Noritake Squirewood....

Old, very delicate, Made in Japan Tea pot...

Book Meme...
Lidian, over at Kitchen Retro, invited me to participate in a book meme. Lidian has a very unique and interesting blog, and I encourage you to visit, if you haven't already! She has the neatest authentic, collaboration of vintage kitchen ads, gadgets, and recipes. And, she is a sweet blogger! ...always a plus! :)
The instructions for the meme, were to take a book you are reading, and go to page 123. Record the 5th sentence, and post the following three also. I found a whimsical little book, Sunday, at Books a Million, called "GRITS Friends Are Forevah," by Deborah Ford. It was on the bargain table for $4.97. ...GRITS stands for Girls Raised In The South! I had to fudge a little, because p. 123 in the book, is actually quite short...so I counted the long, run-on sentences as two! LOL! Run-on sentences are very common in the south...we don't know when to stop talking sometimes!
Page 123...
GRITS Don't Pack Light
When we hit the road, GRITS know that the most important thing to take along is your girlfriend! When trying to figure out how you can fit everything you need for a long weekend trip into twelve suitcases, remember to bring a few of these along:
~ Your own hair dryer, Sure, even highway motels often have hair dryers these days, but they're usually low-power and low-quality. Southern Belles wouldn't dream of hitting the road with damp, frizzy hair, so bring a hair dryer that can handle your gorgeous tresses.
....I warned you they were long sentences! LOL!
~And with that, I will say good-bye for the day! Rhonda ;)
Those teapots are really pretty. And I like your book meme - funny!
Hey scooter...Loved the teapots and I gotta get me some of those GRITS books! lol Just taking a break..hadn't even had lunch yet! lol But the kitchen's clean and the floors are vacuumed! That little frog pic I copied from BJ's over at Sweet Nothings...and I added a frame and the words to the bucket! lol Hope you are having a great day...thanks for coming by!!!!
Love your teapots and chairs. I'm finally trying to get around to reading blogs some.
I looked at your tea pots --- and I found myself taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh! They are all so beautiful. I think it's amazing how many different kinds of tea pots there are, yet they are ALL beautiful! Each shape, color, design. . .use. . .story. . .memory. . .makes them so special. I'm so glad we've ended our blog-a-thon week on this note. Teapots seem the perfect way to complete our tea themes.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey Rhonda,
I am so glad you made it for the blogathon! I love your child's teaset. I love the violets! :)
I enjoyed seeing your tea pots! Hard to choose a favorite, maybe the one with violets!
I'm a GRITS girl!
Hi Rhonda,
I loved your teapots, I have a weakness for teapots and teacups, I got so many I had to quit buying, there was no more room for them!
I loved your books run on sentence, I do that all the time, never knowing when to stop talking, I swear I am a displaced Southern woman, and I too love to have my hair perfect and my makeup on! (See look at that run on sentence, will ya?!!!!)
Hugs and have a lovely 3 day weekend with your gorgeous family!
Donna Lynn
Beautiful teapots! That books sounds like it would be alot of fun to read!
These teapots are gorgeous! I collect tea pots and can not wait to finally get my china hutch painted so I can pull them out of their current cardboard box home! I miss looking at them! I am a southern girl at heart- I never know when to stop talking, or writing! I love your collection of chairs too! They are all so pretty. And the glimpse I got of your rooms makes me want to see more!!! What beautiful decor you have in your home. I have an obsession for furniture period- but am running out of room!
Thank You for the sweet comments on my blog. I love it when you stop by to visit! And you made my day knowing I am not the only one that has these decorating "dilemas"!
I figured out how to add blogs to my sidebar (thanks to Rue) so I put you on there today! See ya soon!!
-Heather :)
Hi Rhonda!
I love your teapots! I have a violet collection of pots & cups and your child's set is priceless!
Thank you so much for stopping by to visit! And for your prayers. I have bookmarked you so I can come see you regularly, I really enjoyed cruising through your blog, it's great! I think I must make that chocolate eclair dessert!
Hugs, Sherry
Dahlin' (southern can't you tell?), I wouldn't be caught dead without my hair dryer and my Chi iron! I love this book, I get a laugh out of it but it's soooo true!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Rhonda another great post, I love the teapots and sets. Deb
Beautiful teapots. Thanks for sharing!
P.S. I was surprised when I heard Bohemian Rhapsody, and even more surprised when I found that I still knew all the words. LOL! Deb
Ooooo! I love the lusterware! Lucky you!
Hi Rhonda, thank you so much for doing the meme with such a cool and fabulous souning book - I am going to have to get a hold of that. And I agree about taking your own hairdryer, the hotel ones are never right (New York girls with unruly hair like their hairdryers too!)
And thank you for the very sweet comments here, and at Kitchen Retro - you are quite delightful yourself, you know! :)
Can we say "high maintenance"!?!?!? My old Chi just died so I had to run out and get a new one. Luckily, I was in JC Penney's buying shampoo & conditioner and they had Chi's 20% off!!! I love the Redkin line of shampoos and conditioners (color extend in the shampoo). At Penneys at lot of times they will have buy one get one free or buy one get one for a penny. Since they are $11 a bottle, I jumped on that! My husband keeps his hair practically buzz cut (I hate it) so he doesn't even have to comb it. Recently he's let it "grow out" some!!!
My hair is so thick I don't need volume products but I do use the Silk Infusion, I love the way it smells. One time my DIL caught me dabbing it on my neck like perfume (call me crazy but I love the smell!).
Both daughter and DIL have Chi's too!
Love ya - Judy
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