This Mother's Day Weekend, was spent with all the special "girls" in my life, and doing some of the things we love for flowers and one of kind goodies, and eating at our favorite restaurants! I had a fabulous time with them all! We traveled the globe in our little slice of the world, so to speak, over the course of our adventure filled weekend! And oh, the laughs we all shared! "smiles"
I'd like to share some of the highlights...
On Saturday, Frances (MIL), Leighann (SIL), and Katie (niece), drove over to spend the day with Ashley and I. All of the "men folk," met us later that night to eat at our local favorite barbecue restaurant. We began with a tour of my Uncle's gardens. He was in the process of thinning out his iris' and other plants, and very generously shared cuttings, bulbs, and flowers with each of us! ....What a great way to start the day!!!"

The sacrifices I make for my blog...LOL! I was up, outside first thing this morning, dressed in my bright green and pink flamingo PJ's, trying to get this planted so I could take PICTURES!!! Can you imagine what the neighbors thought?.... Somehow, I don't think any of my quirkiness phases them anymore! LOL!
We shopped at a local "country" craft and gift shop, and I found this beautiful flower Mom's Day Gift from me, to me! LOL!
On Sunday, Ashley and I picked up my mom, and we headed to the big city of Wilmington, for lunch at a local fine Italian restaurant! It was delicious, as always. Afterwards, we went to a new place called Blue Moon Gift Shops. It is a collaboration of over 100 booths, and each of them is quite charming! They have a web site:
Out of Eden Soaps...I felt like a princess while in this magical, whimsical booth...oh, the creativity abounds!!!
The Pink Feather Lamp....How precious is that???
Some booths contained antiques, and this one featured vintage linens...

I love items with witty sayings and cartoons...these were a few of my favorites...

These were the highlights of my weekend, but the most significant one, was the company I kept! I had such a wonderful time with my mom, daughter, mom-in-law, sister-in-law, and niece! I hope that we do not wait for another holiday to repeat this grand adventure, next weekend is already looking good! "smiles" ~Rhonda
Hey Scooter..Sounds like a fabulous day and I could just see you in your pink and green pj's! Sounds like something I would do only in my frogie!!! lol I loved the shops and that vintage linen corner..ohhh I was drooling on that one...loved that...So glad you had such a great day and shared it with us!
Love all the pics. And I DO like the chocolate shirt! I also like what you bought - very pretty.
Sounds like you ladies had a wonderful day! I love Wilmington. Such a pretty place near the beach. The shops look divine!Great eye candy! So glad you all had the day to yourselves.
It sounds like a perfect day. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Boy I would have loved to be with you guys at the shop. They sure had some adorable things. What was in the dice packages. Very cute. Thanks for coming by and leaving a sweet comment. See you again soon!
Now thats what I call a fun day, thanks for the great eye candy.
Hands down, you had a wonderful Mothers Day, I would of loved to see you out front in your amazing PJ's too! I often garden in mine early in the AM, (gosh wonder if passing cars can see me very well????) What a blessing you got to be with your Mom and your MIL shopping and having an all girl adventure!
Have a great week, I will check in later...
Donna Lynn
Hi Rhonda... Sure did enjoy reading about your day with the girls! What FUN!! Loved all of the pics, too... made me smile.
I want to thank you for visiting me and leaving such kind comments, but mostly for your prayers. It has not been an easy road. My heart still aches so much for Cat.
Oooooooooo... so tickled to have you for my swap partner!! It's going to be alot of fun, don't you think?! And, guess what? ~It's my first swap, too~ We can figure this out together... please send me your email address, as I did not see it on your side bar (you can find mine on my side bar)... I have already been busy working on some goodies for you ~teasing chuckle~
Have a blessed day, sweetie!
Hey Rhonda... You got it right when you said the swap feels like Christmas! I'm not sure about the other girls level of excitement, but I'm just going to think that ours is over-the-top since we are so new at it! ~eyes twinkling with delight~
I have to leave soon for another test today. Hopefully I will be strong enough for some junking 'cause the thrift shop in the town we'll be in has half-off everything on Tuesdays! YAY!!! But I promise to send an email tonight after I get settled back in.
Have a beautiful day!
I'm sure you were a sight in those bright pj's . It's the price we sometime pay to get our work done early isn't it? Sounds like you gals had a blast. And the flowers from you to you are gorgeous. Thanks again for stopping by. I hope you'll return when you can I know I'll come back to visit you on a daily basis. My daughter vacations yearly in N.C. she loves the ocean. Not sure where she gets it. We live in mid-America USA in the a small farmin community. Guess that's what the Lord has put in her heart. Hope you have a great day. Hugs to you dear friend. Lynne
Hi Rhonda,
What a FUN day you had. I am so glad you had a good Mother's Day!:)
Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures.
Thanks also for stopping by my blog, and the compliments for my pink china. I am think I am going to do a post on the dishes sometimes this week. I just need to have some time to take the pictures. :)
Talk to you later - enjoy the rest of your day!
Sounds like a fun time. Nothing like wonderful family and I love those booth type shops.
What an inspirational mother's day you had! I'm so glad you could enjoy time with the special women in your life! Plants and nurseries, gift shops, and eating out -- it doesn't get much better than that!
I enjoyed my visit here today. The music is so soothing and pretty --- and I just relaxed and enjoyed reading your posts.
Enjoy a beautiful week!
Hi Rhonda, you all had a wonderful outing, I love going to events like that. So much to see, to taste. I love the flower arrangement that you made and especially the black pot! Do you feel strange outside taking pictures and wondering what the neighbors may be thinking?. I know I do. Well you've been busy and busy having fun. Have a great day, Rhonda. Deb
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