Thursday, August 28, 2008

Relinquishing my Control....

Thank you for the kind, well wishes for Ashley's Birthday!
She reads my blog, so she will see and appreciate them! :) And I have a correction, Ashley weighed 9 lbs. TEN ozs. at birth, not 15 ozs.
I guess I had 15 on my mind, .....opps!

Ashley at her Third Birthday party...

Several month ago, I participated in the "Mantle Party" at Kara & Kijsa's blog, and this is what I posted...

Now I thought the "lack of a mantle" was kind of neat and different. ("outside of the box," if you will.) The previous owners of our home preferred a more modern look. They flew a designer down from New York, to oversee the building of the house and to decorate it in a black and white minimalist motif. If you like that look, good...but that just wasn't us. Although it appeared very cold and clinical on the INSIDE, I fell in love with the house and had such visions for it. I could see so much potential. We brought my MIL to see the house, and she is a great, creative decorator. I just knew she would share my vision, but as we were pulling away from the house, she was in the back seat praying that we wouldn't get this house, but another one....and I was praying even louder that we would! God was on my side that time! LOL!

The mantle issue has always REALLY bothered Kevin. And the fact that our house has very little moulding and trims. So, after being pleased with the job that the carpenters did on the lake house, we decided to have them do a little work on this house. The first project they did was add a mantle! And I have to say it looks amazing! Next they will be adding a coffered ceiling in the kitchen and then mouldings throughout the house.

Oh, but look at the mess! It is REALLY hard living in a house that is being worked on! ...even a small job! And it has rained every day since they began...creating additional mess! I am ashamed to admit just how resistant to change that I am. I'm embarrassed that although I am so glad that we are finally able to have this done and even somewhat ecstatic... I am also on the other hand, a basket case! I have relinquished MY control of my little nest. I know I shouldn't complain...really I do! But the sound of sanding, and imagining the dust floating everywhere grates on me like nails of a chalkboard! And just having strangers within your "comfort zone" 8 hours a day.......Oh me!

Is it just me, does anyone else ever feel this way???
I retain my sanity by assuring myself it will absolutely fabulous when they are through! LOL!

Below is a mock of the moulding that will go around all the doors, the ceiling and floor... I really should not complain should I? It is going to be such an improvement! I will keep you posted on the updates, if they don't take me away in a white jacket first......

On another note....
I picked up this magazine while at Lowe's this morning, and found the cutest idea I thought I would share....

Pretty neat idea, huh?

If you haven't picked up your SUNSHINE Award from the post below, I hope you will!

Please forgive me if I am not faithful in my rounds with visits over the next few weeks. ...since I have "company and all!" ...LOL! I'll do the best I can! ~Rhonda :)


The Berry's Patch said...


Your fireplace mantle is going to be GORGEOUS! I love the moldings.

Very cute idea with the chest. Are you going to do something like that?

Brandee :-)

Unknown said...

I love the new mantle, though I liked it without, too!

That molding will look fabulous when it's all done.

I am sorry that you have to deal with strangers in the house - that would drive me crazy.

That chest is adorable!

Have a blessed day and try to find a quiet spot! :)

Michelle said...

It's going to look great but I know what you mean about having guest that make a fun, but the outcome is:)

Mrs. B said...

Oooh, I love the new mantle! It's gorgeous! I really want a fire place and we've talked about installing one but it just hasn't happened yet. I think your moulding is going to be beautiful. Just keep telling yourself that!

nikkicrumpet said...

Not only is that mantle going to be SPECTACULAR!! But those beautiful moldings are going to add so much character to your rooms. It will be worth all the mess and disruption when it's done!!'s going to be amazing! I love the idea from the magazine. It's beautiful and it is a perfect thought.
Have a wonderful (sawdust controlled) day!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Wow, what an improvement. I LOVE your new mantle.



Kim's Treasures said...

Hi Rhonda!!! Thanks so much for the Sunshine award!!! It is so sweet and so cute!

I love the new mantle and the new trim! When we bought this house it came all trimmed out. I LOVE it!!!
I feel the same way when someone comes to work on my house...ugh! I even felt weird having the dryer repairman in the house yesterday. But when there's work to be done...I just dread the dust and mess! Even when hubby paints! Yikes...I can only handle it for sooo long. I know the rewards for outweigh the hassle but you know exactly what I mean!

I sure hope the DT near you gets the pumpkins in! I had to drive to one quite far from me because the closer one did not have them out. Fortunately I had other things to do in that area!

Happy DT stalking!

duchess said...

The mantle is coming along great. This is the first house we've had with a real traditional mantle & I have to admit that I'm loving it.

I can't wait for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... How exciting for you, to be getting a new facelift so to speak in the house! I would be cringing right along with you if I had all of that going on in the house... LOL ... I guess I like my privacy too much! I'll be looking forward to seeing your photos of a work in progress. The photo of the chest of drawers with the writing is so sweet! I have a friend that has a few chests similar to that... very unique looking.

I hope your day goes as well as it can with all of the rain 'n sawdust... it will soon be a faint memory! God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

onlymehere said...

Rhonda, that mantle is gorgeous and I can hardly wait to see all the trim done, and then to move on to coffered ceilings! You'll feel like you have a brand new house! At this time I understand completely about strangers in the house. Every day for just over a week we had the restoration specialist in our house checking on how well the laundry room was drying out. FINALLY, they stated that it was dry and they finished up. Right now I'm waiting on a plumber and then the insulation company and then sheetrockers. I'll paint it myself. The leak ended up being hidden in the wall. I'll blog this later bz there is still an ongoing issue regarding $$$ but I have to say our insurance has been wonderful. Complicated so I guess it deserves one of my WAY TOOOOOO LONG BLOGs! Keep thinking "this will all be worth it when it's done" to yourself and maybe it will help you get through your "company!" LOL!


