I have Two Guys to wish a Happy Birthday to in August!
My Brother's Birthday was the 21st. I don't have a picture of him to share, but would like to send him a belated wish just the same!
Happy Birthday, Ron!
My step~FIL's birthday is today!
See him grinning below, ...he is always this jolly!
Happy Birthday, Terry!

Boiled Peanuts...
I was surprised at the response and questions I got about the Boiled Peanuts. Some of you asked what they tasted like. Well, it is really hard to say. I can't think of what they would compare to. But I have found, that you either love or hate them! LOL!
My brother had a suite mate in college that was from up north. We introduced him to the fine Southern Cuisine of Boiled Peanuts, and he loved them! ...Couldn't get enough of them! However, my SIL, Tiffany, is from Ohio, and still hasn't acquired a taste for them! This is actually the only kind of peanuts I like.
Boiled peanuts come from raw or "green" peanuts fresh out of the ground, before they start to dry. You boil them in very salty water for about 1 1/2 hours.
They are of course seasonal, and this time of year, it's not uncommon to find a gathering of folks around a huge metal pot, making a meal out of them! Now that is good eating! :)
Blogger Central...
Yesterday, Brenda, from the Brenda Blog, hosted an event to share where your blogs are created. I am a day late, so I missed out. But I decided to post my blogging spaces anyway! :)
So here we are in my husband's home office. I have taken over his desk, and this is where I "create" my posts. I download the pictures and graphics to this computer.
Kevin's precision tractor and truck collection.

Vintage tractor catalogs are stashed all over this room. The old receipt beside the book is kept under the desk glass. It was found in the farm house when we were tearing out a wall, and first began the renovations. It is dated 1954, and a receipt for $25.00 that Kevin's grandaddy paid on his account at the local general store.

My african violet is just full of delicate flowers!

The office is considered part of the "Master Suite," and the spiral stairs ascend to the Master bedroom. I painted the railings after Christmas last year, and they were suppose to be a bronze color, but they ended up an army green. After a slightly difficult project, I am learning to live with the color! LOL!

When I am just browsing and leaving comments on everyone's blogs, this is where I am. In one of the comfy recliner's with the laptop.

