Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Carolina Style Tea Party For Two...

Set the Table, Tea Is On....

The challenge for this week's Gracious Hospital-i-Tea Blog-a-Thon, was to create a table setting dressed for tea. There is nothing more southern, than sweet iced tea served on a warm afternoon, out on the porch of a Carolina home! A tall refreshing glass of tea is usually accompanied by sweet cakes and cookies, and whatever fruit may be in season; strawberries in the spring, watermelon in the heat of the summer.

I invite you to join me , on the porch of the "G" home, as we sip cool ice tea, chat about our day, listen to the crickets chirp, and watch the sun go down....

Welcome, have a seat and enjoy ~Rhonda....


Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL. The butterfly napkin rings are great. You've set a lovely tea table...

Vee said...

Now that looks perfectly charming and welcoming. I saved some of my hot tea from yesterday for iced tea today...excellent. :D

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I love it all! The dishes, the napkin ring, the glasses, the monogramed napkins....fantastic! And I have the same monogramed flag in my yard!

La Tea Dah said...

Your back porch tea --- so inviting and fresh and stylish! Everything looks so comfortable and relaxing. I'd love to join you for a cup of your sweet iced tea --- and enjoy some of the crickets sound, laughter, and great conversation! Thank you for sharing!!!!


Donna Lynn said...

Wish I could come over and enjoy this with you! It is just beautiful, love the dishes too!
Have a great rest of your week, hope you are having lovely weather in your neck of the woods!
Hugs, Donna Lynn

Unknown said...

Very pretty setting. I love the green glasses!

Cathy said...

How pretty! I just love the butterfly pitcher!

Cathy :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for inviting me. I've had a lovely time. I love the butterflies and birds. Your dishes are beautiful. Very nice post.

A Hint of Home said...

Goregous setting. I'd love to drop by. I love your napkin rings as well as everything else. Your welcome flag is sooooooo cute. Where did you find it?

The basket on my front door is from Bi-Lo grocery store in the floral section. (If NC has that store)

on the ROCKS said...

I'll be right over I'm sure we could chat up a storm. I love the napkin rings. You have set such a pretty table. I also like your new pictures at the top of you page. Have a Great Day!

Just A Girl said...

Hi Rhonda,
Oh how lucky you are to have a front porch to sit on and sip iced tea. Your table for two looks so welcoming. I love the contrast of the black iron with the white floral dishes. Very elegant looking. This is fun isn't it!

bj said...

Ummmm, this is just delightful.
Thanks for the lovely invitation.
I do believe I have to return the favor, so one day this week or at least in the next, I will invite everyone to MY cottage for
TEXAS SWEET TEA and fixin's !!!!
We aren't as gracious as in the South but we sure have some goodies to enjoy.....I don't know if you've been over to THE PIONEER WOMAN COOKS but she has some of the BEST, real down-home cooking and is so funny, you nearly die laughing....she isn't in TEXAS but she is married to the MARLBORO MAN, has 3 or 4 little guys and cooks for a slew of cowhands that work their ranch. She isn't the roses/tea cakes/flirty stuff but she is a riot.
When I post, I'll be sure to let you know so you can come see me....
hugs, bj

Mrs. B said...

How pretty everything looks! I like your "g" banner! The new photo collage looks great too! I'm going to have to give that a try!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda,
Love your new banner and your post for today. I am so happy that summertime is here. Yippee! I can't wait to sit on my porch sometime this week and just go through my decor magazines or my book. Hope your week is going good.

LeAnn :)

Anonymous said...

It looks so inviting, and I love those green glasses. I'll be happy to bring a dessert.

Bonita said...

Oh so lovely! It appears someone has a talent for decorating!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda... You did an awesome job setting your porch for afternoon tea ~ simply beautiful. I totally agree with you about Southern sweet iced tea; especially North Carolina tea! I was born there, so I have a fondness for such Southern delights. I enjoy adding a lil wedge of fresh lemon in my tea... mmmmmmmm ~smiles~ Hope you have a wonderful day!


Kathy said...

Love the butterfly napkin rings and pitcher. The little birds are so sweet too. Really pretty tea setting...Kathy

bj said...

Mornin', Scooter...
Come on over and have a glass of iced tea with me today !! :o)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful job! I love the green glass!

Denise said...

I will have to say there is NOTHING as refreshing as a tall glass of good ole Southern Sweet Tea! Your tea setting looks so inviting! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!

Denise said...

I will have to say there is NOTHING as refreshing as a tall glass of good ole Southern Sweet Tea! Your tea setting looks so inviting! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!