Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lessons Learned in the "Smallest" Unexpected Places...
"At that time Jesus said, 'I will praise you, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure." Matthew 11:25-26

If you are blessed with children and grandchildren, you already know first-hand that we can learn alot from them. Although we teach and offer them guidance, we are continually faced with instances in which their innocent actions and words speak to us. For several years, I was the director of the AWANA program at our previous church. I have witnessed many sweet, simple heartfelt prayers of little ones, that blessed my heart beyond measure. And I have experienced the joy of children as they recited and learned scriptures. ....encouraged by them to be excited about God and His Word, stimulating my desire to know Him better!

Last Saturday, Kevin and I, took the children to the beach for a walk after dark. Ashley and David ran up ahead of us playing in the surf, searching for bits of shells, and drawing pictures in the sand. Their infectious laughter rang out over the waves.
David loves all forms of transportation! His second drawing in the sand, was of a car, which was what I would have expected his first drawing to be. But it wasn't....his first drawing, was of a cross with with the name, "Jesus" scrawled out underneath. I was touched that his love for Jesus took precedence over his beloved cars and trucks. I was proud of David, but do not write this to boast. I honestly was very humbled. I am humbled that a nine year old child would stand up and proclaim in even a subtle way, that he believes and loves Jesus. And I was humbled by his rememberance of Jesus, even in his time of fun and play.

One of my favorite contemporary Christian songs came to mind, Remember Me, by Mark Schultz. This is beautiful song, in which I meet God in the unexpected places of daily life. You can listen to it on my Playlist....

Remember Me
V1) Remember me, In a Bible cracked and faded by the years
Remember me, In a santuary filled with silent prayers
CHORUS) And age to age, And heart to heart
Bound by grace and peace, Child of wonder,
Child of God, I'll remember you .....Remember Me
V2) Remember me, When the color of the sunset fills the sky
Remember me, When you pray and the tears of joy fall from your eyes
V3) Remember me, When the children leave their Sunday school with smiles
Remember me, When they're old enough to teach, Old enough to preach, Old enough to leave


Age to age and heart to heart Child of wonder child of God
Remember me

I am reminded in this song, that God makes Himself known to us in many ways. And, I have assurance in His everlasting, continual remembrance of us. He promises in His Word, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrew 13:5. God remembers us in all places and in all instances of our lives, even when we may fail to remember Him. Let us remember Him!

~Rhonda :)


ellen b. said...

Beautiful and encouraging thoughts Rhonda. I don't think I've heard that song. Have a beautiful day..

Monogram Queen said...

Very good post and I could use a little encouragement today. Thank You!

onlymehere said...

I've never heard that song but it's beautiful! Thanks for printing the words to it also. I love your faith outlook on life and it shows in what your kids do and say. I knew I needed to stop in today for a spiritual lift and I came away uplifted. Thanks dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... another beautiful Encouraging Words post! The song is new to me, and I loved it... but your story about your family walk on the beach at night was what really touched my heart... I can only imagine how your heart must have swelled when you came upon David's work in the sand... what a blessing and what a precious way for God to show you and Kevin that you're doing a fabulous job with your children! It just made me smile...

I hope all is well in your world... I've been missing you and thinking of you... thank you for all of your prayers and warm thoughts... I am so blessed with our friendship! Talk with you soon... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

Kellie said...

Wonderful, just wonderful, Rhonda. I have never heard of this song, either, but it is beautiful. What a precious thing David did. I am so thankful that the Lord remembers me always, even when i fail to show Him to others. Children are always amazing in their innocence. It is no wonder the Lord said we have to become as a child to believe in Him. Innocent and honest are the words of a child.

Pink Slippers said...

That post is so very true. When the children leave our children's church they leave so happy and content. Even the ones that are new or are having difficult situations at home. I just pray that the seeds being planted will bloom. Sometimes as parents we forget they are our first ministry.

Unknown said...

Those are wonderful encouraging words!

It is amazing how God can speak to us through children and it is such a blessing to see them loving the Lord!

nikkicrumpet said...

What a lovely post. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Unknown said...

What a touching post Rhonda! It really made me feel good inside to read this, though he is not my son. It is just beautiful that a nine your old would do that on his own. Just precious and you should be so proud. How touching and sweet!

Big Hugs,

onlymehere said...

Rhonda, I just saw your post on another blog and realized that we have so much more in common than I thought. I had posted before you and I went back to see how this blog affected others when I saw yours. You, my dear friend, are such a beautiful person and a great mother. It shines through in your blog. I'm so grateful that I found you here and that you became someone who uplifted me. Thank you. Cindy

Amelia said...

This incident with son just shows he has been raised in a wonderful Christian home....keep up the good work.


Charlotte said...

This was such a good post. It is so important for children to know the Lord at a young age. I think their young tender hearts are more receptive. I'm not familiar with the song but it looks like a good one.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Rhonda, I love your post and it surly gave me some inspiration tonight. What a wonderful memory maker of your grandson for years to come. Yes, I remember how sweet it always was listening to my son say his prayers and also praying together. He is all grown, but at times, we still pray together and it is very heartwarming.

I love this song too. Thank you for sharing it.
Blessings always,
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose

nikkicrumpet said...

speaking of encouraging words...your comment on my last post was just that! You really made me feel good with your sweet words. And I'm glad my post could make you laugh! Have a great night!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi again, I forgot to say, I love your background. I have the same one and love it. I chose it to reflect my black toile studio.
See, great minds think alike. LOL!!

Nancy Rosalina said...

Love the words and song, Rhonda! I have an award for you on my blog, so come by sometime and pick it up....Nancy

Kathy said...

Your post today was just lovely, Rhonda. Encouraging words and a beautiful song. Thank you...Kathy

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Post! You are an inspiration! Please come over to my blog and pick up your awards. I hope you have a lovely day.


Just beautiful...great way to start my morning!

Anonymous said...

Rhonda, what a beautiful post! It is so true... what kids can teach you. Mine gave me a lesson just yesterday.. All of my kids were in Awana at some point when our church started it up. It was a very big deal getting it up and growing. I was a listner, hehe. Im agne that! Im such a talker. It's was nice to sit back and just soak in all that they had learned. Our new church does not have Awanas there but something very close. My husband (39) still has his Awanas vest from when he was a little boy, smile... Take care my friend!

Sue said...

Thanks for your thoughts today, it is always good to read encouraging words. Have a good day.


Deb said...

Lovely story Rhonda, it leaves me with warm thoughts of Jesus. Deb

Rebecca said...
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