So Pull up a Chair, and Stay Awhile...
Dining Room Chairs...
I found the two upholstered chairs at a thrift shop for $20 each! The chairs around the table were inherited from Kevin's paternal grandmother.
Some of you might remember this chair that I found at a yard sale a couple of weeks ago, for $15. It is now painted, but I still have not completed the upholstering.

This poor chair has high-milage! It has been moved from room to room and has found a home in the master bathroom...for the time-being! :)
I found this red slipper chair, for my master bedroom on Overstock...
This is a cozy little reading area, on the landing upstairs. The chair was found at the Raleigh State Fairgrounds Flea Market.
This is certainly not the prettiest chair in the house, but it is the most comfortable. husband's massage chair. He has a lot of back problems, and we found this at Sharper Image, half price, when they were going out of it had to fit the decor somehow, somewhere!
Do you have a favorite chair?
There is no better place to curl up with a good book or a small child in your lap, or to sit and visit with a friend, than a favorite, cozy chair....
~'Til Tommorow, Rhonda
Hey Scooter....Ohhh I loved the 'tour' of chairs! lol lol I am that way with dishes and lamps! Hope you are having a great day and thanks so much for coming by today...I really appreciate it!
Rhonda, I love all of your chairs. If you can't find the manual to your camera just look up your camera model on the web. I just looked up Picket's camera. She has macro. It's the little flower symbol. I think most of the recent camera have it. I remembered reading about it and just never tried it. Duh!!! You'd think I was still blonde. Hugs, Terrie
Thanks for sharing your chairs, they are beautiful!!! Come by and take a look at my tea pot chair in the sun room. Nancy
Ohh I just want to know which ones you are getting rid of so i can book my u-haul truck?? My camera is a Sony 7.2 megapixel...that's all I know about it because it's on the front of it (lol) macro is a small flower looking button then when on increases depth and clarity and allows for really great close-ups as long as you have a steady hand!~~Best of luck! French;)
Hey Terrie I resemble that remark I am blonde (lol)~~~ha ha
Thank you for visiting my blog! You have a great blog! I have a thing for chairs too! I don't have as many cool ones as you, but I always drool over them and I buy too many. My problem is I buy project chairs and never get around to doing the project!
I love what you did with your garage sale chair in your bedroom, it looks really pretty!
:0) Sharon
Fun post. I enjoyed seeing lots of your chairs. I can't say I have a favorite. I guess I'd have to say my computer chair since my bottom always seems to be glued to it. LOL!
Hi Rhonda, I love all of your chairs, even your husbands massage chair, I could just feel myself sitting there getting the once over. I spotted the cane chair and the paint job looks beautiful. I can't tell at all that you're not finished with the upholstering. Deb
Oh, I love your chairs! And your house is beautiful! Right now I really don't have a favorite chair - maybe I need to buy a couple. :)
What a fun tour, and what great chairs. I'm currently looking for a chair for our bedroom, but I haven't spotted the perfect one yet.
I have chair envy. I love your chair collection. You have great taste. I love your house it is a beautiful place to display your chairs. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for coming by. I love the chairs and you find such good bargains! My favorite chair was just purchased a few months ago. It's an oak glider like the one my mother used to have. It's so comfortable to sit in and read. During cold wintry days it was great to sit in it and soak in some sunshine from the southern window that it sits by! Thanks again for stopping by. I look forward to reading all of your blog!
Hi Rhonda,
What a great post!!! I love the reading chair you got at the fleamarket at the state fair. I love your attitude about chairs - I have to admit I have never thought of chairs that way before, but maybe I might start doing that... :)
Thanks for sharing! By the way, my post on the Lady Carlyle china is up...
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