a new smaller one! My new project for the day...
Before I close this post, I would also like to share a few items I found at the yard sale and flea market Saturday. Not alot of offer, but did find a few cute items.
The navy blue "bee" plate....$1.00!
Ironstone White pitcher...$3.00!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Forgive me if I am not faithful in my visits this week. We will be spending some of our last few days of summer vacation at the lake, and the internet reception is not real good there! ~Rhonda :)
Oh, I love the old ice chest. My husband’s family has an old homestead with an falling down barn on it, I asked her the other day if we could have the wood for flooring when we build our house. She thinks I'm crazy. -Cheers, Amy
So loved the tour you gave...really liked your weekend purchases...especailly the ironstone pitcher...cause I collect white pitchers. The ice chest is a beauty.
Have a fun week!
Hi Rhonda,
What a beautiful ice chest! I also loved the ironstone pitcher! Pitchers with flowers in them are just adorable! Your home looks so inviting...what an eye you have!
p.s. oh, and i don't mind if add me to your blogroll..i will add you to mine, too...i actually read your blog quite alot as a lurker..lol
As close as I live I never get to Marion OR Mullins. I need to make a Saturday trip!
Hi Rhonda,
I , wait, I forgot what I was going to say..oh, yes, Love the ice chest, looks great, think the blue bee plate is wonderful, jealous of that, like the sweet, easy project and thanks for visiting me. Like so many of the ladies, I just blog what my heart says:)
Enjoy your week.
I hope that was everything. I lost my thoughts looking at all the pictures. I'd like to go to that town :)
I'm constantly amazed what other parts of the country can find in their shops. We seriously are lacking in this department. I love that old ice chest. It is gorgeous and looks absolutely fabulous by the table! I love wood and it looks to be in such good condition. Incredible. Have fun at the lake. We start school next week! WOOHOO!
I believe I want to go shopping with you. Wow! I love everything.
I lOVE the new craft project. I can believe you just pulled that stuff out and created such a wonderful centerpiece!!! ARGH! how nice to have so much talent.
Wow , Rhonda , your ice chest is in wonderful condition ! What a find ! You've got me wanting to go to those little towns now !
Gosh...you should have called...I would have met you for lunch...you we in my part of the woods....well about 35 minutes away:)....those are great places and great finds....good for you!
Love the ice box... my parents have one but it's not quite that tall...
Have fun at the lake!
how wonderful is that shop? wow....I have a high chair that is old and similar to the one in your photo...it comes apart and turns into a table and chair!
Thanks for taking us along! Love the ice chest there! Your pear project is great! You found some really nice things...love the bee plate!
Have a great night!
Actually was popping by as I still work my way down the Pink Saturday list! But this post caught my eye first. I just loved your description of the people, their dress, the accents, etc. All stated so eloquently!
I'm going to make note of these places. Great post!!! Enjoy the rest of your time away.
Thanks for the heads up on the small town. Someday I hope to get to Myrtle Beach! My husband went to MB last Septmeber to you guessed it, golf!
I would love one of the cupcakes on your side bar right now. They look so good!
What a neat fieldtrip you took us on... and you even brought some home with you! Go Girl!... I love your sweet pears! Enjoy your last days of summer...Take care
I love all of your pictures and the tour of the town. Boy those hard wood floors are beautiful. I can see why your heart stopped when you saw the ice chest. It is great :>)
Hi, Rhonda! I'm so happy for you that you finally found your perfect ice chest. It is beautiful and looks wonderful in your home. I love your treasures too especially that little blue plate. Have fun and get some rest.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
ooooog, great stuff and that ice chest is perfect! Jen R
Oh Rhonda, I LOVE this post!!!!!! Everything is beautiful, the restaurant, the shops!! My kind of day for sure!! LOVE the ice chest!!!! It looks perfect there! And I LOVE your centerpiece! You did a wonderful job!!
What an incredible trip! The ice chest is truly beautiful and looks like it belongs in it's new home! The centerpiece is fantastic! Love it!!
