Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sunday Drive To Charlotte, NC...

This isn't what we drove, ...it's what we went to pick up! LOL!

My husband collects vintage tractors and cars. Sunday, we headed to Charlotte, NC, to pick up Kevin's Tide Race car that has been there for a little body work.

Here we are leaving his friend's shop, who worked for several race teams before going out on his own.

The Tide car was a Rick Hendrick's Car, driven by Darrell Waltrip.
We went by Hendrick Motorsports for a little impromptu photo shoot.

The building in the back, was one of the original shops at Hendricks.

This is where this car was built.

This Tide Car won the Coca~Cola 600 twenty years ago, at the Lowe's Motor Speedway in Charlotte. What is really cool, we have documentation that came with the car, and it is so neat to look back at the pictures and see how much things have progressed in just 20 years!

Below is a picture of the race suit that came with the car.

This particular suit was Ricky Craven's (signed), who also drove a Tide Car.

On to the Speedway, for more pictures, where Waltrip won the race with this car...

We stopped at Boston Market to eat on the way home, and I took a few pics of David with the car.

Notice that he didn't smile, or even look my way. When I asked him why, he replied, "This how all the race car drivers pose....they don't look at you or smile."

Now, why didn't I know that??? LOL!

If you are wondering if I went clean to Charlotte without a little "sightseeing" of my own,
Oh no, I did not digress!
I visited one of my favorite stores, BLACK LION! If you ever venture to Charlotte, there are three locations, and one in Nashville, TN. The one I went to was in the Concord Mills Mall across from the speedway.

I took a few pictures to share of things they had to offer, that I thought were different and interesting...

The picture below is a little blurry, but I included it, because the asparagus combined with the red amaryllis was such a pretty combination.

Check out these flip~flops! Don't know how comfortable they would be, but aren't they cute?

It was very hard to walk away from these candlesticks. They just struck my fancy! :)

Black Lion is a great place to look and browse, (and get ideas!), but it is a little pricey. I "squealed with delight" when I saw these lamps! I have this same lamp in my foyer! I bought it a couple of years ago at Home Goods, for less than $40. Black Lion price...$159.00!!! wooohoooo

Just love the zebra thrown into this charming mix!

And how cute is the piggy, below???

Want to hear to hear a funny story?

I've really been under conviction to be more frugal ...be a good steward with money! I've done really well the last month. ...clipping coupons, buying store brands, joining CVS extracare, and NOT buying things I just don't need. But there are some things you just can't scrimp on, toilet paper being one of them! Unfortunately my kids go through it at an alarming rate! Kevin has had the "this is how many squares you need!" talk with them! And still it disappears at the speed of lightening.

So, I gave in and bought a store brand package of TP...with a coupon, no doubt! The rolls appeared nice and plump, and didn't look cheap through the packaging. WRONG! The toilet paper is slick, hard, and has NO absorbency what so ever. Kevin says you might as well be using the plastic bag it came it! LOL! But guess what, it sure doesn't go as fast!

Hope you all had a great weekend! ~Rhonda :)


Gone said...

Hi Rhonda...thanks for the visit.

I was ROFL at your TP story here!! I love the race car and uniform...and all the neat things at the store!!!

I'm also glad you received your package and are enjoying it. Please post about your "goodies", whatever you have left of them!! LOL!!


onlymehere said...

I hate to admit it but that pig looks like something my mother would have bought! Things like that "called to her" as picket would say! I love the TP story too bz it sounds so familiar. We try and try to economize as parents. I keep telling my oldest Nicholas when he moves out I'm going to feel rich bz of the decrease in my power bill. He runs two computers all day long plus his TV or WII all the time. He leaves lights on like crazy during the day and runs a fan in his room 24/7 even if it gets chilly at night in his room and he's under a fleece blanket! I think all that will change when he has to pay the bills but as long as it's my money it doesn't seem to matter, but I digress. Great post. Love the car. Oh, David's pose reminded me that Travis used to do this weird pose when he was little and we took pictures. Finally found out that it was the Power Ranger pose! Crazy kids!

Amelia said...

In reference to the toilet paper saga...I have found that is one place where it does not pay to be frugal.

I bet all the items at the Lion store was fun to look at...but I could tell the prices were more in the high dollar area than in the Big Lots pricing range.

Have a great blessed week...


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Oooo La Laa... lovin' your new blog "look"... very elegant! I bet Kevin was beside himself with excitement during the trip to get his wonderful Tide Car! How cool is that?! And David with his poses and witty comments... LOL ... I sure do hope you are keeping a lil journal of "David-isms" to give to him on his wedding day! He is such a cutie and just cracks me up!

I have never heard of the Black Lion! WOW... it just looked awesome and I really should have been with you... ~lil pout~ ...but you came through with some fantastic photos! Those flip-flops were very weird! I can't believe you left those candlesticks behind... ~sigh~ ... Ohhhh, and that all white Rooster behind the candlesticks... he needs to be living with me!

Your Toilet Paper story is the exact same one I would write about my family! LOL ... I just hate, hate, hate store brand T.P. ~cringes at the mere thought of it~ ...Now, Mr. Piggy Paper Holder is simply a HOOT... I just howled when I noticed his britches dangled up around his Piggy-ankles! Thanks for making my day, Sweetie... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
Your blog looks great! Thanks for the photo shopping tour! Lots of eye candy in the store!

