Two more days and the kids will be out of school..."Oh Boy, Oh Boy!
Prayers Needed! "smiles"
This week for Show and Tell, I wanted to share something that cost very little, but is priceless to me!
Wednesday, when I picked up Ashley from school, she had a bundle of flowers/weeds wadded in her hand. She jumped in the car and said, these are for you Mom!
Lisa, a new blogger, over at "Stop and Smell the Chocolates," sent me a meme challenge earlier in the week. If you haven't visited Lisa yet, please do. She loves chocolate, Jesus, and her family...not necessarily in that order! LOL! ...and she is so funny and sweet!
The rules were, to create a six word MEMOIR of yourself and challenge five other bloggers to try it also. I'm offering an open invitation...anyone that would like to participate, please do and let me know, so I can check it out!
My Memoir is:
"Old Soul in a Younger Body!"
I love the conveniences of the modern world...Air Conditioning, Cars with Air Conditioning, Scrubbing Bubbles Cleaner, Flat Hair Irons, Spanx...
But I also adore staying at home with my family,making a home for them. I am no June Cleaver....

But I love the simpler days of old, vintage items, and the value system and morals...should I just say...MANNERS!
I think I was born way after my time! "smiles"
But I am quite thankful that dresses and high heels are no longer required for housework!!!
Hi Rhonda, this is a great post! I loved it! Great story about the flowers/weeds, tell Ashley she's the best daughter ever! I am also, looking forward to Design Star that's one of my favorites. Hope your weekend is great we'll by having my youngest grandson's First Birthday party tomorrow, I will take lot's of pictures. Deb
Thank you so much for your kind words - I got a tear in my eye!
Those "weeds" are precious. I often get dandelions from my son - the fact that they stop and think "mom needs some flowers" is so sweet.
I have not watched Design Star - thank you for mentioning it. I think I will really like it.
I love your memoir meme! I know what you mean - my husband and I often say that we would have enjoyed living in the 1950's when life was simpler, but we sure do love today's conveniences, medical advances, bigger chocolate selection...ha, ha!
Hugs and blessings to YOU!
Our children mean everything to us, don't they? They always hold our heartstrings.
Thanks for coming by and visiting me. The story of the flowers aka weeds is so sweet. My grandson loves to pick just the tops of flowers for me....many times they are floating in a cup of water! Have a great weekend.
Enjoyed your post. I well remember Mrs Cleaver and Aunt Bea. None of us can live up to either of them. LOL
Our kids (Ontario) won't be out of school for another month but they don't go back until September. That will come soon enough. I watch the grandsons while their parents work and it is a challenge to keep them busy.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my S&T post.
Hello there Rhonda,
Hope this finds you having a wonderful day! My kids used to do the same thing with the weeds... Josh, used to always pick the ones with the seed head, (try to keep those things on while you telling them how sweet they are!) I started spraying them with hairspray, worked like a charm, he was one happy boy! It is fun to see the Weeds in our life through the eyes of a child...
Have a great and blessed weekend!
Donna Lynn
What a sweet bouquet from your daughter!
Hi Rhonda! What a sweet bouquet! Much better than roses!
I think your 6 word memoir was great! I think there are a lot of us who enjoy the modern conveniences, but yearn for a simpler time. And you know, I bet June Cleaver would have loved Scrubbing Bubbles and Spanx!
Hope you have a great weekend and thank you so much for not giving up on me! We're going to have to buy a new computer, but our files will be able to be saved. Hopefully I'll have time to go shopping for one this weekend!
What a great post, Rhonda. There could be no more beautiful bouquet the ones you described!...Kathy
Hi Rhonda,
So glad to meet you! Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you come back again soon.
I love your precious flowers. I remember when I was little, picking wildflowers (weeds;-)) for my mom.
p.s. I am adding your blog to my favorites list on my sidebar...
Hi Rhonda... What a loving post. Your "flower" story reminded me of the 5th post I made on my blog. So sweet that you got photos!
I can sooo relate to your 6 word memoir... having always thought of myself as an "ancient soul"... time travel would be fun! I hope you're having a great weekend...
God bless.
Rhonda, I love your beautiful flowers! What a sweet gesture from your daughter. She loves you. What could be better than that?!
Hugs, Tammy
I enjoyed your S&T! Nothing sweeter than a little fist full of wild flowers!
Wonderful post! Love the flowers! I'm anxious for Design Star too.
Hey Scooter..hope you are having a beautiful Monday girl! Loved the flowers...some of my sweetest gifts were little weeds given to me by little hands! Take care friend and I'll catch you later!
"I'm becoming my mother" and "I dreamed my whole house was clean" is right on target!...I've got my seat ready for June 8!...Kathy
I, too, am thrilled that Design Star is back...I had so much fun watching the last one and was pulling for Kim Myles all the way. I was delighted that she won.
Oh, and be sure to send me a picture or pictures of some pretty kitchens!!
hugs, bj
Hi Rhonda, I love your post and wonderful story of the flowers/weeds. I know they are precious when those darling little hands hold them up to give. Doesn't get better. Design Star is one of my favorites too. Looking forward to the new season in June!
Love your memoir meme. Great show and tell. Have a blessed day!
la rea rose
Hi, Rhonda ...
Thank you so much for the kind words you left on my blog. I'm so glad they led me to yours and I have added you to my favorites. I can't wait to read more ... you have such a gracious way with words.
Your story about your sweet Ashley bringing you the weeds gave me chill bumps and made me teary-eyed. I remember those bouquets from my children and there's just nothing like little hands clutching (way too tightly) a bunch of clover or weeds and precious smiles on their faces. Enjoy this summer with yours ... they grow up oh, so quickly.
I look forward to reading more of your stories soon and hope you will visit me again, too.
Rhonda: I'm glad you invited me over bz you seem to have the same core values I do. I so much enjoy your blog. I think I'm going to try your memoir idea later! Cindy
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