Hi Rhonda,
Just LOVE the mantle :) Looks like it was always there and can't wait to see the rest of it. How fun. Yes, having to live in extra dust isn't fun but the rewards are :)
Warmly, Deb :)

Anonymous said...

Oh be still me heart!!!! That is just the prettiest mantel.... Could he come over and do a mantel makeover on mine. Wow! Ohhh Im thinking Christmas and how sweet you will have it all dressed up. I just love it Rhonda! .....Smiles on those awards!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

That mantel is going to be gorgeous! It will definitely be worth all the inconvenience. Love the molding over the doors. Jackie

Nance said...

I know the feeling rhonda. I felt the same way when we had our living room walls re-done ... oh the dust from the dry wall!
It will be all worth it though, it looks nice already.

Kathi said...

Wow, your mantle and molding are beautiful. They will look fantastic when complete. It's very classy. Kathi

joyh82 said...

Wow can't wait so see the finished progect! Very pretty so far.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... Please come by for a visit when you can... Thanks!

XOXO ... Pearl

Dawn said...

Your mantle is going to be beautiful!!! Hmmm, I can see my "honey do" list for Rich growing by the minute. All the pictures I have seen of your home are just beautiful!!!

I'm glad Ashley enjoyed her comments. I hope she had a great day.

take care,

Angie said...

Ohh Rhonda...

What a difference the mantle makes! It is hard when the house is in a messy state...but just keep envisioning it finished..the stockings that can be hung there for Christmas will be wonderful!


Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda! Oh, your mantle is going to so beautiful! I know you'll decorate it up to death!
Thank you so much for the award, I really appreciate it! Oh, good, I thought Ashley might be Divaing, but I didn't want to do anything without your approval. She'll be up tomorrow, tell her!! Yes, she'll be the youngest and prettiest!! Better not let our Hunky Gardeneer see her!! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Heather said...

Oh sweetie I can totally relate! I too am resistant to change- so much I even worry myself! LOL!!! My husband is so carefree and just goes with the flow, but me? Oh! If a picture frame is angled wrong I can't resist moving it back!! Terrible! But oh my that fireplace! It looks completely different and really changes the look of the room- it looks more "you"!!! It is gorgeous! The moulding is going to look fantastic! I can't wait to see the finished result. I am with you on the strangers in your house too. I am glad we never have to hire anything done because Marc and I do everything ourselves..........of course it takes ten times as long too. Always a positive and negative to everything- it's all in the attitude!!
Have a great one!
Heather :)

Anonymous said...

Oops, Rhonda, tell Ashley she'll be up Saturday! I already had tomorrow's post done. I hope that will be okay. I will give her a beautiful crowning!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Unknown said...

RHONDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That mantle is FABULOUS!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I love it! I am so excited for you! :)

Love the dresser too! I would love something like that in my home!


bj said...

I love the new look of the fireplace mantle..just beautiful.
And, I would LOVE to have a chest like this one, writing and all....
love, bj

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

The mantle looks so much better. I can't wait to see the new trim work when it is finished !
Have a blessed day dear !

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki
I'm still drifting through blogland catching up after Pittypat's visit. Your mantle is beautiful and I love the heavy look of the molding you're using. It makes me want to do more in our home. We only put in a little trim when we built the house and added more a couple of years ago. I'm ready for more and yes I know that feeling of relinquishing of control and I try to keep my mind on how it will all look when any project is going on. But isn't easy.

I love the idea from the magazine! Now I need to figure out where to use this.
A belated happy birthday to Ashley.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Rear Rhonda
Please forgive is early here and I was reading along in bloglandia as I said earlier trying to catch up...and when I stopped here, I was convinced you were Nikki not Rhonda! So Sorry!

I have the name of another race car builder who happens to be from our area and J worked with his mother for many many years. Tim McAmis. I think that's the spelling. Does that one sound familiar?

J has the coffee on, so perhaps my head will clear up soon!


Monogram Queen said...

No I am DEFINITELY not a fan of the stark minimalistic look i.e. modern or swedish modern either.

but I do love YOUR look!

Deb said...

Hi Rhonda, I love what your doing to your home. I want so much to do something with my fireplace. The idea that you found in the Country Home magazine would be beautiful on just about anything. Ashley was beautiful as a child and is a lovely young lady. Deb


beautiful mantel!!

Heidi said...

Hi Rhonda, The mantle looks amazing! And I love that you took the moulding all the way up! It makes your room seem just that much more important, by taking your eye up!...I just think that adding moulding & large base to a room is like adding jewelry to a dress!....So very pretty! And also, I received my Country Home in the mail...and immediately dog-earred that very page!!!! I adore that idea!!! Must do it!!! Let me know where you are thinking of adding a little phrase?.......Enjoy your weekend! And I posted about the Scooterblu Award tonight! Thank you...such a sweet idea! ...heidi XO

Kellie said...

I love your mantle!!! I think it is going to look fabulous! I understand completely about strangers in your space, though. NOT fun, but will be worth it when it is finished. Think of it that "this too shall pass" and it will not be as long as you thought. :)

Can't wait to see more pictures when it all gets finished. Hang in there, girl!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Ashley! Oh I love your mantel and the little dresser. So sweet and inspiring.Just beautiful!

Kimba said...

WOW! What a great makeover on your mantel. I can't wait to see it all finished. It's beautiful!

artis1111 said...

This is beautiful. Kathy

Sue said...


Love your mantle---can't wait to see what you do for Christmas.


Rebecca said...
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