Hope you have enjoyed your tour of my blogging spaces. I have a few awards to post, but I will save them for tomorrow....since this post is getting a little long! :)
Hope your week is off to a great start! ~Rhonda
Nice blogging space Rhonda! Love the comfy chair for browsing.
What a wonderful space! I'd never have known that railing was army green either if you hadn't said! You have such a beautiful and homey blogger spot! It's a place that just calls to friends to come and sit a spell! I'm glad you posted it. Thanks for clearing up the question about the peanuts too! I love peanuts and have never seen them green, silly me, I thought they grew on trees not in the ground!! I'm getting an education from you today (either that or showing my lack of education)! LOLOL!
What do you mean "unphotogenic!" I see that picture of you and Kevin on your blog. I've always thought you were pretty and looked a lot like Ashley, who is gorgeous! I think we both need to find a magic self-esteem fairy to bestow some upon us!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
Maybe someday I'll get to try boiled peanuts!
I like seeing where you are when posting and commenting. Now I can picture you there! And you have some lovely spots.
What a lovely blog portal!
I love boiled peanuts. I thought they were on the top of the food pyramid! It may be a southern thing but NOTHING can take the place of good salty boiled green peanuts. Most vendors are boiling dried peanuts but they just aren't the same. I love your blog.
That's so funny about the boiled peanuts. I knew you would get this response. I think most people would love them if they get the right kid of peanut. Most people from up North don't like them because they haven't has the right ones...the Spanish peanut. They have the big nasty peanut that they use to make peanut butter with. You are right they are seasonal, southern and very good.
When my brother was at Clemson he would take them back with him and some of his roommates wouldn't even try...they just thought peanuts were suppose to be dry...Funny...you don't know what you are missing until you try! I'm boiling mine on Saturday to snack on during the Clemson game...:)
Love you home pictures....
Rhonda, this was such a fun post. I loved it all - the tour, the boiled peanuts and the dumpster diving. You just have to love those guys. ;-)
Your home is so pretty! I liked the tour. Thank you :) :)
Now about those boiled peanuts. I'm one of those Northers who never aquired a taste. When I was young I lived in Maryland for a few years. My step father was from South Carolina and had my mother makes these for him. I just never liked them. I guess I'm a dry roasted kind of girl LOL!
take care,
Happy Birthday to Ron and Terry!
Fun tour!
Thanks for the visit.
Happy Birthday to Ron and Terry!
Love your place.
Have a Happy and Bless week, Virginia
Happy Birthday to your brother and FIL!
I have never tried boiled peanuts, and am having a hard time imagining them. If I'm ever in that area, I will have to try them. I always think it's fun trying local foods.
Your computer space is so nice! I think I'm getting "blogging space" envy!
Nice and cozy blogging place! I hope you have a great week! xo Vanessa ps. How's David doing?
I have never had boiled peanuts. I know once I start eating peanuts, it is pretty hard to stop!
You have a lovely home!
Love seeing where you post, Rhonda!! It is always neat to see everyone's homes and such. :) Love all of the tractor stuff, too. :)
What a beautiful space you have to work in. I think I would blog all day if mt space was that nice! I would love to see the rest of your house. Thinking about doing a tour???
Hi Rhonda!
I like boiled peanuts, too! I was crackin up about the dumpster diving! Isn't it amazing what companies throw away? We saw outside KFC once trays and trays of chicken just dumped into the trash! So sad that there are hungry people out there and they are throwin food away! Yay for rescuing the chips!
I loooove boiled peanuts! I'm in western NC, but I grew up in SC. Boiled peanuts seem like a very southern thing to me. And I look forward to football season for the peanuts! And nachos too...
I love the office space that you have! And that beautiful spiral staircase! You are a lucky duck! :)
Hi Rhonda, Nice blogging spaces...please save me some peanuts...I love them!! Nancy
DANG! I need me a comfy chair like that! My blogbum wouldn't get so sore! Love your home...cool how the stairs lead to your bedroom. But about those boiled peanuts...they look kinda weird lol. Never tasted them...and not to sure I'm missing out on anything lol. Have a great night/day
please stop in on me...I have an award for you
Very cool space! Love your blog...first time here. cherry
Yeah. I'm a hater. I can't stand wet peanuts. lol I've lived in the south for most of my life, but I'll never understand boiled peanuts. :o)
Your office is so pretty! I'm doing some window mistreatments in mine today so maybe I'll actually finish and take updated pictures. Have a great day!
I love me some boiled peanuts, but being a NC girl I think it's just a given.
Love your blogging spaces. Beautiful.
Oh man now you've got me jonesing for some boiled peanuts!
My favorite are the ham variety we get down in Summerville!
Your office is so beautiful! Love the dark wood. Love the tractors too! I do love a John Deere!
Hope you're having a great week!
Hi Rhonda :)
I'm not a fan of the peanuts. LOL
Great blogging space! I love the tractor stuff that you've kept.
Happy Birthday to your FIL and your brother!
I love boiled peanuts! I want some now! I wanted to stop in and let you know I posted another class...If you could spread the word I'd appreciate! Thanks! Meme
You have a very pretty place in which to blog, Rhonda. The office is gorgeous and you have such a lovely view. I do like my little office. I have to laugh though. A friend came over and said, "But Kathi, you have no window." I said, "Yes, I do. See that heater vent up at the top? Well, that's my window." Of course a person cannot see out of it, but at least it's there. I would love to try boiled peanuts some time. They sound delicious. Kathi
Rhonda, I love boiled peanuts!! Your african violet is very pretty. I hope your bil and brother enjoyed their birthdays. I am so glad to see someone else has recliners. After being on RMS I thought I was the only one that still likes them. I wish I had a laptop. Especially with my back injury. I can only sit here for a couple minutes at a time. I really shouldn't be on here. But, I miss my blog friends. Hugs, Terrie
Ohhh more birthday wishes are in order, I see... Happy Belated Birthday to Ron & Terry!
Loved the tour of the office! Kevin has an impressive tractor collection going on! I was fond of your beautiful African Violet. My MIL had such a green thumb with them... I tried, but failed, plus the cats chewing on the leaves never was much help!
So glad that I can now picture where you blog from! Of course, I want a lap-top and comfy chair, now!... I'll just send a letter to Santa... LOL ... hope all is going well... God bless...
~hugs 'n love~
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