Kellie said...

The toilet paper story is TOO funny, Rhonda!

Love all of the pretty things in that store! Wow....

That is so neat about the Race car!! We are race fans, too, so that is quite impressive. And to think.... 20 years ago... lots have changed in that amount of time!

Love your new blog background. It is SO YOU!!! lol :)

Heidi said...

Hi Rhonda, What a wonderful Sunday you had!!!....& What a great car!!! WOW!!...And may I say I use "Tide", so even though I know very little about cars I do have that connection! :) And the shops!...Oh the shops!!! That one looks amazing!...& I am definitely with you...trying hard to buy only what we really need, not extras! I can spend so much on little insignificant things?...I go to Target to purchase something like wrapping paper & then leave with clothes, toys, magazines, garden supplies & home decor!!????...but since the beginning of summer have been fairly good! Still room for improvement, but better!....And thank you so much for joining my "Halloween swap"! I think it should be lots of fun!! With the temperature soaring, I am counting the days till Fall!...and thank you for telling Pearl!! I will have the button hopefully ready this afternoon!...Holly needs to help me. :)...And did David get his cast off?...I so hop so!...Better get going, have completely rearranged & redecorated the living room! I LOVE it!....Have a great evening!...Heidi XO

My Petite Maison said...

Hi Rhonda,
Thanks for taking us along on the trip - so fun.

Wow, that Black Lion store looks fantastic. I too love it when I see something so overpriced and I've found a bargain at TJ Maxx or someplace like that.

I agree with everyone else - our house is a Charmin house (or something close if they're out). My husband came home with one of those Scott TPs a long time ago and my daughter and I told him he wouldn't make that mistake again ;)

Talk when I get back~
Happy days!

(Thanks for the congrats on Pearl's party too)


Hi Rhonda,
Let me just say that it I am ever in your neck of the woods and stop by, can I PLEASE go for a ride in the TIDE CAR??? Im a NASCAR FAN and that would be AWESOME.!! I went on a Petty Ride-along in FL a few years ago and that we super. I wanted to go FASTER :) I could go on and on about cars...the toilet paper story is funny. My dad said we could use only 3 sheets. How would he know if I used more? Of course, I counted out my 3 ...:) The shop you visited was fun too. All I can think about is your husband's Nascar...
Warmly, Deb

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Rhonda, thanks for the fun visit. Loved the story about the toilet paper. Hey put a Sears catalog in there like I parents did. Shake them up...for afew minutes. (big smile)
Blessings, Debbie

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Rhonda, I laughed so hard when I read your post on my blog! Guidepost? I will have to tell my parents that one, that was hilarious. You go girl!
Blessings, Debbie

Picket said...

hey scooter...it's looking good over here!!! Love the new look and my boys would have a fit over the car...they are into racing big time and youngest Burly boy use to build stock cars and race them! Loved that tour and had to take a double look at that PIG!!! lol lol I have tagged you sweetie..come over and see the details!

PAT said...

Hi Rhonda...Just wondering if ya'll know or have heard of a race car builder from Missouri, Bickel.

Black Lion is definitely my kind of store. I loved all your great photos. I could spend quite a lot of time browsing there!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda,
Hey I have been to that race shop, it was like deja vu....LOL!! How much fun was that. I love the Charlotte area. I could definitely live there. Lovin the tp holder.


Nance said...

greetings rhonda,
your TP story is funny. i do the same thing with my family, one person alone use almost half a roll ... i don't understand that and i stopped trying to understand, lol
that race car is so impressive and the stuff that came with.

take care,

Dawn said...

Good evening Rhonda. Oh, I love your new look. Very classy!!!

It sounds like you had quite a busy day on Sunday. I've never been much of a car or racing fan but it sounds like you were all into it :)

I did love the tour of the store. Great pictures to look at.

take care,

onlymehere said...

Came to show my husband your little piggy! I really like the new picture and look of the blog!

Anonymous said...

Love your new look...classy! I love that store too. Not that I have ever been till you took us to it. I need to plan a trip asap! Susie h~

Heather said...

I am cracking up laughing at the tp story!!! I can not stand generic brands either!! In fact there are 3 things in our house that HAVE to be name brand- tp, Jif peanut butter and shampoo/conditioner. I can find ways to scrimp on other stuff!!!LOL!!
That Tide car is amazing! What a fun trip that must have been- I bet Kevin was cheesin the whole way home!!And that little David is killing me with his cuteness! I would be grabbing him and kissing him all of the time!!!
That store looks like it is FULL of inspiration! I go to Arhaus for my inspiration and then come home and see how I can do knock-offs!!! LOL!!! Too bad they don't sell toilet paper there!! LOL!!!
Heather :)

PS I am lovin your new blog look!! It is yummy!

Monogram Queen said...

NOT a Hendrick fan but I am a huge fan of Ricky Rudd so i'll just pretend it's one of his old cars LOL

I LOVE the Black Lion! LOVE that TP holder too! Right up my alley!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! OH, I just loved going thru that beautiful shop with you. I saw quite a few things I'd love to have.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)