Butter beans & okra,
Green beans & new potatoes,
Made from scratch chicken and pastry,
Fresh homemade banana pudding...
All delicious mouth-watering food, that can only taste better served in a vintage bowl!
Yes, it's probably all in my mind! But, I can still visualize the meals that my grandmothers and mother served, and just how tasty they were. I was never disappointed in anything that was scooped from those old bowls.

I've always had a fondness for vintage bowls, most likely stemming from my heritage, seeing them so often used!
So, began my collection of 25 years...
Homer Laughlin Orange Tree Mixing Bowl...

Fire King Jadite...

Years ago, I noticed that when I carried covered dishes to our church functions, I would return home with quite a bit of food. However, old vintage bowls that held food, probably cooked by "vintage" ladies, would be gone before everyone made it through the buffet line once!
Albeit a shaky beginning, to put it mildly, (LOL!)....I had over the years, with lots of practice, and trail and error, developed into a decent cook. So, I didn't feel like it was my cooking.
I soon packed up my pretty new, shiny bowls of the latest style, and pulled the old ones out of my vintage collection. After the next church gathering I took food to, I had empty bowls to bring home too! "smiles"

Above & Below...Pyrex Bowls....

Hope you have enjoyed my collection! I am shelling garden peas I picked up at the farmer's market this morning, in between downloading these pictures! Tonight, one of these bowls will be on my kitchen table, brimming with fresh sweet peas! ~Rhonda
I love those bowls. The ones in the last picture are really cute.
I tagged you for a meme. If you want to play, stop by my blog.
And thanks for all your nice comments on my blog!
Those are awesome bowls! I want to come to your house for dinner. The jadite is gorgeous with the berries. I'll have to try the vintage bowl idea next time I go to a potluck too. :D
Thanks for sharing!
For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.
Hi Rhonda,
I love those vintage bowls!!!! What treasures you have there! :) My bowl collection is definitely not as extensive as yours - mind if I borrow yours for my entertaining needs from time to time? ;)
I hope you are enjoying your day...
Hi Rhonda! This is a great post. I recognize some bowls like I have. I have a set of the nesting bowls in the avacado green, with one extra white one. Also have the jadite mixing pitcher and several others. I love using them!
Rhonda, those are lovely...and you are making me think maybe I do have other things besides ads to share on Thursdays, as I have a couple of mixing bowls from my mom - so thank you. You are inspiring me to use them more too! :)
yes I love vintage bowls too - they do a much better job of showing things off than ordinary bowls :-)
Yes, I did enjoy seeing your collection -- and hearing your theory. I'm sure you're correct!
You need to just pack up some of those peas in those gorgeous bowls (the blue pyrex are my favs) and drive some on over to TN for me. Love your collection! Thanks for sharing!
Rhonda, great post about your love of bowls. I have some bowls I love, too. My favorite is a pink bowl that holds our bananas.
Your Homer Laughlin bowl is gorgeous.
Great Bowls! I have the Aqua
purex bowl. They don't make them
like they used too! Love the Homer
Laughlin, the design is so pretty!
Rhona, your collection is stunning. Each and everyone is wonderful. Love the Homer Laughlin bowl. Gorgeous! What a great post. Thank you for sharing!
hugs, Celestina, la rea rose
Hi Rhonda...
Seeing that it's almost 1 am now, I am sure there are no sweet peas left... ~sigh~ Where I live, folks usually cook "slick dumplin's" with sweet peas... mmmmmmmmm, so good! Loved seeing your vintage bowls... I have the same Jadite pieces that you have! But I think your H. L. Orange Tree bowl is the most beautiful one in your post... thanks for the letter ~smiles~ hopefully this weekend I can write back... hope your dreams are sweet ones....
Good Evening Rhonda!
I loved the tour of your vintage bowls, my favorite was the Orange Tree Mixing Bowl, by Homer laughlin!
If I was at a potluck and you bought this with food in it, I would eat all the food and then hide it under my coat, sneak out the church doors all the while praying God wouldn't strike me with a lighting bolt for "borrowing" Rhonda's bowl for a bit!
I so enjoy each of your posts, Thank you for being so fun!
Donna Lynn
Love your collection of bowls- especially the Pyrex! Interesting pot-luck theory- meals from these bowls must look more trustworthy ;)
You are the sweetest thing. Thanks so much for stopping by our little corner of the world and for you very kind comments. Now how on earth would I start a blog? I wouldn't have a clue.. but now you might have planted a seed.. hmmm do I dare? Guess that one will have to grow on me a bit. lol. I love all of your beautiful things. Those bowls are awesome, I recall my Grandmother having a couple of them. I believe one of my Aunts has them now. What treasures they are. Thanks again for swinging in, stop again anytime. It is an honor. Lynne
Yes I did, enjoy your beautiful bowls, they were beautiful and so was the story behind them. Lovely post Rhonda, as always. Deb
Hey Scooter!! Oh girl are we twins!!! lol lol Vintage bowls call me! Seriously...I almost cry when I see them....I too grew up with my mom and grandmother using them everyday and on Sundays at the church gatherings and all day singings the tables were filled with beautiful vintage bowls and the food...oh my word could those ladies cook!!!! I adore some of the pyrex collections...I even bought some sets off of eBay that I loved....I have one bowl left from my mom's old set that I use all the time....ohhhh I loved your collection! I too feel like I belong back in another time with a big farmhouse and chickens outside and a clothesline..ohhhh! Sigh..ohhhh and the shelling the peas..girl I wish I was there with you..I often think about going to the farmer's market and buying some peas just to bring home and sit on the porch and shell them...I grew up doing that all my young life and it was hard work but the times spent talking with my grandmothers was priceless..Lordy...where is a kleenex!!!! Great post Scooter..I loved it..have agreat weekend friend!
Grandma had many Fire King Jadite bowls and Mom and her both had one of those bowls with the handle and spout, only theirs was gold colored. I was given a set of the Amish Pyrex for a wedding gift in 1966. My daughter now has those.
Enjoyed visiting with you. You have a wonderful collection.
We had this last set of bowls when I was little. I love the thought of the vintage ladies with their wonderfuly prepared foods in these vintage bowls. Love your collection!
Great collection! I love the Homer Laughlin the best, I think! My mom has the turquoise nesting set and my sister has the Bicentennial version in gold. I have the set of 4 Pyrex each in a different color. My mom got 2 sets as wedding gifts and one stayed in the basement until I moved out and took them!
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