Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Very Special Birthday Wishes & Awards...

Fifteen years ago today, I had my first child, a baby girl, born at 1:01 a.m., weighing 9#, 15 ozs.

That sweet baby girl was Ashley!

When I held her for the very first time, I thought she was THE most beautiful baby, and she radiated warmth. With each passing year, she gets even more beautiful, and her warm, kind disposition continues to flourish.

Ashley, Your dad and I are so very proud of you! You have been a blessing to us for 15 years. You are not afraid to stand up for what is right and what you believe. You can "fit in," but you don't always have too!

The caption Ashley had under her picture below said, "The key to individuality is to get rid of that 'I'm afraid of looking stupid,' line of thought." That certainly befits you.

Be proud of who you are, and the individual as God designed! May He continue to Bless You!

You are still that "sweet little girl in Atkinson, lol!" ...and we hope you have a very happy, "happy day!" :)

~I love you, Mom

I wanted to include pictures of Ashley as a baby! But, my computer is not cooperating, so I "borrowed" some of hers, she had already downloaded.

"Surprise!" LOL! I can do that, I'm the Mom! :)


It feels like my birthday or Christmas, with all of these fabulous awards from the last few weeks. I am very honored and humbled with each award I receive, and they mean so very much to me. But not as much as the blogger that presented them to me! I thank you all most for your friendship!" Stick with me 'til the end of this post, because I have a very special gift for all of you! :) These are in no particular order....

Arte y Pico Award ~ Thank You! ...Nancy, at Southern Lady

Kreative Blogger Award ~ Thank You! Charli and Me; & Dawn, at Dawn's Day Break

You Make Me Smile Award ~ Thank you! Dawn, at Dawn's Day Break

BFF Forever Award ~ Thank you! Dawn, at Dawn's Day Break

Sharing the Love Award ~ Thank you! Dawn, at Dawn's Day Break

Love your Blog Award ~ Thank you! Angie, at Sandals and Daisies; Tootsie, at Tootsie Time; & Charli and Me

Arvore da Felicidade, Award of Happiness/Tree of Happiness ~ Thank you! Sherri, at edie marie's attic; Charli and Me; & Dot, at Picket's Place

The Smile Award ~ Thank you! Terrie, at Terrie's lil piece of Serenity; & Cindy, at Just another day in paradise

A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award ~ Thank you! Charli and Me; Dot, at Picket's Place; & Dawn, at Dawn's Daybreak


Now for my gift to You!

For two of the awards, the instructions were to list things that make you happy. If you read my blog, then that is pretty evident, so I won't repeat myself. But I will say that each of you bring joy into my life! You share in my life and invite me into yours. With each of your posts and comments, you make me smile, and sometimes cry "good tears." You lift my spirits and inspire me! ....You ALL are Sunshine on a Cloudy Day!

If you read my blog, please accept this Award. If comes from my heart! There are no rules attached, and you are welcome to pass it on to whomever brings sunshine into your life! :)

~Hugs to you all, Rhonda


Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Rhonda, Congrats on all those awards..you deserve them!!! Happy Birthday to Ashley...hope she had a great one. Blessings to you, Nancy

Picket said...

Hey girl...congrats on all those awards sweetie...they couldn't go to a more deserving girl! Happy Birthday to that beautiful daughter of yours as well...Hope you are having a great week and thanks for that beautiful Sunshine award...I'll be taking that little beauty home with me!!!! lol lol Love ya girl!

Karol said...

Isn't it so wonderful to have a great teenage daughter that you can be so proud of?? I don't know what I'd do without my 17 year old daughter! Your Ashley is a darling, congrats!! Karol

The Berry's Patch said...

Happy birthday Ashley! Congratulations on all your awards Rhonda. I think you received just about all of them. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... WOW... 9 new awards! CONGRATULATIONS on all of them... you're well deserving of each one!

~cheers 'n tosses confetti~

A very Happy 15th Birthday to Ashley! What an exciting time in her life... I know that she's a true blessing to you & Kevin!

~tosses more confetti~

Your Sunshine award is Sweet! You always come up with such neat ideas... Thank you for offering your award to us, but mostly, thank you for being the dear and precious friend that you are... I hope you know how important you've become to me and just how very special you are! God bless...

~hugs 'n love~


I remain behind... and am off to read more!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley - hope she has a wonderful day!

Congrats on all of your lovely awards. You really do deserve them all. Everybody loves to stop by here - you brighten up our day and you are so kind! :)

Thank you for the sunshine award - that was a great idea!

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda, Happy Birthday to Ashley and congrats on your awards, and that is a beautiful award that you made. Deb

Marie said...

WOW! You are going to need a wheelbarrow for all those awards! Congratulations! And thank you for the award you made... :o)

Happy birthday to Ashley! She was a big baby! My son was 9lbs11oz and I thought HE was big!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter...

Congrats on all of those awards...you have a great blog:)

Chanda said...