Glad you had a great weekend.
Heather :)
Hi Rhonda, Well I have just had the lovliest time reading your post!!! Those Southern towns just are a step back in time to a much more "genteel era""!....I don't even know what to comment on since I loved it all!....The piece you brought home just looks great where you tucked it!!!....And you must explain about the "farmhouse"?? Are you fixing one up to move into?....O.K. my friend, a lake house...a lovely home & now a "farmhouse"...I think I may becoming jealous!!! :)....Just teasing! I can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing your home & all your "days doings"!....Have great time at the lake!....Heidi XO
Wow have you been busy, or what?? I love the ice chest! What a find! I love the term "Charleston worthy". lol I've never heard that before. :o) I used to live in Charleston, and let me tell you...they have some GREAT antique and junk stores!
Hi Rhonda, I know you are probably at the lake, but just wanted you to know I gave you a little award today on my blog!...Heidi XO
Next time... take me with you. :)
Wow Rhonda! I sure wish I was with you on your trip! I kept picturing Mayberry reading your description. The mannor sounds lovely! Oh, that strawberry shortcake looks so good.
That ice box is just beautiful!!!! I am glad it found its way into your home.
take care,
Hi Rhonda, I love that Ice Chest!! Happy for you, girl. We have been going to Myrtle Beach for 12 years, sometimes 2 and 3 times a year. I have always noticed the signs about Marion, but never made the trip over there. After seeing your tour, we are going to make a day of it and go over to Marion. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!! I love love love that blue plate with the bees! And I love your pear center piece, makes me want to make one! Nancy
Great post! I love it all. I just wrote a long comment & it disappeared...where did it go????
I need you zip code, I think I sent an email???!!!
Hugs, DebraK
Hey Scooter...loved this little town and the floors ...oh my word...great tour girl! lol That ice chest was a true treasure my friend! Everything you do turns out great..that center piece with the pears was so pretty..hope you are having a great day!
Rhonda, I know you're friends with Heather at Hopscotch and Hydrangeas. She has asked for our prayers and I felt like I should ask you to go over and visit her when you can bz I know that you believe in the power of prayer too. Cindy
What a beautiful old ice chest. Yes it looks grand where you've set it.
Hey, gf!! I loved the tour!! That antique store has some wonderful merchadise. I love your ice chest. I'm so glad you got to bring it home. And the ironstone pitcher is adorable. I have always loved fruit arrangements. But, I especially love the pear arrangement you created.
Hugs, Terrie
What a charming town! I love NC.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!
I love your new find...and I also love the $1 bee plate! I am on a mission to find some cute plates, I want to make those cute cookie/cake stands with them...you glue them on top of a candlestick..I saw it on the internet recently, more than likely a blog, but I cannot remember where!
I love pears, so your new arrangement is right up my alley...and I especially love the bowl/thingee that you put them in, it's so pretty!
Have a nice week :)
Great post, you are so creative, I love the new table arrangement. The Ice Chest is beautiful!
Hi! A friend of mine showed me your blog and I wanted to make just one teeny correction. The owners of Webster Manor are Ann and Kenneth McDonald. My dad is good friends with the mayor and I've grown up around both of them. They are wonderful people!
I love your description of the town though! It wasn't exactly the way I would have described it... haha. If you've lived here your whole life, you see things in a different light. Excellent review!
To Elizabeth, You are right, and I had forgotten the owners correct names! Opppsss, my bad! LOL! They do seem like such sweet people! The entire staff is very cordial! :)
Hi Rhonda,
The oak ice box looks great in your home. I found one several weeks ago, and posted it, but we don't have anywhere to put it.
I love what you did with the pears!
I may have to copy you! You won't mind will you????
Love the piece you found for your kitchen. Yes, that's the perfect spot!
The bee plate and pitcher are such great finds!!
I'm a little jealous :o)
That was a fun post! Nice to meet you! I love the name of your blog...and pic of your dog....
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