Hello, and congrats on all those awards. Good go'in. Happy birthday to your sweet Aswhley, I hope she had a wonderful birthday. They do grow up so quickly. I have only one question. Do you seriously eat those boiled peanuts????. My mom and I were traveling thru Ga on our way to Florida once and we stopped at a gas station and they had them cook'in in a crock pot. They told us to try one. Suckers we were. I swallowed mine, but my mom spit hers into her napkin. It must be an accquired taste I guess. I had to show this to my mom for a good laugh and a good memory from our past.
See Ya,

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter and congrats to you on all those lovely awards.

Kelli said...

What a sweet birthday post! Happy Birthday, Ashley! Congratulations on all your awards!

onlymehere said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley!! Yes, you're allowed to steal from her blog if you're her mom......I do it to Brianna all the time. If I didn't I wouldn't have any of those cute professional prints! Congratulations on the awards too. You deserve each and every one. Thank you for the award you gave us too. It's going right on my blog and then I have to run back and tackle some more of this mess in my house. By the end of the day I want to reclaim my front room and kitchen!!

Mrs. B said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley! She's such a pretty girl and seems to have a great outlook on life!

Congratulations on all your awards! The Sunshine award is so cute! How sweet of you!

Kim's Treasures said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! And...Congrats to you on all your wonderful awards!!! Hope you are having a great day!

Dawn said...

Please extend a very happy birthday wish to Ashley! I can tell how much you love her :) :) Ashely is beautiful!! I am glad you stole the pictures to share.(I steal from Britt's blog too!)

Congrats on all of your awards. Thanks for the one that you shared!!!

take care,

Rue said...

Hi Rhonda :)

Happy Birthday Ashley!!!

Are you ready for her to drive on her own yet?? LOL

Congratulations on all the awards! :)


Pink Slippers said...

Happy Birthday to the "Mommy" too!

Unknown said...

Hi Rhonda,
Your daughter is a beauty! I hope her birthday is a happy one.

Congratulations on all those awards! You are a very popular blogger!

Becky said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Ashley. Enjoy her while she's still home. My girls are now 32 & 28. WOW! Time sure flys when you're are havin' fun! Congrats on your awards! Thanks for the Sunshine award. I LOVE IT!!!

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley!! Rhonda your daughter is beautiful!! Congrads on your awards. You have a beautiful blog!! Hugs, Terrie

Justabeachkat said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley. She's a pretty girl! 9 lbs 15 ounces! Wow! My Bree was 9 lbs 1-1/2 ounces! That's a lot of baby, as you well know. LOL

Congratulations on all your awards! And thanks for the award from you. It's so funny...I was working on my post tonight and my title was the same as yours...Birthday and Awards. Plus I came by to copy your blog address so I could award you one. Once here I saw you had already received it. Too funny!

Thanks again.


Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

My son just finished driver's ed, and so I am right there with you on the birthday. Since it's so rainy here, I will gladly accept the sunshine on a cloudy day award and pray that the literal sun comes on through. :)

Kathy said...

Oh, she's adorable, Rhonda. Hope her days was perfect!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Gosh she is a chip off the old block honey ! She looks just like you , beautiful !! Happy Birthday Ashley !

Kathi said...

Happy Birthday to Ashley. Thank you Rhonda for the Sunshine award. I'm honored. Your blog brings me joy. I'm so glad to be able to read your blog. Hugs, Kathi

Vanessa Greenway said...

Rhonda! That was an adorable post! Lots of awards and sweet words to your daughter! Love it! That little girl on my post it's me! I think I was 2 or 3 not so sure need to ask my mamma! Thanks for the Sunshine award! Hugs!! Vanessa

Blogger said...

Hi Rhonda,

Happy Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter...is she being a bathroom diva??? ;)

Congratulations on all of your wonderful awards, you deserve each and every one of them :)

Thanks for your super cute award, I love it!!!

still pulling wallpaper from her hair....

Angie said...

Hi Rhonda!

What a gorgeous daughter you have been blessed with! Happy Birthday, Ashley! You deserve all the awards you have been given...good thing you have a mantle to put them on now..haha! I love the award you made and will proudly display it on my blog..thank you so much!


Tootsie said...

hello! I have the award already...I didn't have a chance to leave a comment...was going to wait until I posted it! Thank you so much. I appreciate the acknowledgement more than you know

Heather said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!!!!!!! Hope you had a fantastic birthday sweetie! I pray you have many many more! God Bless You today and always!
Congrats on all the awards Rhonda- you deserve each and every one my dear!!

Monogram Queen said...

Happy Birthday to your darling girl!

bj said...

Oh, don't ya just love the BeeGees...I sure do!!
I am taking this precious award home for my sidebar and I THANK YOU DEARLY.
love, bj

Vee said...

Oh you have some wonderful awards and thank you for the sunshine award, too!

A Happy Birthday week to your beautiful daughter. Very special times, I'm sure!

Rebecca said...
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